
Advice on my F-card

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Hi everyone. I need some advice please. I live with my Belgian partner and got my F-card this year. Our relationship is rocky. :( If incase things don’t work out, I would like to know if my Belgian partner can cancel my residency card and would I be sent back to my home country? If anyone has information or personal experience, I would be pleased to read your advice. Thank you.

See also

Traveling to BelgiumBelgium Nationality 2024L card / Unlimited Single Permit (Flemish)Single permit processing 2025F card move out
Hey. If you just came to Belgium and that because of your relationship, and you have not lived with him/her for 3 years and you do not work as well, then sorry. There are bright chances that you will be sent back. If you are doing job, then there might be chances in your favour. Or you marry someone else(belge or european) immediately after divorce. These are options for you.
The key is: "working" and have a salary higher than 1845,48€ after tax per month.
You'll easily be able to switch to the A card.
I have a question. Even of you're married for 3 years now. I mean we're married since august 2019 till now but the thing is we're not living together in a same roof last year of december. so basically we're not on the same address anymore . If we file a divorce this year or early next year is it possible for me to retain my fcard or my residency? I have a vast contract already since 2019 and working till now. Thank you

You don't have to post the same thing twice!
Or you marry someone else(belge or european) immediately after divorce. These are options for you.
- @ABS25

Not very wise, they can be deemed as a sham marriage then you have a whole load of more trouble.
If you divorce within the 3 years, it's likely that the immigration will try to cancel your card, unless you're working, have an accommodation and are in order of mutuality.
Worst case scenario you switch to a A card.

Again, the key is: "working"

@Guest8694 Hi. Did you change your address officially also?


Hello @ABS25, please note that Guest8694 is no longer a member of the website. All username starting with Guest are deleted profiles.

All the best




can i hold my F Card after divorce with my belgian citizian husband after 8 months of marriage


can i hold my F Card after divorce with my belgian citizian husband after 8 months of marriage


you should check with your citihall.

f card is given under condition = marriage. I don’t see yet why one can sill have it after divorce (break condition in any case) within 3 years the card was given…

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