Dating a Jordanian guy
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Hello! I'm a Bulgarian woman. I am 37 years old. Never married, no children. No, I am not ugly. I normally don't ask people about personal things, I only listen to my guts and it never failed me. But now I feel quite confused, for the first time in my life. Almost a year ago, I liked a Facebook page about Petra. Weeks after that, I got a friend request from a guy from Jordan. He lives in Aqaba. He started texting me, asking if I am married and things like that. I told him people should only marry people from theirs society and he said "no way". He irritated me big time. Then, he wanted to see me on a video call. I saw a very, very handsome guy, very confident and attractive. I couldn't stop thinking about him ever since. I was born a Muslim but my country is extremely secular due to communism. I don't like Islam or any other religion. I hate them all. He is 3 years younger than me. He wanted to come to my country but he needs a visa and invited me to Turkey last summer, but I declined. We almost stopped any communication though I knew it is not over. He contacted me in November and said if I am still single and still like him, he will wait for me and that we should meet. I would love to. He started talking about marriage and that scared the s^^t out of me. He knows I want to visit his country and I even bought a ticket but I didn't go. We were talking every evening for hours, my family was around, his family also around and he is talking to me without headphones, so they were asking questions and he didn't hide from them. I asked him "are you divorced" and he said that he was once engaged and according to Jordan laws it is something like marriage and there is a legal procedure to end an engagement and they had, with both families went in a courtroom and the girl's family didn't want to return the gold he bought her with borrowed money. Can this be true? He had relationships with women from other countries. He lies a lot, I think. He wanted me to send him scanned copies from my passport and a document that I am not married, so he can go to Amman, because he needs permission to marry a foreigner. They didn't give him, they gave him a date to go there together with me to get this permission, and his father pulled connections so everything happen faster. Interesting, isn't it? Is this possible? I didn't go, because my family acted like I will never return and I will die in Jordan, if I go, which made my worries about going, stronger. Currently, we are still talking from time to time and we text every day "Good morning". I want to meet him very much, I have to see him, even from a distance and for 5 minutes. I am not afraid it is just sex, I am afraid he wants to marry me because he has an agenda or, he wants to do something bad to me. I am somehow, I don't know why, having these visions he could sell me somewhere(please don't laugh) or he will have me kidnapped, though he promised me he will not chop me to pieces and bury me in the desert. Or, he will have his friends rape me in group. I just would like to ask, what are the worst things I can expect, if I meet him in Turkey, for example? I am also interested in a background check on that person but I don't want gossip about him to spread in his city. I know it is long but I assumed people who will read this will need some details. Now, he is not talking about marriage and it is better this way. I don't want to let him go. I told him I don't trust him and have a really bad feeling and he doesn't like that. I feel like he was trying really hard to gain my trust. He also makes me feel insecure and ugly, because he is very handsome. I hate that feeling. He is also observing me when I turn my head to the side, watching my reactions to everything, like he is gathering information. He is also very smart and I have never seen such a smart guy. Any thoughts? Please, do have something to say. I am really feeling very pressured and divided. I am not afraid he is a liar, I just want to know if I can be safe if i meet him.

I married a Jordanian who used me for a visa. He borrowed over 30,000 and gave me maybe 3000 in food and bills and glitter cheap gold
It was all about sex
Lying is the new truth to him. He put his hand on the Quran and made so many swears and promises. After he got here, we haven’t been together. He stays with his friends always near college university.
I got a video sent to me of him in a threesome with 2 woman.
He told me if I’m not his slave And be the wife under his control he said I should be, then he does not need me now. Then he got to see life isn’t as easy as he had thought and not many people can do the type of work that I do, and wanted me back. He accused me of stealing his passport I gave him all of his things and was going to try even though I have pictures of him with 2 woman in bed.
Then he was so secret he did not want me to know where he was staying. He looks for job purposely not to pay taxes and now I have no idea what he is doing.
His family is demanding there money back from him last I heard. He has been here now just over a year. And his cute has turned to gross when I seen him he is so skinny was always sick and his teeth where rotting.
