
Legal matters / Employment disputes FAQ & Police clearance certificate

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Edit Feb '20:  Merged the police clearance sticky & comments into this one to reduce the number of stickies on the forum.  Name of this thread changed accordingly

Over the last couple of years, most of the posts that I have responded to have been about employment disputes, visa legalities, passport confiscation and the resulting trouble on visas etc.   So I thought to create a consolidated thread on most of the frequently asked questions so that people can refer to it - will try to keep it updated by adding new topics as and when required.   

The older thread with just the contact details of the lawyers and PROs has been amended accordingly.

Some common myths / clarifications:

1) You DON'T have to pay your employer for any visa or recruitment costs if you resign.  This is against Bahrain labor law even if it is a part of the contract that you signed.  In case of any legal dispute, it is the labor law that will be upheld.  Most people end up paying because they don't take it through legal channels
2) NO ONE has the right to retain your passport for WHATEVER reason
3) In the majority of the cases, you can resign at ANY TIME during the contract period through written resignation with the applicable notice period
4) For visa transfer without consent of the current employer, you MUST have worked with them for a year.  In this case, you don't need their permission to change your job but must resign with proof and then go to LMRA.  If you worked for the employer for less than a year, then you need their permission to transfer.  However, if they cancel your visa, you have 30 days from cancellation date to have your new employer apply for a visa for you.  The stay period can be extended for another 30 days and in some cases up to 3 months by LMRA if you approach them
5) Lastly, DO NOT EVER: Start work for anyone without being on their visa or work for an employer other then the one who sponsored your visa.  There is NO such thing as "Free Visa" in Bahrain and anyone who tells you that is lying.  If you are ever caught in these scenarios, you have ZERO legal protection and would face fines / deportation and blacklisting

Role of different agencies in disputes:

LMRA: WILL NOT help you in disputes with your employer like unpaid wages etc.  They only help with transfer or visa cancellation in certain situation.
Ministry of Labor:  The ONLY source to approach for filing a case related to employment disputes
Police: The source to go to for filing a case to get your passport back.
Courts: The last point of recourse when MOL mediation or similar situations have not resulted in any outcome.

General processes to follow for standard issues:

These are some of the general things to do in case of the standard issues that people face.  You may want to involve a lawyer in some cases e.g. absconding, where you are scared that you will be arrested if you go before the authorities. 

I would STRONGLY advise you to consult with a lawyer initially in EVERY case and not just rely on advice from the forums.  A lawyer would see the suitability of your case in person and provide you with a good way forward.  Yes, it will cost 30-40 BD for the first consultation only but it is worth it.

If employer is not allowing you to leave: Resign via registered mail and retain the pink slip.  Go to LMRA and get mobility without consent if you have worked with the current employer for more than 1 year.  If less than one year, you can still use this notice to push for visa cancellation through coordination with LMRA and MOL.
Some examples/cases:

Mobility without consent process:

If employer is not paying your dues or salary or has terminated contract without due case: Go to the Ministry of Labor and file a case.  Do it in person or through a lawyer.
Some examples/cases:

If employer is not returning your passport:  Go to the police.  In more complicated cases, it might need to go to court.
Some examples/cases:

If employer is not respecting MOL judgement or any court judgement in your favor: File a case at execution courts.  They will block employer CR, bank accounts etc etc.

Removing fake absconding / absent from work notifications: Go to LMRA with all the necessary proof.  You might also need to remove the status from immigration separately depending on the situation.
Some examples/cases:

Travel ban removal: Comply with the execution court judgement and go back with the proof of having done so to get this removed.  Or prove through an associated case that the order was based on incorrect information in the first instance.  Requires a lawyer as heavy court involvement is needed here.
Some examples/cases:

Blacklist removal: Not possible in most cases especially those involving criminal convictions or security related matters.  For the rest, you must have a strong lawyer and connected PRO.
Some examples/cases:

Resigning during probation period:

As per the Labour law "The worker may be employed under a probation period if expressly specified in the labour contract, provided said period does not exceed three months. Nevertheless, the probation period may be increased in the occupations to be determined by virtue of the Minister’s decision, provided said period does not exceed six month. The probation condition shall only be retained if expressly specified in the labour contract".

In these cases, you can resign with 1 day notice.

