
Rash decision, Prague - Italy...

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Greetings fellow expats,

So I wonder if anyone may be able to help me. I have decided to pack my things and move to Italy from my home of 2 years in Prague.

Now from what I gather, I can't even buy a car there without being a resident? I didn't really want resident status in Italy as I work offshore in the oil and gas industry and thus will not be seeking work in Italy. I will however be needing a car.

If I do go for the residency does anyone know typically how long it takes for a British Citizen to get their residency through, and do I need an Italian address before applying as i'm not quite sure yet where to base myself, (road trip in january). (Any recommendations on good coastal locations for mooring small boat/sailing).

Really excited about my trip and appreciate any help anyone may be able to throw my way.

P.S, the Italian Pimsleur language course is working out very well conversationally. (still can't read/spell Italian yet)

Thanks fellow expats and seasons greetings.


'Travelling is not about the destination, but also the adventure of getting there'.

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Hi Gerard, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I hope other members will be able to help you.

I wish you good luck


If you are British and your passport says you have the right of abode in the UK, then you have the right to live in Italy too.  I got my permesso di sojourno (is that the name still?) the week I arrived in Italy when I was staying in a hotel.  You may also need your residence certificate though and for that you do need an address.  I think I had to go to an office in my locality to get that.  Nobody at the local office spoke English and I had to fill in a form in Italian.  So can I just tell you that if you are a woman and you're single you're nubile.  I put I was celibe since it sounded like celibate and they were a bit off with me.
I found I couldn't open a bank account without a residence certificate by the way.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Italy

All of Italy's guide articles