When I met him his only desire was to leave the Air Force!
No you don’t do separation in court
No he does not need your information for his country to agree to marriage
I went to jordan we did a required blood test went to the court house got married I’m not Muslim I don’t know Arabic
So don’t send your documents he is probably using a fake marriage agreement with embassy to get a visa to your country
Angry Amel wrote:Hello! I'm a Bulgarian woman. I am 37 years old. Never married, no children. No, I am not ugly.
I normally don't ask people about personal things, I only listen to my guts and it never failed me. But now I feel quite confused, for the first time in my life. Almost a year ago, I liked a Facebook page about Petra. Weeks after that, I got a friend request from a guy from Jordan. He lives in Aqaba. He started texting me, asking if I am married and things like that. I told him people should only marry people from theirs society and he said "no way". He irritated me big time. Then, he wanted to see me on a video call. I saw a very, very handsome guy, very confident and attractive. I couldn't stop thinking about him ever since. I was born a Muslim but my country is extremely secular due to communism. I don't like Islam or any other religion. I hate them all. He is 3 years younger than me. He wanted to come to my country but he needs a visa and invited me to Turkey last summer, but I declined. We almost stopped any communication though I knew it is not over. He contacted me in November and said if I am still single and still like him, he will wait for me and that we should meet. I would love to. He started talking about marriage and that scared the s^^t out of me. He knows I want to visit his country and I even bought a ticket but I didn't go. We were talking every evening for hours, my family was around, his family also around and he is talking to me without headphones, so they were asking questions and he didn't hide from them. I asked him "are you divorced" and he said that he was once engaged and according to Jordan laws it is something like marriage and there is a legal procedure to end an engagement and they had, with both families went in a courtroom and the girl's family didn't want to return the gold he bought her with borrowed money. Can this be true? He had relationships with women from other countries. He lies a lot, I think. He wanted me to send him scanned copies from my passport and a document that I am not married, so he can go to Amman, because he needs permission to marry a foreigner. They didn't give him, they gave him a date to go there together with me to get this permission, and his father pulled connections so everything happen faster. Interesting, isn't it? Is this possible? I didn't go, because my family acted like I will never return and I will die in Jordan, if I go, which made my worries about going, stronger. Currently, we are still talking from time to time and we text every day "Good morning". I want to meet him very much, I have to see him, even from a distance and for 5 minutes. I am not afraid it is just sex, I am afraid he wants to marry me because he has an agenda or, he wants to do something bad to me. I am somehow, I don't know why, having these visions he could sell me somewhere(please don't laugh) or he will have me kidnapped, though he promised me he will not chop me to pieces and bury me in the desert. Or, he will have his friends rape me in group. I just would like to ask, what are the worst things I can expect, if I meet him in Turkey, for example? I am also interested in a background check on that person but I don't want gossip about him to spread in his city. I know it is long but I assumed people who will read this will need some details. Now, he is not talking about marriage and it is better this way. I don't want to let him go. I told him I don't trust him and have a really bad feeling and he doesn't like that. I feel like he was trying really hard to gain my trust. He also makes me feel insecure and ugly, because he is very handsome. I hate that feeling. He is also observing me when I turn my head to the side, watching my reactions to everything, like he is gathering information. He is also very smart and I have never seen such a smart guy. Any thoughts? Please, do have something to say. I am really feeling very pressured and divided. I am not afraid he is a liar, I just want to know if I can be safe if i meet him.
It is good that you have some red flags and you should be worried.
Had a giggle about your visions. Some Arabic men do really bad things, like some men in every given country.
You don't trust him but he's attractive to you and you can't let him go. Thinking of him every time, right? Whether it is positive or negative. Yes, he lied about some things ( marry procedures for example) but it's possible he doesn't know exactly what or how to do.
I think it can be a good idea to meet him on a neutral ground, like Turkey. To spend time together and explore the surroundings. You get to see more about him than just talking and texting. Don't go alone.
