
hello all ...i sow some massages in my email adress from Expat.com (privet massage)and when i came to inbox here i didnt fiend it and i trayed to open it from my email also i couldnt .any one can help please:(

could you please copy and paste the message you received ?

Hello Basma,

I have moved the topic to Help us to improve the website forum.

i cant open the massage so how u ask me to copy and post???

Hello Basma,

The founder asks you to send us a copy of the e-mail you received on behalf of expat-blog.

Secondly could you also tell us which error message (what it is telling you) when you are trying to open the message.

:( i stell cant open my massage only i fiend it in my mail inbox  ..its hard to use this site .thx.

yes, I guess opening "massages" can be quite complicated

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