
Query regarding ban


I have a query in my mind about the ban rule  implemented in oman for the expats who leave or switch their jobs before completing  2 years . If someone is banned then does that mean he can't enter oman on work visa befor 2 years ?. Can he enter oman on family visa of her wife if she gets job here in oman with family visa ?.
Can he enter oman being banned on business visa if he has a plan to start his own business with omani guy here ?
Plz explain in detail IT would be great help .

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanI lost my Oman visaVisa cancellationGamca unfit

Hi Shahsiddiq9,

Your query has already been explained in great detail in the forum. And, there is nothing new to report on the subject of the 2-yer ban or about the NOC.

Without an NOC, an expatriate who has exited cannot return to Oman, on whatever visa. Period.

Suggest you do a simple site search and read all that has already been discussed on this subject.


thanks anyways .


I would like to add a little here. Even though the banned person can't enter on the family joining resident visa, however a family joining visit visa is possible, which is for about 3 months plus one month extension. However, for obtaining the visit visa, the spouse job position should be in AAA category as well as the PRO of the spouse should be wise enough.