If you need more tips or advice you can PM.
Good luck with your decisions.
Loriann77 wrote:I married a Jordanian who used me for a visa. He borrowed over 30,000 and gave me maybe 3000 in food and bills and glitter cheap gold
It was all about sex
Lying is the new truth to him. He put his hand on the Quran and made so many swears and promises. After he got here, we haven’t been together. He stays with his friends always near college university.
I got a video sent to me of him in a threesome with 2 woman.
He told me if I’m not his slave And be the wife under his control he said I should be, then he does not need me now. Then he got to see life isn’t as easy as he had thought and not many people can do the type of work that I do, and wanted me back. He accused me of stealing his passport I gave him all of his things and was going to try even though I have pictures of him with 2 woman in bed.
Then he was so secret he did not want me to know where he was staying. He looks for job purposely not to pay taxes and now I have no idea what he is doing.
His family is demanding there money back from him last I heard. He has been here now just over a year. And his cute has turned to gross when I seen him he is so skinny was always sick and his teeth where rotting.
When I met him his only desire was to leave the Air Force!
No you don’t do separation in court
No he does not need your information for his country to agree to marriage
I went to jordan we did a required blood test went to the court house got married I’m not Muslim I don’t know Arabic
So don’t send your documents he is probably using a fake marriage agreement with embassy to get a visa to your country
Feel so sorry for you what you have been through and what he's doing to you.
You can report him and file him against fraud and maybe some other charges.
Good luck to you.

Hello dear Amel,
Just read your post and I can tell you that you're not alone with the struggle of love and trust on the internet. I've seen similar ways between the communications with men, especially the Jordanians. Btw, I'm 37 too.
I wanted to say that you've done right with your decision not to meet him in Jordan till now. Especially when you don't speak Arabic and don't have any other relations or contacts there who might help and support you in case you might need help. I also think it'll be a good idea to meet him in Turkey if you really want to see him.
My experiences over the past months showed me that most of them are searching for someone to marry to get a visa or just to play around. After being hurt once this way I'm very careful when texting with someone new. Bc of that meanwhile I'm very lucky when they clearly tell their intentions from the beginning. This is the new kind of trust we'll learn when communicating online. It's different from the conversations we have with others in person. But once you got to that point of feeling uncomfortable and insecure you should stop torturing yourself. Even it's hard at the beginning. I mean, you shouldn't be forced to marry someone just to be with him. Especially when you're sure of that a couple can live together without marriage too. I totally agree with your opinion. A real love relationship which is meant to be should exist without the issue of money or marriage.
I'm wishing you all the best and I'm hoping that your upcoming decisions will be always the right ones! Hold on to your family, follow their advice. Bc they may see some facts clearer than we do, especially when we're thinking too much by our hearts which is totally normal when we're falling for someone.
Have a nice and lovely time!
Greetings, Sally

Thank you! My country is not in better condition than his. The only thing is that we are part of the EU but I told him, I am not going to live in Western Europe. I've been there, I couldn't live in those societies and went back home.
Hiya Angry ....
if i was you, i would stay away from this dude! it would be waste of time for you and you might end up in problems you are not in need for! so better to stay away from those that do nice mouth talking behind computer screens or phones!
Good luck!
