Unmarried man and woman traveling together in a car


That's exactly my question. I'm planning a travel to Bahrain with a female friend but I was wondering whether I could have any issues with the police, as we aren't related to each other.

Also, do you think I will have any issues booking a room together in Bahrain?

No issues anywhere.

Bahrain you can show up at a hotel with three woman to stay, in one room and they won't bat an eyelid (except charge you extra for guests) 😂..... Excluding the family hotels frequented by saudis.

@XTang But, won't we have issues traveling by car within Saudi Arabia?We both are expats, no tourists, both as well with Iqama. I'm afraid of this:https://stepfeed.com/saudi-police-arrest-unmarried-couple-who-were-in-a-car-together-5674I don't want to get arrested and deported just for sharing a car with a female friend!Thanks a lot!

In the past, there were issues. Not anymore.
God bless you. You've helped me so many times. A big THANKS!

Generally Bahrain won't ask if husband/wife etc they will just give you same is also in dubai.

In saudi you cant and traveling together not  an issue like before when mutawa had power.

Bro what happened with you? Did you travel with you girlfriend to Bahrain?

I think it would be better to get the marriage certificate