Belgium Nationality waiting period

@BMM996210 how to login mijn dossier


Hi, first you need your ID card inserted into your card reader and have that connected to your laptop/desktop.

Then open

it will prompt to find your signature and then you need to enter your pin number.

Once approved, you can enter and see your details.


Almost 3 months for me and no reply from the commune...

@Rd Devils hooray brussel commune is very difficult to get decision you most be wait long time for decision

@mansurdostakhel82 1000 brussel take long time get decision mostly  6 months

@Rd Devils hooray has the police come for verification?

if yes, then keep looking on mijndossier for an update. I got mine after 3.5 months after application (2 months after police visit).

If police did not come, then perhaps they wait for the mandatory 4 months time with the prosecutor and then to the city for final procedure. In that case it can take about 6 months total.


Thanks for the reply. Im in Uccle, which means Brussels region. Ive heard there are no police visits aroind here. I am happy is this is approved in 2024, by the the special tax status in Belgium comes to an end and the taxman wont come hunting for more taxes in my case (one of the requirements for the sp tax status is not to bevome a belgium national)

@BMM996210 A friend applied in Laden no police visit got decision on 3.5 month mark.

@woodcook also in  brussel no police visit the take long time get decision

@woodcook you waiting also for nationaliteit

@mansurdostakhel82 my girl friend is waiting.

@BMM996210 please what exactly should we check for in the mijn dossier?


I received my nationality after waiting period of 4 months 10 days.

@Fah83 which commune?


You  have the link on my applications.

in that you have multiple options and one of them is a document of Belgium Nationality.

Normally it should be inactive. In case it is active, then click it and you will see when it was approved. (you are then Belgian if that link is active).


Thats really good if that happens. I got mine too in 3.5 months but after a police check...

@BMM996210 if that becomes do one have to wait to get a notice from the commune or can we just go there once we noticed that the document is activie in mijndossier ?

My gf citizenship application is positive (the duration from application to the date of approval has seen on the document she downloaded from mijn dossier is 3.5 months).

She is able to download the nationality document but has not received any letter from the commune.

Is it advisable for her to go to the commune and request for a new card or she should wait until the commune sends her a letter informing her of the decision/asking her to come apply for a new card?


These is no need to go at the commune at this point. She has to wait for commune to invite her to apply for ID.  As the ID card is mantatory for all Belgian citizens they are going to sent the invitation to go and apply for ID.

@woodcook Just go and get it. You dont need to wait for the letter from the commune.

I did the same. The day I saw on mijndossier, I took an appointment and went to the commune with the print out from mijn dossier.

They just took my current ID (L Card) and they could already see that the Nationality is approved on the system.

They processed my ID and I got it the very next day (as I did the fast process).

So from experience I would say just to go the commune and get your ID.

PS: I got the letter from the commune after 1 month and by that time I already had my nationality and also my travel passport. :)

@BMM996210 Thanks a lot. One month after approval is a long time. A friend in Wallonia had the same issue saw it in mijn dossier went to his commune after 2 days to request for a new card. Few weeks later he got the mail from the commune. I don't know it takes it to send out the letter.

Total time from application to approval - 3.5 month (no police visits! Took 2 days to receive confirmation that application as been forwarded to Brussels)

Total time from approval to receipt of letter from commune - 6 working days

Total time from application of eID and receipt of ID card - 3 days.