Hello Angry,
I actually disagree with all the others, I am Jordanian married to polish girl since 2006 and we both live in Jordan as it is much better place to make money then Europe, I run a property and retail business and my wife chose to work for a travel agency with her (English langue only ) and never wanted to go back to Europe, will, only for holiday's every now and then after i convince her lol, its absolutely true that the courts in Jordan are full of divorced cases before the wedding day takes a place , most of the time people signing a marriage contract along with the engagement party without moving together yet till the wedding party take a place, this is sort of traditional thing OK, but not for the court as in court both are legally married so if they have problem in between the engagement and wedding day they are nearly treated by court as a married couple and the girls has much more rights in that case where the man has to lose 50% of any gold or expenses he bought to her and this could take years in court to fix just as any other court in any place in the world , so simply your friend from Aqaba could be just honest with his love to you and you could be loosing the opportunity to live here, let me tell you something dear Jordan is a Muslim Arabic country but its a very free and safe country to live and visit, for example just in Amman we have hundreds of pobs and club, mosques and churches where you want to go is your choice, also do not worry if you dont speak Arabic as most of people can communicate in English and very friendly, unlike Europe where i really struggle when i go for holiday to find somebody who speaks English, so what is my recommendation for you is to visit Jordan and meet this man because surly he is not going to eat you, i think you have over exaggerated your story, remember that Jordan has a proper fare low it is not a wild country as you think, every year there is a millions of tourist from all around the world are visiting Jordan and most of them are happy and many are living here.
Hello everyone,
I am new to this and I would like to seek your point of view on the situation I am in.
I was planning to travel to Jordan in October 2020 and had purchased my ticket in November 2019. To get some travel tips and inspiration on Jordan before my trip, I am following a few Jordanian travel accounts and hashtags on Instagram. Sometimes I leave comments on their posts.
One day in March 2020, I received a “hi” message in my Instagram DM from a Jordanian man. At first, I ignored him. I checked out his Instagram profile and thought to myself that he seemed like an okay person. He is an engineer by profession and enjoys cooking. A few days later, I replied to his initial message with a “hello”. His subsequent reply to my hello was almost immediate, but again, I didn’t pay much attention to him, and I waited a few days to reply him and even that, I replied with short answers. This went on for a few weeks. We also followed each other on Instagram but that was it at that time.
One day in late April, he posted a funny story on his Instagram and I reacted to his story with a laughing emoji, and because of that, we began to talk a bit more frequent. He then asked for Facebook friend request, and I accepted. Since that day on 27 April 2020, we text each other on Messenger every day without fail.
Two weeks after we became friends on FB, he wrote me a long text about his background and his intentions. You see, I asked him so many questions about why he slide into my Instagram DM and become interested in me. I don’t trust people that easily, especially after all the horror stories I heard about Jordanian men and their marriage scams. I am a 43-year-old woman but everyone around me says I look 10 years younger than my age. This Jordanian man is 27 years old and at first when he approached me, he thought I was only 35 years old from my pictures. So I said to him that I was too old and I had nothing for him, and his reply was age was just a number. He also said he believed God connected both of us to meet.
Following my curiosity and all my questions, he wrote me a long explanation on why he approached me. He was very upfront that he had an intention to marry, but he wanted to reveal his entire background including his family first, so that I can choose whether to continue talking with him or not. He told me about his childhood, his big family, his late girlfriend who died from leukemia, his views on religion, education, lifestyle, sex and etc. He was particularly curious if I am okay to marry a Muslim man. I was born in Malaysia of Chinese descent, and being brought up in a Muslim country, I have many Muslim friends and familiar with the Islamic religion. So I told him I am okay with marrying a Muslim man, and hearing that, he said he felt so happy. After all that, he asked again if I wish to continue texting him and I said yes.
He then asked about my background which I explained honestly to him. I told him I am separated with two children, what happened in my marriage with the father of my kids, and he accepted all. He was also very specific in asking how many ex-boyfriends I had previously and if I was still keeping in contact with them, to which I said no.
After a couple of weeks of “interviewing” to get to know more of each other, he said he will now give me an endearing nickname, because he said his impression of me has since grown bigger and better.
Recently, I discovered his LinkedIn profile which match up with everything that he had told me so far. He even sent me his CV to check for any grammar mistakes on one occasion when he wanted to look for new engineering job.
Everything looks so great so far, right? I wished it does, because always, at the back of my mind, there is this nagging feeling about a few so-called “red flags” in our relationship (since April until now, we have been texting for 4 months):
(1) We only talked on video two times during the entire 4 months of texting. The first time was him wanting to make sure that I am a real person and I am who I look in my Instagram pictures. The second time was just to chat a bit to assure me because in his words, he wants to show me he is making time for me.
