
about visa clearance

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I am exited from Oman on Dec I have interest to return to Oman. A lot of companies in Oman are informed me, to give an opportunity for me to join as an employee,when the visa clearance is beginning

I don't know,when the visa clearance is open in please replay urgently about visa clearance in Oman.


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Hi devanpillai,

Despite the number of times you post your same query, the response has to be the same !!

Getting labour clearance for a company is an ongoing process. And that depends on many factors like the company meeting its Omanisation percentage (primarily) and compiling with the numerous other processes and procedures like registrations, etc.

If the company wishes to appoint an expatriate then they must necessarily meet with all requirements stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower. If they do, they will be granted the labour clearance, with which they can apply for a new employment visa.

If the company does not meet with the set requirements then to get a labour clearance is next to impossible.


Hello devanpillai,

Please refrain from posting several time the same thing if you haven't yet receive responds.

Thank you,


Hello my wife is on family visa she want to convert into employment visa . I want to ask if labour clearance can be prepared without canceling family visa

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