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Hey's it going... my name is Tyler and I'm 27 and am currently located in Pennsylvania, Usa.

I'm looking to get away from the over-production, "go go go" ideology of the good old usa... I don't mind work when necessary but I feel like work in the USA is all about over production and non necessities...

I would like some people's opinions of where they think would be the best place for me would be? Central/south America, certain islands, Caribbean, etc etc etc????????

See also

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You should check out The Faroe Islands, probably the most chill place on the planet !


If you want to focus on the bare necessities and not work, maybe a dirt poor place with high unemployment is the best? Mosambique comes to mind (if you don't mind occasional natural disasters), Venezuela (with political upheaval thrown in) or Congo (adds the thrill of a civil war).
But seriously: What do you want to achieve with a strange post like this? Do you really think anything would be easier for you in a place you don't know well and where you might always remain an outsider?
My advice: To succeed, consider the pull factors rather than the push factors. Your post only contains the latter.


Hello Tal1776,

Read the book or watch the movie "Into the Wild". Take a walk through Chris Mccandelss last two years and have some great unique fun but don't missunderstand Chris as many have done! He didn't want to die but he wasn't expecting so much water and didn't know there was a bridge nearby to cross the river. His death was an unique kind of unexpected accident. He wanted to come back after his adventure and start the life again in the society of good old USA which he also was fleeing from.

As beppi says your chances are low when you become an outsider and it will be even lower if you are a poor outsider so answer to your question is best place for you right now would be North America.

Take the advantage of go go go ideology and earn some good money first and then think about this thing you are talking about. You are not wrong about that but without a capital and life experiences you can't do much about it now. After couple of years when you have a good capital you will be strong enough to do something about it without loosing yourself.

Keep in mind that just because of you are surrounded by a system you don't like much dosen't mean that you are one of it, you still can be you and also be inside the system. The naked truth is system dosen't need us but we on the other hand would not survive without a system.


Sorry, McCandless was not a hero, but a fool who died due to his own stupidity and did nothing for humankind other than giving material for stories and a movie that romanticises him rather heavily (and thus caters more to people's longings than to reality).

kaan ayas

Beppi.  Kudos  well said !!


If someone said anything about a hero in this thread so far that was only you beppi, not me.

Chris cut himself out from the fast moving American society without having a plan and when he realized he must come back he couldn't. He failed there, since he wasn't well prepared and had a poor knowledge about the geografical changes in the area he was, and it cost him his life.

OP has a right to do what ever he wants to do with his life, to move anywhere he wants to move but he must be well prepared and should have a good knowledge about what he is about to do otherwise there is a risk he will loos himself some where on the way.

That is what Christopher Maccandless has contributed to the humankind, what ever you do be well prepared and have a good knowledge about what you are going to do otherwise it could cost you your life.

By the way I would never criticize someone who has passed away without doing any harm to the world and didn't have any intention to become material to superficial way of thinking, since that person can't defend himself anymore.


Finnbo: Sorry for being so strong in my wording. It wasn't meant in any  personal way (and if you took it such, I'd like to apologize!).


I did volunteer work in Kenya when I was in my late 40's.
If making a difference in dirt poor areas will fill your cup, there are many ways to do so there.
Education to steer people clear of illegal ways of commerce like poaching and stealing oil to make crude gas.
Working to make water wells, etc.

Many options to tap into.

Gordon Barlow

Tyler's heart and mind are in the right place, but he does need a modicum of capital to start with. Where to go? Well, there are hippie camps all the way from Lake Atitlan in Guatemala down to Peru and Ecuador. No work, which is why even hippies need to have something in the bank. Places in south-east Asia, too, and India.

I'm way too old to have recent experience of anywhere, but my son drifted around Central America for a while ten or twenty years ago. I wrote a short blog-piece about the major turning-point of his life when in his early or mid-twenties he hitched a ride with some yachties from his home here in the Caribbean up to Texas, from where he wandered  down to Mexico. … eston.html

Some places go out of fashion, for one reason or another. In my mid-twenties I picked up a girl in a Greek hostel and we backpacked around the Middle East for three months on a very tight budget. Of course there had to be enough in the bank back in London to allow that - but still, we survived. And indeed we still are surviving, though only just...


beppi wrote:

Finnbo: Sorry for being so strong in my wording. It wasn't meant in any  personal way (and if you took it such, I'd like to apologize!).

No harm done beppi, nothing to worry there, I appreciate your honesty.

My only purpose of posting in this forum is hoping those posts will be useful to someone in someway that's all.


São Tomé e Principe

Gordon Barlow

This is for Tyler... … -tips.html


I have 3 sources of income and money should not be a problem. getting more bang for the buck, living modestly and comfortable staying with in my budget is key. Monthly in come is $6000 US.
Can you help me in finding housing and the best area to live. I not
impressed with living in tall buildings and furnished 1-2 beds with own bath I'm okay with

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