(2) Other times when I asked to speak on video, he refused because it is either he was too busy because he had his other family members came to visit his house, or he was at their houses. He proved to me by sending me photos of his “current situation.” By the way, he is the youngest son, he lives with his widowed mother and a sister. His other siblings (3 brothers and 5 sisters are all married and some of them live in the same apartment building as him).
3) Very seldom we sit down together virtually to text one another back and forth, and even if we ever do, it would be just for a few minutes like less than 5 minutes. However, he is always very consistent in sending me a few texts in the morning, a few texts in the afternoon and then a few more before he goes to sleep. He also often sends pictures of himself at the job sites. But I always wish sometimes we can sit together to talk at the same time and discuss some minor disagreements so that everything can be clarified there and then, versus waiting a few hours for his reply. Even that, sometimes it doesn’t even explain my question due to language barrier which leaves me even more frustrated. In my opinion, his English is fairly good but his explanation sometimes tends to be all over the place which sometimes leaves me with more confusion.
4) He follows many female Instagram accounts and likes their posts consistently more than mine. So whenever I bring that up, he would tell me to think well (this positive) and “don’t let the devil come between us”. Just yesterday, I brought up the fact that I was jealous in my text, and he said he will not comment further on that because we already had that discussion before and he already explained. Everytime when he says that, I felt like I was just being brushed off and treated like a noise. I am only wishing to be re-assured of his affections for me. Is that wrong to ask?
5) He told me once before that he will reveal his feelings to me only when I arrive in Jordan because “it is more meaningful to do it in person and face-to-face” instead of online. Because of this COVID-19 pandemic, very likely my October trip to Jordan will be cancelled. So recently on his birthday in early August, I told him I had nothing for him but only a love confession. He said it was a really big gift for him and he appreciated my nice words.
6) Eventhough he has showed me pictures of his family and his extended family many times like during family birthdays, Eid, whatever celebrations, I asked him if he has ever told his family about him and I texting like this, he said no.
7) He likes to cook and even posted a few recipes on his Instagram page, and sometimes he also tells me he will stop his mother from cooking dinner and to let him take over the cooking instead. He also told me a few times that he does chores like ironing his own clothes (he shared the pictures with me), organizing his room, even shared pictures of his engineering work on computer with me, etc. When one time I showed him I successfully cooked mansaf and also chicken with molokhia, he was extremely impressed and delighted and told me he wanted to make me his partner in everything (in his words: my restaurant partner if he decides to leave his engineering career, life partner). I’m not sure if he was just being kind and nice...
So, my friends, what do you think about this Jordanian guy? Do you think he is genuine with me?
Hello Sheridane6000,
This is coming from a Canadian woman married to a Jordanian man. Unfortunately Jordanian men, though inexperienced, they’re very good at the dating game because they’re great liars. It’s clear what this guy wants from you, so please be careful and stay away. I’m wishing you the best and praying you won’t listen to any of his rubbish lies. Good luck hun...
If you want to privately message me to talk further please go for it.

we look bad,
am sorry that you all had to go through such an unpleasant experiences,
long distance relations usually doesn't work, how could it? and you don't know each other , i mean really know each other, not how do u look or from FB or Insta, or any social media,
some ppl like to believe in "Love from first sight" because they need love, but unfortunately they become easy catch for any one, it could happen once in a million, if you choose to take the risk to know if u r the 1, then don't complain if it didn't work,
one lady mentioned that you to choose someone from your society , or at least someone u lived with, in the same society long enough to know each other.
that's rational, but sometimes when you let your emotions lead, you have to expect the consequences,
its social media, the cradle of lies
its not the Jordanian guy, its not any nationality guy , its just a guy who use lies to trap ppl for any reason, and the most common reasons, sex and money,
and trust me, a good a guy will not jump into short cuts, try to take himself from his own society just for you. if he did, u should know that u can NOT trust this man,
wish u the luck, and wish if u choose wiser, and i hope that you understand that not all Jordanian guys are like that.
they are like any guy in the other part of the world, most of them good, and some of them are not,
@ Crying Seabird
Why would someone as religious like him who prays 5 times a day do that?
