
should i dressed down?

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alright, 1st of all: i'm sorry if my question seems a little bit out of sync from everybody else's - this is a detail i think is important.

i did went to egypt one time, and i was easily recognizable. because it was winter, and my coat was red. glaring. that's an experience i don't want to repeat. i prefer blending in...

how is amman? girls, what is normal? i'm going to amman to impress someone (if u know what i mean, hahahha ;p), but i don't want to overdo it. to be honest, i'm thinking of full black abaya; simple and easy, and will still look classy (at least to me! hahaha :p) - but is it normal?

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Okay this is my experience after living in Jordan for 5 years.

If you are more weary toward ISlam, go for the abaya, for Allah's sake. BUT if you are not that religious, wear what you want because in Amman , I've seen women wear sluttier cloths then women walking down Daytona Beach in 90 degree weather.

So I'd go conservative--long sleaves, ect. don't show your chest, don't over do the make up--just look like you---if you want to go the abaya thing. I have an extreme pet peeve against these women here who where tight tight jeans and like a tight long sleave slinking shirt thinking that it's "Hijab" or Islamic...and it's not, it's disgusting, and most women who dress like that get no respect from people, only fear of the government and police is what keeps men from following them, and even still...they get jeers and harrassment, AS the woman wearing tight jeans and a short sleave casual business blouse...people seem to fear here more because she's usually they type who will scream in the middle of the street if a guy even so much as looks at her the wrong way...the hijabi ladies are usually afraid and are many times stocked (especially if they go out at night alone)...

Abaya:::Abaya is good if you are NOT looking for a job. Abaya is a stay at home thing. But if you are looking for a Job in an abaya, good luck, because maybe only .07% employers will hire you here in JOrdan wearing an Abaya. But if it's to impress someone..go for'll be respected more..and just be careful not to be alone with the guy..because really, online dates usually turn out to be really really usually have on intention in minde, especially jordananians looking for foreign women.
Back home men are bored of the sex scene, here it's extremely hidden but men thrive after it---it's disgusting...
GOD I want to go back home!!!!!!!!!!!


i didn't expect jordan to be that liberal!!~

i think i'll wear abaya because i will feel more comfortable. the reason why i asked is, if i'm the only one wearing full top-to-toe black, within a community of colours, i will still stand out.

not to bash anybody or any country; *this-is-why-i-like-dubai-moment* abaya is considered a proper dresscode - even for work; and everyone understand that covering up doesn't restrict performance, and doesn't attract attention, so will not affect other people's performance too. key point is, everyone should b comfortable...


Wow, FouadsBaby, where are you from? I understand you don't like in Jordan, even you live there for 5 years... What's the reason? You put doubts in my mind, I'm planning to move there at the beginning of 2011, my housband is already there, working and it's hard being separated for so long time. Wish you the best!


They dress very classy here...always looking dressed up...look and feel your best...they wear midsized trenchcoats with pants underneath and the hijib..


thanks girls, i still made heads turned, traffic honked and slowed. even in a black abaya, or a long dress (my mother even complained the colour is not attractive enough!) maybe, i'm just not really good at blending in...

unfortunately, not from the guy i want... but, it's ok, i have made some friends. People are all nice. hotel, world class.

Amman is beautiful. especially at sunrise, from the top of a building. but, peacelovelight is right, need some cleaning up. messy, but charming in its own way.

I will definitely go there again. insyaAllah :)


and, I've never been kissed by sooooo many girls in 48 hours!!!~ very very welcoming!!~ appreciate the kind gestures from everybody. hahahha :)

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