Some examples/cases:

Indemnity & associated calculations:

Most employees except those that are excluded by Article 2 of the Labor Law, are entitled to indemnity (end of service benefits) along with other benefits on the end of their employment (irrespective of who ends the employment).

Article 47 of the Labor Law - Definition of indemnity calculation.

" A worker’s entitlements related to his leaving indemnity, amounts due for balance of annual leave provided for in Article (59) and the compensation due according to the provisions of Article (99) (b) and Article (111) of this Law shall be calculated on the basis of the worker’s most recent basic wage in addition to the social allowance, if any.

If a worker is employed on a piece-rate or production basis or receives a fixed wage in addition to a commission or percentage, the calculation of such entitlements shall be on the basis of the average wage of the worker during the last three months".

To make it simple, indemnity is on basic salary and allowances won't be considered for expats.  The ambiguity in the wording leads employees to think that they can ask for allowances in the calculation as well since in article 116, it refers to wages vs. basic salary.  However, from employer side of things, I have been part of many cases where the indemnity paid to the worker on basic salary was accepted by the courts.

Article 116  - The how?

"A worker who is not subject to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law shall be entitled upon the termination of his employment to a leaving indemnity at the rate of half month’s wage for each of the first three years of employment and one month’s wage for each of the following years in service. A worker shall be entitled to receive his leaving indemnity for fractions of the year in proportion to the period spent in the employer’s service".

It is your RIGHT to get indemnity and if the employer is not paying you, you need to follow the general processes as listed above.

Some examples/cases:

Overtime pay

With regard to overtime, a worker may be employed for extra hours if this is required for in the interest of business, provided that the basic and extra hours or work shall not exceed sixty hours per week unless the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs shall have granted permission for a long period. Payment for each extra hour equivalent to hours wages entitlement increased by a minimum of twenty five percent thereof for hours worked during the day, and by a minimum of fifty percent thereof for hours worked during the night which shall be deemed to being from seven o'clock in the evening until seven o'clock in the morning.

When conditions of work require the worker to work on any official holidays, he shall be paid 150% of his normal wage or, he shall be granted another day in lieu thereof.

Now the tricky bit is that you cannot force your employer to comply with either the hours or the pay without going to the Ministry of Labour and filing a case against him.

Some examples/cases:

Indefinite term vs. Definite term contracts:

An indefinite contract is for a duration which is not time bound but a definite one expires on a certain date.

The biggest difference is in compensation entitlement if the dismissal of the employee was unfair / unlawful.  In a definite contract, it is possible for the employee to get full compensation for the remaining duration of the contract.  For an indefinite contract, this is limited to one months wages in the first three months of dismissal and after 3 months, 2 days wages for each month of service with minimum compensation of a month and maximum of 12 months.  Additional compensation can also be given if the termination is deemed to legally unfair.

So simply, you make more money on a definite contract if you are with a company less than 3 months and are fired unfairly.  If you are with the company for years and are dismissed unfairly, an indefinite contract gets you more money.

This is for UNFAIR dismissals only - the law allows an employer to terminate for poor performance and / or redundancies by following the process.

Overstaying your visa:

You can stay 30 days from the date of cancellation of your Bahrain work/dependent/investor visas.  After that you have to leave or get another visa.  In some cases, LMRA / Immigration can give you a further extension for 30 days upon application to them.  In few cases, they have even extended this to 3 months.

For visit visas, you have to leave before the expiry period or days granted for stay, whichever is earlier.

Overstaying is illegal. You could be subject to fines, deportation, jail and / or blacklist depending on the severity of the case and time period of overstay.  So simply, just don't do it.

Some examples/cases:

Working for an employer without a work visa or working for another employer vs. the one that sponsored your visa:

To work for any employer in Bahrain, you MUST have a work matter what profession, sector or job you are working in - No matter what anyone tells you otherwise.

Some examples/cases of this:

To do so otherwise is highly illegal.  If caught, it leads to jail, deportation, fine and / or blacklist.  So just don't do it.

Contacts for Lawyers & PROs:

For additional contacts that you may have, you can either send their numbers to me via PM and then I can share those back with the members as and when required.  Or you can share with the members directly.


1) Khalid Khan (Facebook and website available) 
RECOMMENDED as I know him personally and have seen first hand, the results he has been able to deliver.

