
Romania to Schengen on Romanian TRC

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Romania to Schengen on Romanian TRC for work is it possible? what is the requirements? process?

See also

Visas for RomaniaHow to get a Romanian visaRomania spouse visaDocument relatedRomania Air Schengen for Non EU

If you only have the right to work in Romania then no, you can not work in the Schengen zone.

Romania isn't apart of Schengen zone so cannot work ,live or visit on your Romania permit.You gotta apply for a Visa.
Depending on your nationality, you might not need a visa to visit Shengen if you have a residence permit in Romania (permis de sedere). However, it doesn't give you the right to work in the Shengen area, that's for sure.


Hello Deep, do you have any iddea if with a romanian permis sedere for work purpose you can travel in eu countries in your work interest? With a delegation documents from the company or accompanied by your boss?


I know plumber's work and I live in Malaysia doing this work for five years can I go with a romania work visa?

Sajid Sajid

I need a work Romania I am from Bangladesh


@rahamotullasarkar1971 Yes Obtain a valid work permit in Plumbing and there are many companies who need plumber as well.


@claudiukrk Romania isn't apart of Schengen zone so cannot work ,live or visit on your Romania permit.You gotta apply for a Visa.


@SimCityAT  Ok Boss

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