
Need reviews of DPS Riyadh

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I need reviews of DPS (Daratassalam International Delhi Public School ).if someone has their child enrolled please give me your inputs and experience.

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Hi,my two nephews are studying there one is in 6th grade and the other one in 12th grade....with their experience I can say that the standard of student in terms of communication skills,understanding of subject and participation in other co-curricular activities is highly elevated.
It also depends on student to student but overall its good in comparison to other schools although its expensive than the other schools.



My little girl go to this school, I will say the standard is good if you compare it with the other indian schools here in KSA. However, if you compare it to the schools back in India then it would be like comparing apple with oranges. Just doesn't matcehs to the education and the activities level provided at India.

Good luck


I heard teachers salary of DPS School is pending over 5 months. Are they planning to shutdown the operation!

sanzida haque

i am not getting your point apple and orange? plz tell me which one is good either Indian or Saudian DPS AS PER YOUR POINT OF VIEW.

I also searchinf for a  good scholl in Riyadh,

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