Some threads by Khalid Khan on these forums:

Forged employment contracts:
What to do before filing a labor case:
Why you should not resign at the request of an employer? :

2) Citizens Advice (Facebook presence - 24 hour contact) -

There are other much bigger law firms but they would cost a LOT more than the contacts listed above - and also, they are not as accessible to or accepting of normal individuals as the ones listed here.  You may also find cheaper lawyers advertising on social media but those are not recommended.




I was in need of one recently and looked around the internet and found out that most of the information was either out dated or was conflicting.  So I am reproducing my own experience of getting this recently i.e. last week.

There are two types of clearance certificates given.  One is a generic good conduct certificate which is given for immigration purpose and the second is for employment.

The information given here is for the former and is for people who are based in Bahrain / present in Bahrain and can go get this done themselves.

Where do you need to go:

The CID office in Adilya.  Not the main one but the one directly opposite the Alumni club.  Generally there are no parking issues and you can find a spot.

EDIT Jul'19:  This office has shifted to the General Directorate of Traffic area in Isa Town. Thanks to d3ns06 for providing this information.

What you need to take with you:
Copy of latest passport
Copy of first residence permit for Bahrain
Copy of last (and sometimes asked, all others) residence permit for Bahrain
Copy of CPR
Filled out form (this you can also get and fill at the CID office.  Make sure to have all necessary information to fill it.  The tricky bit is employer details where you need to have their CR number as well as full address. A lot of people may not have it available with themselves readily)
One passport size photograph - either white or grey background
Request letter - Generally not asked for.  Except for some countries like Canada where the process requires it (from Canadian side). For others, there is no need or you can provide a handwritten request

What is the process:
The timings are between 730 and 130.  You need to go to the second floor.  There is a seperate section for ladies.  Go in, take the token and wait for your number to be called.

When the number comes up, the officer will take your documents and check if they are in order.  He will attach the application and ask you to pay 1 BD and hand over a receipt.  You will then be referred for finger prints.  This takes time as they fingerpint every finger/thumb as well as palms and side of hands. If it's done once; will not be needed for subsequent certificates. 

For people outside Bahrain, you will need to provide fingerprints on the form which are done by the police in your current country, attested by Ministry of foreign affairs in that country and then the subsequent Bahrain embassy in that country.  Very cumbersome so it's advised to get this done when you are based here so that in the future for any certificate, you can easily engage an agent to do this on your behalf when you are not here without resorting to the whole fingerprint documentation.

After fingerprints, you are done.  An sms will be sent to you once the certificate is ready.  It usually takes one week.  Once you get the sms, go back, go to the first floor, present the receipt and collect the certificate.

Update - Dec'19 from one of our members, Osama Hafeez:

1.    Take with you a debit card along with you, If you have a card with you, you can pay it there and then at the counter. Because If you take cash with you, you have to deposit the cash in a kiosk and provide that receipt to the Customer representative handling your case, which takes much more time.

2.    If you have gaps in your stay within Bahrain, possibilities are you will end up paying more. I paid 2 BHD for my wife because while switching jobs I sent her back and she had a gap of more than 6 months.  ( so she will get two certificates, one the first term when she was in Bahrain, and other one for the recent term.

3.    Once you park the car in the parking go towards the Vehicle violation department (entrance near the mosque, once you enter take a left and keep walking till you see the vending machine, next to the vending machine is the gate of CID office ( See picture attached ).

See also

Getting married in BahrainExit bahrainCauseway - meningitis vaccine (will this effect regular travel)Leaving BahrainGamca Approved Medical Centre - Dubai- Reg

Hey guys, I also need my GCC but am currently in Melbourne. I’m missing my expired passport with the last couple of work permits plus I have changed my surname due to marriage and only have my CPR no. but no copy of it.
I want to send a friend or use a company to apply for me but don’t know if those issues will be a problem.
What do you think?


One last thing, does anyone have a link to the application form? The one I have found online prints one and a half pages to one page!
Even an email copy please...


You need the first and last RP as well as CPR number.  The form is available physically at their office.  The online links for forms are not that great and when I did take the online form filled out to their office; they didn't accept it and asked me to fill physical form.   So you would need to ask whoever is applying for you to do that.


CPR no. I have just no copy but the last work permit stamp I just can’t find because I’ve misplaced that old passport.

I left Bahrain in April 2013 and can probably get a letter from my old company to state that... does anyone think that’s enough ?


