Travel back to US while waiting for the first PdS


I am going to apply for the permesso di soggiorno for family unification (my wife is an Italian citizen resides in Italy and I am a US citizen).  My question is: can I travel back to my home country (US) after I receive the receipt from the post office.   I have seen this question been asked many times and different answers were given with different conditions other than mine (such as the reason for stay is for study or job, counties w/o visa waiver program, destination country not home country and etc.)

It looks like once I get the receipt of the first PdS, I can stay, even after 90 days, without being considered as over stay.  The question is after 90 (in my case not even 90) days can I still leave for US and re-entry Italy, without connecting at any other Schengen States.  As a US citizen, I do not need visa to entry Italy (nor the consulate would give me any),  but will that 90/180 day rule applies here with the receipt?  Because if it still applies, then I would be considered over stay when I leave Italy, and would not be able to reenter until another 90 days later, if i am not banned 1f625.svg.

Does anyone have the same or similar issue?  Thoughts?

Thank you.


@dxphoto im also waiting to go back to my country. But because i have my first pds so i can't go until i receive my soggiorno


For real?  I heard this is a long long process, what if there is an emergency at home in the home country? 

@dxphoto hey, I'm in the same situation. Did you manage to leave Italy in the end? Did you have any issues?

In my opinion, Yes, you can travel. I have collected the following references, though I am in the same situation and planning to travel this month.From the Polizia di Stato, Italy a University in Italy:

can I travel to Turkey with italian resident permit

@Dorothy Asante In my opinion, you will need to apply for a Visa, though you can apply online. You can get to know more from this link :