
Transfer car from the owner but he is on exit

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Asalam o aliqum
My friend he is on exit how can I transfer his car on my name ,I need information about it

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Getting a driver's license in RiyadhGetting a Drivers license in RiyadhDriving in Saudi ArabiaDriving Licence Process in Saudi ArabiaGetting a Driver's License in KSA

It's not clear if he is already outside Kingdom after Exit or he is still here but Exit Visa already stamped on his passport.

Let me tell you the basic thing. Exit Visa can't be stamped if anything like car, phone connection, bank accounts, etc would be on your name. So the car can't be on his name if he stamped exit visa.


No he gone on exit he is not in Saudi Arabia.
I didn't know how it does but he is now in his country India.
I appreciate you


Because istamara was expired


So they told you can go now


from what i know, he can still go on final exit because the car was still on the banks name that's why it wont appear in MOI system. i think you cannot transfer the ownership to your name unless your friend is still here in saudi which requires his signature

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