There are some successful long distance relationships that I personally know, involving my high school classmate and a Dutch guy whom she met online many years ago and they are now happily married for many years with a child.
On the other hand, I was married to a man from my own society, nationality, culture and absolutely no language barrier at all but I was abused.
So, bad and good people exists everywhere.
Crying_seabird wrote:its not the Jordanian guy, its not any nationality guy , its just a guy who use lies to trap ppl for any reason, and the most common reasons, sex and money,
and trust me, a good a guy will not jump into short cuts, try to take himself from his own society just for you. if he did, u should know that u can NOT trust this man,
Yes, I agree with that part about luring gullible women for sex and money and visas too. In the case of this Jordanian guy, maybe he haven’t yet but will eventually, but so far, he haven’t asked me about my financial status yet, he never even said “I love you” or talk about marriage except once at the beginning of our online relationship asking me if I wish to continue talking with him because his intention is marriage and he just wanted to text to get to know me better.
But yes, I am always cautious and I have no problem cutting men off from my life and move on if I see more red flags. It’s just that this is my first experience dealing with a Jordanian man and I am beginning to see how cleverly veiled his real motifs are behind that so-called Allah-fearing mind. Other men tend to be more straightforward and right away, I know they were just looking for sex and money.
Thank you @ crying seabird

am thinking , if someone didn't ask ur help, nor sex, and didn't say he loves u, he just mentioned the marriage as an IDEA,
i guess u made assumptions, and built castles on sands,
please don't related Islam to what ppl do,
Islam is a life style, if i pray and lie, its not Islam problem, its me the problem,
its ppl who take some parts and leave other parts,
Crying_seabird wrote:am thinking , if someone didn't ask ur help, nor sex, and didn't say he loves u, he just mentioned the marriage as an IDEA,
i guess u made assumptions, and built castles on sands,
please don't related Islam to what ppl do,
Islam is a life style, if i pray and lie, its not Islam problem, its me the problem,
its ppl who take some parts and leave other parts,
He did once said “I love you “ indirectly in a video message to me by asking his preschool nephew to repeat the words after him, and then he ended that message by saying directly to me “that is my true feelings”. Personally, I didn’t count that as a true confession lol. On several occasions, he told me he preferred to confess in person rather than through online.
About your point on Islam being a lifestyle, I was just wondering aloud. It’s just that the way he portrayed himself to me regularly makes me think he is a pious man. But you are right, some people just don’t practice fully.
sheridane6000 wrote:Hello everyone,
I am new to this and I would like to seek your point of view on the situation I am in.
I was planning to travel to Jordan in October 2020 and had purchased my ticket in November 2019. To get some travel tips and inspiration on Jordan before my trip, I am following a few Jordanian travel accounts and hashtags on Instagram. Sometimes I leave comments on their posts.
One day in March 2020, I received a “hi” message in my Instagram DM from a Jordanian man. At first, I ignored him. I checked out his Instagram profile and thought to myself that he seemed like an okay person. He is an engineer by profession and enjoys cooking. A few days later, I replied to his initial message with a “hello”. His subsequent reply to my hello was almost immediate, but again, I didn’t pay much attention to him, and I waited a few days to reply him and even that, I replied with short answers. This went on for a few weeks. We also followed each other on Instagram but that was it at that time.
One day in late April, he posted a funny story on his Instagram and I reacted to his story with a laughing emoji, and because of that, we began to talk a bit more frequent. He then asked for Facebook friend request, and I accepted. Since that day on 27 April 2020, we text each other on Messenger every day without fail.
