
GAMCA Medical related queries

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Hi All,

I recently (Jan-2024) got an offer to work in Oman and for that I went for the medical test at GAMCA centre.

There I got unfit due to Tpha positive.

I consult with my doctor he did all testings. So TPHA is reactive with less titre range so clinically I am negative and other than that HIV, Hepatisis-a & b and HCV all are negative and non-reactive. Doctor also said its not necessary that you have Syphilis for which TPHA and VDRL testings are done, it is positive due to other viral infections as well which are not STDs.

But anyways I am on medications now and it will be fine in 3 weeks time.

So here I want to know following things, if anyone can guide me or answer:

  1. Unfit report validity
  2. Can I get fit report as it will get cured in 3 weeks time.
  3. TPHA may come positive but as I am on treatment so it will be cured regardless the TPHA result. So will I get the fit status and visa for that ??

Hope I was able to explain my queries.

Please help me on above points, as I don't want to loose this job opportunity.


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The visa and in-country medical is not a worry for now..........getting through GAMCA is.  You can re-test after 3 to 6 months depending on GAMCA rules in your home country.  To keep the rest of it simple, GAMCA will NEVER pass you with any positive test - this is as per their terms of agreement with the GCC countries.   You need a negative in TPHA to move to the next stage.



Thank you XTang for your reply, really appreciate.

But as per doctor, TPHA test will never be negative now whereas VDRL test can be based on quantitaive method of Titres (as per Derminologist)

Also GAMCA asked me to apply after 2 months (as Unfit report validity is 2 months from the date of modification) and till that get the treatment done.

Have you ever come across with such cases or heard anything where anyone with Tpha positive results got fit report after the treatment (as doctor will issue a certificate by saying that person has been cured with the disease).

Last question, is possible in Oman to come on the Visit visa and then get it converted into work visa as I already have a job offer in my hand. (of course after the treatment only)


Look, what you need to understand is how GAMCA works.  The GAMCA body is set up by all the GCC countries and they put in standard rules for fitness.  Then they do contracts with different clinics in countries to do the testing.  The guidelines for the clinics are strict and if someone gets through the process but is found unfit in the medical inside GCC, the clinics are fined and the contract can even get cancelled.   This means that the clinics are VERY conservative and follow the guidelines to the letter.  This means that no matter what documentation you provide, the test result MUST be negative otherwise GAMCA will NOT clear you.  Some people have gotten cleared by going through the backdoor with the clinic.........but that is a big risk for the applicant re: in country medical as well as the there is less and less of that happening now.

I can't comment on Oman visa process as I am not an expert there.  But, other than Saudi, in most GCC countries, you can convert visit visa to work.  However, they apply the guidelines given to GAMCA as well.  Outside of TB, HIV, Hep.........they can be relaxed on the other ones depending on the GCC country e.g. UAE is fine on VDRL/TPHA if you are not a food handler, for example.........but Saudi and Bahrain are not.   I am not sure what Oman's current stance is on that.  This you need to check from your employer.



Thank you again.

I agree with you on GAMCA medical working.

So all I can do is that, first complete the treatment and then retest again in pvt hospital and I wish all will be fine. Then I will recook then GAMCA medical.

About visit visa rule, as far as I checked for Oman, it is now not possible. It was restricted or stopped from 1st Nov 2023. Now visit visa to work visa conversion is not permissible to anyone in Oman.

So I can just hope for the best now....fingures crossed.



Good luck.

Bikram Xettri

can i get saudi working visa after treatment


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