Divorce in Mauritius

About a year ago my ex sent me divorce papers which i signed and sent back. But have heard nothing back from the courts. I am in Australia and need the divorce do i get in contact with the courts and how do about doing this. Your help will be appricated thanks

My ex is in Mauritius

Firstly be careful what you sign and for what reason you sign something.
The "EX" for a Divorce would need to submit a petition to the court via an attorney and or a barrister.
The petition would get registered at the court office in Port Louis and subsequently a copy of the petition would be sent to you somehow.  A date for the first hearing should have been fixed and your attorney will have informed you of that data and whether or not you wish to contest the petition or submit a cross-petition.  Some of these events can be done by an attorney but i think for a cross petition you have to be represented by a barrister.  I think usually the first appearance of the case in court is normally to hear the case and it would be normal then to fix another date for a proper hearing unless you contest etc.  At some point a hearing will be fixed where the judge will decide the outcome of the case and also remember to note the status of your marriage if it was for community of goods and if there are children involved then your barrister will ensure that proper division of assets will occur.
I don't think the courts write to you personally as they maintain a weekly case list to which the attorneys and barristers know the dates of your case.  If you took a copy of what you signed last year I would seek the advice of an attorney in Mauritius to get further advice as you may have signed something that is not legally binding in court as it has not been witnessed by an attorney etc.

So contact an attorney in Port Louis or try and contact the Supreme court office in Port Louis to ascertain if you have a case number if so then the petition has been registered and as such it should by now have beed read in court on the first hearing

Are you still in contact with your ex? He will definitely have information regarding the case and court proceedings.

If not, I would suggest you contact the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Mauritius who would be able to guide you through this.
