Need help and advise on marrying a foreign spouse.

Hi all,

I am devasted and emotionally stress out.

I am marrying a thai foreign gf whom i have known for 3 years. I got to know her when i was travelling to bangkok back in 2020 and been together since then

My gf used to get sent back for illegal working on her second day of her trip back in 2016 and have never set foot into Singapore ever since then.

Profile of myself/future spouse

Thai Female, Age 32 - Currently working as home based business in Bangkok

Singaporean Male, 34, Chinese

Monthly income : $6.5KSGD fixed basic pay excluding commission. (All commission are cpf deductable)

My NoA assessment for FY22/23 are around 100-180k

I have applied for PMLA assessment on both occasion but was informed it is not successful. Even with supporting documents of my income.

I have also written to ICA to ask for permission to enter via form 14 local sponsorship and was told that the appeal is not successful.

Our ROM is in August 2023 and I really don't know what I can do. There isn't any channel that I can go down to ICA to explain the case or talk to any officers as such application available channel is via email.

If anyone have any advise or will be able to help, thank you so much!


My case same as you

Sorry to say, but illegal work is a MAJOR offense in Singapore. Once deported for it, she is probably never allowed to set foot on Singapore again.

So, if you still want to marry her, do it outside of Singapore (e.g. Thailand?) and settle with her in another country as well (e.g. Thailand?).

By the way: Income for work performed outside of Singapoe is not taxable here. I guess IRAS still takes your money if you volunteer to pay, but necessary it is not. (So why yould you?)

Yes, I agree, if all else fail I will look into relocate. Thanks Beppi!