Runaway case

@logicalindian I have one problem more my employer 2 time he touch my body I make video

Please report it to your nearby police station also report it to Ministry of labor Hotline No. 80008001


LMRA Expatriate Services: +973 17103103

@logicalindian so I report police department so I have chance to work outside

@logicalindian sir please help me have chance to work outside when I report police

Not sure, but looks like your concern is working outside than reporting your employer for wrong doing.

@logicalindian i don't want to go home also I don't want to work again house because this house give me too much pain

I would suggest you exit the country, search for a new employer and come back.

@XTang Good evening sir,

My company has filed a case of absconding against me, I filed a case in the civil court but it was also rejected from there, now my company is ready to close the case, can my boss close the case?


my old sponsor give complaint again me i dont know is it run away or what how to check my new sponsor try to apply visa but it got rejected


i changed my job 2 months ago after mobility my nee got late to apply my visa but now when she applied my visa it got rejected after processing and she said my ild sponsor put complain against me can u tell this complain is regarding what is it run away case or what but i gave him resignation and all

Approach LMRA wth proof that you didn't runaway.


Hello can i ask some thing..

I run away to my employer bcoz my 1 year is done..i dont have visa and cpr to them...and then my friend check the immigration the cr# of the company it is block by the is possible to file the case to me....i under the name of the brother my employer not their name....

Thank u...

Case can only be filed by the person who sponsored your visa.


But their cr # is blocked by the law..

Read what I wrote.  Your question has been answered.


Hello sir I work for a company 10 month after I resigned but the put me on runaway I have a new company the whant to give me visa how to do ?


Hello sir work 10 month for a company after I resigned but the put me on runaway because I don't give my resignation letter after that I get a new job the whant to give me visa how to remove the case ?


sir goodmorming my girlfriend shes in jail now because of the run away case. shes 10days now and i ask the philippine embassy about her status they told me shes going hoom soon her ticket make booking. so how many days booking finish?

I have no idea what you asked. A ticket booking will last till flight time. If that is what you were asking

Hi! Can a previous employer tag you as run away even after you had visa to new employer?  Her basis of considering me as run away is due to my absence without official leave within probationary period.

Not if visa has been transferred.


Hello Sir.lam also a run away victim because the work conditions were not favouring me and my bosses told me to refund their money after working for a full year for them. What should I do because when l last checked the visa is still valid but l don't my passport and id ts now 5 months ever since l left the house.l have new sponsor and wants to make for me visa but my old bosses still want a refund so that to give back my documents.What should l do please.thank you


Hello Sir.

Iam also a run away victim but l was just forced because of the poor working conditions and over working.l only worked for my bosses only one year and left because l was very sick.ts now 5 months ever since l left but when l told them to give me my passport and id they said l have to refund their money so that they can give me back my documents but l don't know if they put run away case because when l last checked in October 2023 the visa was still valid. So please what should I do because l have a nother sponsor but l don't have my documents

Read this:

For passport, go to police.

hi can someone help me about my problem?

@bulataoaice you can ask your question!


past one year working in a company. 7 months salary bending. Boss refuses to settle down my 7 months' salary pending. Now he is treating me- that he is gonna to put a runaway case against me. But still this movement I didn't get a single fills from his sides.

Can you give me a solution for this?

Read this and then file a case with MOL:

@XTang hi! i want to report an illegal worker but i dont want the person to know that im the one who reported. how to do that?

Call LMRA hotline.  LMRA WILL take your details but won't share with the other party.  However, if your tip proves to be false, then it is an issue.


bro i have a question,by 2015 my boss lost my passport and whne i go to police to report ut.. it turns that i have a run away case so i got in jail for al most a month and a new sponsor help me to get out.. the problem i dont have the passort ghat time the judge asking me a passport so that i can ho out jn the jail.. so our phillippine embassy issue me a travel ducument and the court deported me.. and 2018 i got a working visa from bahrain . and sad because of trauma i did not continue go bahrain so i go and qatar.. now is 2024 this september i was plank g to comeback bahrain do you think i can enter bahrain?? even i have a case in way 2015. and i got a visa on 2018 so it is possible that i enter bahrain with visa.. or even i have visa the immigration can let me to enter bahrain???? please answer thanks a lots