
Obtaining termporary residence

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ticklish fish

Hi. I would just like some clarification on the process.
My husband and children will have European Dutch passports.
I will have a New Zealand passport. We have been married for almost 14 years.
As far as I can tell, we do not need a visa to arrive in the country. However, when we are there we should apply for a long stay visa D and then apply to have it extended to the temporary residence. Does my husband need this as an EU citizen?
Is it easier for my husband to get this because he has an EU passport? He is planning to continue working online as a freelance video editor so we have no plans to take any jobs from Romanian citizens.  How do I find out about how much money is needed for the category of self supported?
We have discussed starting a business in Cluj and employing some people so that is one of our options. I also have the option of doing a TEFL course to go alongside my teaching degree so that I can do some tutoring for English.
For people who have obtained temporary residence - what category could i use? If my husband does not need it, would i use family reunification for myself? or would we use the option "other" ?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks :)

See also

Visas for RomaniaHow to get a Romanian visaRomania spouse visaDocument relatedRomania Air Schengen for Non EU

ticklish fish wrote:

Hi. I would just like some clarification on the process.
My husband and children will have European Dutch passports.
I will have a New Zealand passport. We have been married for almost 14 years.
As far as I can tell, we do not need a visa to arrive in the country. However, when we are there we should apply for a long stay visa D and then apply to have it extended to the temporary residence. Does my husband need this as an EU citizen?
Is it easier for my husband to get this because he has an EU passport? He is planning to continue working online as a freelance video editor so we have no plans to take any jobs from Romanian citizens.  How do I find out about how much money is needed for the category of self supported?
We have discussed starting a business in Cluj and employing some people so that is one of our options. I also have the option of doing a TEFL course to go alongside my teaching degree so that I can do some tutoring for English.
For people who have obtained temporary residence - what category could i use? If my husband does not need it, would i use family reunification for myself? or would we use the option "other" ?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks :)

No, he does not need any type of visa.  He only must register and be issued a CNP, as any EU national does.

As for you, you may need to apply for the D/VF (family reintegration visa), and then be issued a Permis de Sedere Temporara once you arrive.  Do note that IF a D/VF visa is required, it must be applied from outside Romania (i.e NZ).  I'd recommend you contact your local Romanian consulate for verification.

Romaniac Experts Team

ticklish fish

Thanks for that - what is a CNP?  Does that mean he can stay and work as long as he wants? Do you have a link where this info is found. I have searched and searched and have struggled to find the right links from the Romanian govt.
So grateful for your help!
Have a great day.


CNP is Codul Numeric Personal.  It's a personal ID number used for most formalities here.  Yes, he can stay and work as long as he wants; it's an EU citizens right.

One link you can refer to, which maybe is easier to find and understand is here


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