Letting go

Sometimes you feel a big choking feeling in your throat wondering if tomorrow will be any better, how will you get by coming days, whether to go back and start afresh but you remember the situation that awaits you is much worse than where you are now. It seems things are getting darker you can only sleep to avoid hunger dark thoughts creeping in your mind if tomorrow you don't wake up would it be better?  You feel the ocean breeze water getting deeper and colder by each step if only you countinue and never look back, all the sorrows will wash away would anyone really care?.


Great thoughts & quite emotional as well

One should always be prepared for everything in life


I am going through that kind of situation right now. I always thought that this will be the lowest point I will reach. But the next day will make it even deeper. Don't know when this will end. One day I will rise...

Learning to swim, physically or metaphorically, seems to be in order

Like going through the motions