Thanx XTang


No way to know but to try.  Things here are not very concrete in terms of rules - depends on who is at the desk at a particular moment.


My husband had lived in Bahrain for 6 years and worked in 3 different companies. We are trying to get his PCC for Canada immigration and applied through a friend on 28.03.19

We are not getting any response from our friend who applied on his behalf.
We have very short period of time to get this PCC.
Can anyone help us in this regard.
We are currently living in UAE

Is their any other way out to get Good Conduct certificate for him from Bahrain?



There isn't.

Someone either applies on your behalf with the required documents (and attested fingerprint forms - done in police station in UAE followed by MOFA and Bahrain embassy attestation) or you apply through Bahrain Embassy with same documents (much longer process) or you go there in person (shortest process).

Once applied, CID takes anywhere from 1 week to 1 month for the clearance.  In most cases, they finish within 1 week.  Once done, the person who applied and gave his mobile number will get an sms on his phone asking him to collect it.


Thank you for responding.
Are you sure that it only takes 1-2 weeks in CID Dept.  to clear the application and give PCC?
We applied through our friend on 28 March 2019 but we have got no response.
Latest info that we got was it takes 1month to 45 days if outside Bahrain.
We are really worried as we hardly have that much time left now.

Is their a way to follow up from CID to expedite the process??


1-2 weeks if inside Bahrain usually. I have gotten mine in 3-4 days max always. Outside it takes longer yes. Especially if you have never gotten one done while in Bahrain because for that they take electronic finger prints and this makes subsequent checks easier.

This is a CID check and there is absolutely nothing you can do but wait.  Only way to possibly expedite it is if you or your close relatives have connections in CID.   PROs won't help as no one wants to get in the middle of a CID or security check for people they don't know.  Similarly, anyone you don't know personally; will NEVER use their connections for any matter related to CID/Security departments on your behalf - too much at stake for that person.

Ideally, you should have planned better and done this earlier.  Maybe you can provide a copy of the receipt for the CID check in your application (they give you a receipt when you pay 1 BD) and ask for an extension saying that it is in process?  I don't know if that would be accepted but no harm in trying.



You talk about the company CR no. what is that number?


Commercial registration number.  Every company has one.  Ask your sponsor.  Or search on Sijilat with company name.


Thanks, off to the CID today...

Gaurav pandit


I have gone through your information about obtaining PCC. I have query, can you please tell me what is request letterand who should produce it, It's me or Officer because I'm planning to migrate to Canada.
Please give me information on this in details.

Thank you


Are you going in person or sending someone on your behalf?

If you go in person just tell them it’s for your Canadian immigration application.

If your sending someone on your behave, just write a letter giving them permission to apply on your behalf and state that it’s for immigration purposes...

I went in person and just told them I needed it for USA immigration.

Hope that helps, good luck

Gaurav pandit

Thank you for your reply. My self going there to obtain PCC. Hope there is no such letter required.  Only I have to mention for Canada immigration.


For some countries and types, the requirement for a request letter is there.  For example, if you want a PCC for self sponsorship visa; Bahrain immigration gives it to you in a sealed envelope and you hand it over to CID.

You need to check if it is needed for Canada or not.   If needed, then the Canadian Embassy or immigration authority will provide it for you to hand over to CID.


Thank you for your time explaining everything, but I wanted to ask whether or not the fingerprints that need to be taken have to be for every person that needs the certificate or just the person who was sponsored by the company? My father at the time had us on his sponsor number


Whoever wants the certificate has to go through it.


Thank you for that! Got them mailed to me from Bahrain, but the question is do I need to fill out ‘non bahraini’ Part only, or my name and more information since I’m not from Bahrain?


Read the form and fill out whatever is applicable.  In most cases it is your details and your sponsor details.


Thanks for sharing your experience XTang, it was very helpful.

Paying it forward!
Just an update for you all, as of today I found out that the office in Adliya where they used to get your finger prints for the 'Good Conduct Certificate' is now closed.

They have moved this office into the General Directorate of Traffic office:

You go into the main big building (photo seen in the Google Maps link above) - take a right and then you will see the sign that says 'Criminal Investigation Licensing and Certification'.

I hope that helps!


Thanks for the update.  I will update thread as well.


Hi !

Thanks again for sharing your experience XTang, and thanks everyone for your help.

