Blacklisted checking

I don't think you get where immigration is coming from.  You are legally clear from prosecution or arrest. But that doesn't mean that immigration has to clear you off their list.  In fact, immigration has total discretion to decide who to let in or not. Good luck but it may not happen.

Iam check my blacklist in Bahrain iwant check

Ask someone to visit NPRA with your passport copy.

if you are blacklisted in most cases you would also have a travel ban.

please check through.


what if no travel van how can check blacklist in bahrain??thnks

Ask someone to visit NPRA with your passport copy.

@XTang Hello, how much is the fine for staying in Bahrain for 4 years without a visa?

@XTang Hello, how much is the fine for staying in Bahrain for 4 years without a visa?

Hello, if I have been in jail and they allowed me to be in Bahrain without a visa but with a native sponsor and it has been 4 years. What are the circumstances if I want to leave the country permanently?

How much would they charge me for the 4 years? the case was with cid

What is the ruling by the court? Usually after jail term you will be deported to your home country or better consult with a lawyer

Hello everyone,

Please find more details about the difference between a blacklist and travel bans here > … 46#5795465

The post has been pinned for you to be able to access the information more easily.


Cheryl team

Thanks Cheryl
