
Expat blog will move very soon!

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Hi everybody,

As part of the project, I will transfer the website to a new server in (hopefully) a week, and the website might not work for a couple of days. I'll post a message on the forum few hours before the beginning of the move.

In advance, sorry for the unconvenience!

Please note that I'll have to add more advertisement and a donation system to finance that new server :rolleyes:

I am also sorry, but you won't receive any newsletter for a while... I've decided to concentrate on building the website (which means less animation). Thanks for your comprehension :)

Have a nice day,


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Hmm... I moved to a new hosting company recently and I moved 22(!) websites, among them 3 sites with a big forum, within 30 minutes.
After changing the DNS settings, the new IP's resolved pretty fast and all sites were up and running again within a couple of hours.

If I can be of any assistance, let me know. :)


That was very fast Gary :top: I hope I'll be as fast as you

Are you making backups from your websites? Are you doing it manually or with a specific software?


The new host offered a transfer service:  copy everything server-to-server. Lightning fast! That was one of the criteria on my shopping list for a new hosting company. Transferring all my stuff by myself would have taken a couple of days, even with a fast connection.
The only thing I had to do after that was check all settings and set the permissions on files and folders (especially write and execute permissions had to be set again) and change the IP addresses on my name servers.

Of course I make backups - my clients would kill me if I didn't! :D
I keep a complete up-to-date version of every site on my computer.
The only things I have to backup from the server are the dynamic parts (mainly MyQL databases and uploaded (not by me) stuff.)
I use PhPMyAdmin to backup the databases. I could automate that with a Cron job, but I only have to backup lke 6 databases. Every morning when I start my PC, I go to the admin panels of the the sites with databases, start the backups. When that's running, I start FTP-ing the folders with uploaded stuff from two sites.
While all that is running, I make coffee and try to wake up. :)

Locally I keep two copies of everything. My laptop (in a docking station with a second flatscreen and a wireless keyboard and mouse) is my main 'puter. I have an external harddisk attached and backup all my data on a daily basis.


I moved the website yesterday, this morning I had to fix a couple of problems and I am now fighting with my url rewriting rules. You'll see that you can't browse the blog directory ... I don't understand it perfectly worked before the move :/

Hope it won't take me too much time to find the problem!


Ok it seems to be working now :)

Let me know if you notice any problem

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