I explain my situation :

I'm french, I was an IT student in Bahrain at Ahlia University during 9 months.

Now, I'm working in France. I need the good conduct certificate from Bahrain to get a Canadian Visa. I bring all documents (fingerprint from local police too) to the Bahrain Ambassy from Paris BUT the Ambassy give me 2 or 3 months delay without the insurance of result...

They give me an advice : send the documents to someone in Bahrain to send on my behave, just write a letter giving them permission to apply on my behalf and state that it’s for immigration purpose. Like @CatC76 say <3 .

I just have one problem : I don't have contact anymore in Bahrain. Did someone will go to the General Directorate of Traffic office for the certificate next month and can bring my documents too ? I can pay for it !

I know it's not the subject of this topic but I'm a little bit desesperate and Canada Immigration asked me this document before October.

Thanks for your time.



Well let's see if someone is willing to help.  If they are, they will get in touch.


Hello again, I wanted to ask if it is possible to get the clearance without the permits to Bahrain on the passport, and only use a copy of the CPR cards(ID cards).. I can’t seem to find the permits on the passport.. aren’t they supposed to be stamps?

Nisha Jomon

I also want Bahrain gcc,I got mine before I exit the country,so they have my fingerprint already with them,if anyone going for applying gcc,anyone please give my application to them??please anyone let me know
Thank you


Don't understand what you mean at all.

You got your certificate already?   what is this gcc thing you are referring to?


Dear Hugo,

They will not give your certificate to anyone just like that. The person collecting your certificate must be holding a power of attorney from you. This was learned the hard way by the brother of a client who went to collect the certificate though the power of attorney was in the name of my partner. Ultimately, we collected the certificate and handed it over to him.


Bass777 wrote:

Hello again, I wanted to ask if it is possible to get the clearance without the permits to Bahrain on the passport, and only use a copy of the CPR cards(ID cards).. I can’t seem to find the permits on the passport.. aren’t they supposed to be stamps?

The permits are stickers on the passport.

Logically speaking, with the CPR number, it is entirely possible.  However, in the case of bureaucrats, it is not about logic but process.  They want to follow the process and get all documents.  So it is really your luck as to whether you find someone who is willing to help you.  But that is up to your luck.


Hi I have couple questions:
To obtain PCC by a friend on my behalf the power of attorney should be attested by Bahrain embassy or a simple letter?
I live outside my country on visit, can I get my fingerprints done in that country? This is due to short deadline provided by the immigration.
The country I currently live does not have Bahrain embassy or consulate, where do I get the attestation done.



If it is apostilled then it should work.  If not apostilled, it needs to be attested.  Same for fingerprint forms filled out in your own country.   Try to find out the Bahrain Embassy that oversees you country - even if it is based elsewhere.


Thanks for the information!

I have a question,my husband is in India at the moment and has applied for the Bahrain pcc on 24th of sept thru a friend.(using an authorisation letter).finger prints were sent and application submitted.
It’s been over 10 working days and we have still not received a message that it’s been ready.our friend visited the cid office on 2 occasions after 7and 10working days and al they said is that we have to wait for their sms.

Has anyone had a similar experience?or any suggestions as to what can be done to know the status of the pcc?

In a bit of a rush as my daughter is little and hoping to be reunited soon.

Thanks in advance for the reply.


You can't know the status. Only thing you can do is keep following up. That's it unfortunately.


May I ask,how long did it take for you to finally receive the pcc in Bahrain?


Is there like a telephone number that we can follow up?cause it’s seems disheartening to ask a friend to go an wait in the queue and get an answer which only says wait for the sms


1) If you read through the thread you will see there is no phone number that is answered. That's true for most government departments
2) I have gotten it many times and it has never taken more than 5 days. But then i have given digital fingerprints and am currently in Bahrain


Since this post is a little old and it helped me alot I just wanted to confirm that this information is still valid, I just went and got this form done.



Hi there, question for @XTang

Regarding fingerprint attestation by a Bahraini embassy. Are you sure it needs to be done? i.e. Is it from your personal experience? I am a New Zealander now back living in New Zealand, applying for a PCC through a contact in Bahrain. The closest Bahraini embassy is in Indonesia (not possible)

My plan is to gather all the required documents, have them all certified in NZ and then have the full set of documents apostilled by the New Zealand Dept of Internal Affairs. Do you think this will be sufficient?

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