
bloggers of food, travel and photography interests.

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Hi Expat.comgers,
I'm looking for bloggers around the globe, that would be interested in exchanging comments on our weblogs. If you you are interesting in photography, personal travel news, cooking or just chatting about food/eateries, then you may like to check-out

Happy blogging!

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideAny Deaf American Expats in Europe??Getting Along OnlineAre you in a country practising job nationalization?A call to expat moms: what have been your greatest challenges?

Welcome to Julie :)


Hey Julie,

I'm also looking for other bloggers interested in food and travel. I just checked out your website-- your recipes look delish! I have to try that beet root flan ;)



Hi Florence, thanks for your message. I'll keep an eye out for your posts on your blog!

P.L. Liew

Oh, good! Good to find the like-minded here. Feel free to visit mine, too, at I love, love trying out international cuisines. Food is definitely a way to learn about different cultures! =)


Yes that is right and I have commented on your blog already. Thanks for your message!

I do have comments fields on my website, so please feel free to leave your comments there.

P.L. Liew

Hello, Julie!

Yes, I saw the message you'd left me on mine, which I really appreciate. I popped by yours, too, briefly, and will definitely be back to read in detail. I need a little time, as the life here is hectic and fast paced. Just so you know, your blog is one of those I like: with good writing, pictures, recipes and food-related stuff, and a personal touch. =)

Wait for me, yea? Will return to yours for a good read!

Hello, Florence!

I saw yours, too! You've made my day, too! I almost burst into tears when I read your messages. Boy! Thank you. Thank you! I'll visit yours in detail later on. Been busy here. Have a good weekend ahead!

With warmest regards,


Yes man your website looks great....I liked all the recipes overt there....Really yummy


Hi and welcome on shanemiller :)


P.L. Liew

Hi, Shane! Albeit late here, I'd to like to thank you! Well, all the blogs are equally nice, with their respective uniqueness. =)


Hello Shane,

Where is your blog link?  I couldn't find it.  Thanks for your comment, and feel free to leave your comment on our sites.



Hey, I have recently just found this site as well. I checked out the blogs and they are quite well done. My girlfriend has started a blog on Argentina. It is a photoblog though as she is a photographer - more photos than writing. It has been going since Feb. I have convinced her to join the site so she will join soon and check out your blogs. In the mean time her site is
Nice to find an expat site that is positive and isn't full of negative people complaining that their new country isn't the same as their old one!


Hi Mike,
I have looked at Amelia's pictures already. Looking forward to her updates!


Thanks for posting for me!!
I've finally made it here, really enjoying scrolling through all the fantastic blogs!


Hi everyone, this is all good and thanks Julie for the post. I write about places and people, travel, events and sometimes food. Check me out on [moderated: shocking content]. Happy reading:)

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