
Possible ways to get married

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hi, just needed some info regarding marrying a Muslim guy and i'm a catholic.
We're in a relationship for how many years and we want to get married but unfortunately i'm married before but separated for 6 yrs. we tried to talk about this for a long period of time and i decided to convert to Muslim. I'm still confused if we can get married for my past relationship is not been annulled yet as we both agreed to part our ways and not to deal with each others life. Pls. help me as we really want to deeper our relationship and to go further. We want to stay together as we are trying to sort things out. Thank you and waiting for any possible help.

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Hi marieshe!

I'm not sure about your issue's relevance to the site!
Where are you both from? Anyway i think in any society you must be divorced to be able to marry someone again!



Armand is right. Especially if you are Catholic and your prior marriage was in a Catholic Church, you must get divorced first. Most legal jurisdictions penalize bigamy particularly on the part of a woman and secondly your new marriage would, by law, be null and void anyway. Remember Muslim men are allowed upto four wives (conditions apply) but that does not allow a woman to be in two or more marriages simultaneously.

You did not specify what brings you to this website, are you relocating or are you from different countries? Are you expatriates? This will help us engage in dialogue more effectively.

Best regards,



Hi Marieshe,
I understand your situation, but this post really makes me tingle to ask.
1. What kind of life do you expect by marrying him while your current problem is still suspended? Armand and Zenani are quite right. Whatever the nationality, whatever the religion you have to get divorce before to marry again.
2. What makes you want to convert ? Is it because you want to marry him ?? I’m not fanatic but I think religion is a matter of principal and very personal. Do you think you will be happy with your new life and your new religion ?

My suggestion is : think thrice, not only twice !
Good luck.

anis hasan

HI..Marieshe u need to understand that if u get into your relationship deeply..u need to understand ur partner it would be better for u to get married, as playing a waiting game will only make it worse for u wont be bonded the way like married couples do ..i hope u get the answer.!!

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