Romania family reunification visa 3rd time rejected

hi i  need urgent help ..please if somebody can figure out the refusal reason of my Romanian family visa
my Romania family visa 3rd time is gone rejected ..and the reason i can not understand

reason is
                                  ( Art.27 alien.(2) letter E from romanian OUG 194 200

" ( Art.27 alien.(2) letter E from romanian OUG 194 200"

I believe it should be 194 2002" (2002 being the year this piece of legislation went into effect. … a_2008.php
Sectiunea 3 - Conditii generale de acordare a vizelor
Articolul 27 - Acordarea vizei romane
e) nu exista motive sa se considere ca viza este solicitata in scopul migrarii ilegale;
e) there are no reasons to consider that the visa is being sought for the purpose of illegal migration

Which is kind of odd, you would think that this is a qualifying reason, not a reason for the visa to be rejected, but that is what it says. Unless you misunderstood.

I am really not get the point of rejection of the  visa

So they just refused with out any reason ?

Hi, have you got the visa? I think there was some issue with your documents. Thats why

I am interested but I need visa

rajkumartimalsina49 wrote:

I am interested but I need visa

Then get one?

SimCityAT wrote:
rajkumartimalsina49 wrote:

I am interested but I need visa

Then get one?

As it pertains to this topic, one needs a family (or at minimum a legitimate spouse) first.  :)

you took a wrong process.....
Your question and comments are not clear to me. Try a googleTranslate. It might help.