
I would like to live in London for a year

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Francisco Emilio Moreno

I`m Francisco Moreno, I'm from Argentinian and I'm 38 years old, my profession is  Licenciado en Administración
I was in London the last months and  I loved it .I would like come back a London because his people, it's very educated and I had lucky got to trip by holiday vacation. My english is not very well, but I have energy for improve it.
I would like to find a job part time o full time linked with my profession   as much as possible.

See also

Job offers in LondonThe job interview in LondonFinding a job in LondonLondon labour marketWorking in the UK

To be honest, if I were in your position, I would search for any kind of job, I mean be prepared to make a complete change of direction. Educating yourself in Argentina for something that would be more valuable than a Licenciado en Administración may help since your qualification is already so common among Brits. Also, perhaps finding a job in the EU might be easier, and if for example you lived in Spain then you at least would be much closer to London than where you are now.

Francisco Emilio Moreno

I would like to make  to exchange a job between London and Argentina. Some citizen of London that want come to Argentina and I'll go for London a work for a six month or one year. If I don't my profession, can be the other job how Administrative ,Consultor, Auxiliar


Francisco Emilio Moreno wrote:

I would like to make  to exchange a job between London and Argentina. Some citizen of London that want come to Argentina and I'll go for London a work for a six month or one year. If I don't my profession, can be the other job how Administrative ,Consultor, Auxiliar

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Not sure if this is doable; the only visa I can see that is close to what you describe is the Tier 5 Temporary Worker visa; this link will take you to the UK Government website with the details.

If you come back to me and say "I need a sponsor", then best you start looking; there is nobody here who can help you with that part.

Apart from that, I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

I'd be interested in knowing how you get on with this.

Hope this helps.

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