
Company Settlement

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   Can you clarify any one my question,

One of my friend went to vacation to India two months back now his company sent mail to my friend due less business and work force reduce they want to settle my friend salary dues and my friend have balance 9 months visa validity in Oman

In this case how to move for settlement and how many months salary he can get out of balance 9 months.

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanWork Visa with Endoresee 2AWant to travel to India from OmanResident id link number

Reposting here for the benefit of others :

Hi in29185,

Whatever your friend's company gives him as salary and final settlement, he has to be happy with that.

There is nothing further your friend can do when he is outside of the country.


My friend can go by own flight ticket to Oman  and report in ministry of manpower?


Hi in29185,

Consider the possibility of the employer cancelling your friend's employment visa, in which case he would not be allowed entry into the country.


Good evening sumithran
Sorry for disturbing you ,

One more doubt for me , my friend checked labour card status in man power website,

That is showing status as working.

Expiry date also 07/08/2019 but this expiry date shows in red colour.

My friend can go by own ticket to Oman?

If you have time reply me


Hi in29185,

If a company wants to part ways with an employee, they can do so in many ways. Your friend's situation seems to be one of those.

The Ministry of Manpower would not contest an official complaint from the company stating that the employee being relieved was not performing as required. Of course, they would need some evidence to support their claim.

So even if your friend were to return on his own ticket and even if your friend were to go to the Ministry of Manpower and complain against the employer saying that he was unfairly terminated, I doubt if it would result in any reversal of fortunes for your friend.

Your initial query of "how many months salary he can get out of balance 9 months.", the answer is obviously, your friend would be paid for the months he has worked, or as it is agreed in the employment contract between your friend and his employer.


TQ for your reply sumithran,

   You mean my friend no need to go man power and  get the settlement dues from company,

   One more doubt in this case my friend company should be given NOC or release letter otherwise how to join another company in Oman immediately or if he get offer from another company in oman.


Hi in29185,

The answer is already available in the forum.

Please help yourself.

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