DP pass application for son

Can I get any advise on DP approval even though MOM notification of salary is rejected ? We did apply DP even salary update in MoM system is rejected. Now it take still about two weeks . We give all the approved payslip to MOM while updating for increase of salary.Any advise on it . Please share with us .

If your salary does not fulfill the requirements for DP, it will be rejected.

Salary 6K is updated with 3 months payslip and MOM rejected salary update and they suggested next renewal  we can update the salary. Our DP application is also submitted . in this case , how is our application process ?

May I know how long you take from apply update salary to you get the update salary rejected? cause I'm still wait for MOM reply my update salary detail


What's the status of your application..how long it takes for salary update and later DP process