Two weeks after we became friends on FB, he wrote me a long text about his background and his intentions. You see, I asked him so many questions about why he slide into my Instagram DM and become interested in me. I don’t trust people that easily, especially after all the horror stories I heard about Jordanian men and their marriage scams. I am a 43-year-old woman but everyone around me says I look 10 years younger than my age. This Jordanian man is 27 years old and at first when he approached me, he thought I was only 35 years old from my pictures. So I said to him that I was too old and I had nothing for him, and his reply was age was just a number. He also said he believed God connected both of us to meet.
Following my curiosity and all my questions, he wrote me a long explanation on why he approached me. He was very upfront that he had an intention to marry, but he wanted to reveal his entire background including his family first, so that I can choose whether to continue talking with him or not. He told me about his childhood, his big family, his late girlfriend who died from leukemia, his views on religion, education, lifestyle, sex and etc. He was particularly curious if I am okay to marry a Muslim man. I was born in Malaysia of Chinese descent, and being brought up in a Muslim country, I have many Muslim friends and familiar with the Islamic religion. So I told him I am okay with marrying a Muslim man, and hearing that, he said he felt so happy. After all that, he asked again if I wish to continue texting him and I said yes.
He then asked about my background which I explained honestly to him. I told him I am separated with two children, what happened in my marriage with the father of my kids, and he accepted all. He was also very specific in asking how many ex-boyfriends I had previously and if I was still keeping in contact with them, to which I said no.
After a couple of weeks of “interviewing” to get to know more of each other, he said he will now give me an endearing nickname, because he said his impression of me has since grown bigger and better.
Recently, I discovered his LinkedIn profile which match up with everything that he had told me so far. He even sent me his CV to check for any grammar mistakes on one occasion when he wanted to look for new engineering job.
Everything looks so great so far, right? I wished it does, because always, at the back of my mind, there is this nagging feeling about a few so-called “red flags” in our relationship (since April until now, we have been texting for 4 months):
(1) We only talked on video two times during the entire 4 months of texting. The first time was him wanting to make sure that I am a real person and I am who I look in my Instagram pictures. The second time was just to chat a bit to assure me because in his words, he wants to show me he is making time for me.
(2) Other times when I asked to speak on video, he refused because it is either he was too busy because he had his other family members came to visit his house, or he was at their houses. He proved to me by sending me photos of his “current situation.” By the way, he is the youngest son, he lives with his widowed mother and a sister. His other siblings (3 brothers and 5 sisters are all married and some of them live in the same apartment building as him).
3) Very seldom we sit down together virtually to text one another back and forth, and even if we ever do, it would be just for a few minutes like less than 5 minutes. However, he is always very consistent in sending me a few texts in the morning, a few texts in the afternoon and then a few more before he goes to sleep. He also often sends pictures of himself at the job sites. But I always wish sometimes we can sit together to talk at the same time and discuss some minor disagreements so that everything can be clarified there and then, versus waiting a few hours for his reply. Even that, sometimes it doesn’t even explain my question due to language barrier which leaves me even more frustrated. In my opinion, his English is fairly good but his explanation sometimes tends to be all over the place which sometimes leaves me with more confusion.
4) He follows many female Instagram accounts and likes their posts consistently more than mine. So whenever I bring that up, he would tell me to think well (this positive) and “don’t let the devil come between us”. Just yesterday, I brought up the fact that I was jealous in my text, and he said he will not comment further on that because we already had that discussion before and he already explained. Everytime when he says that, I felt like I was just being brushed off and treated like a noise. I am only wishing to be re-assured of his affections for me. Is that wrong to ask?
5) He told me once before that he will reveal his feelings to me only when I arrive in Jordan because “it is more meaningful to do it in person and face-to-face” instead of online. Because of this COVID-19 pandemic, very likely my October trip to Jordan will be cancelled. So recently on his birthday in early August, I told him I had nothing for him but only a love confession. He said it was a really big gift for him and he appreciated my nice words.
6) Eventhough he has showed me pictures of his family and his extended family many times like during family birthdays, Eid, whatever celebrations, I asked him if he has ever told his family about him and I texting like this, he said no.
7) He likes to cook and even posted a few recipes on his Instagram page, and sometimes he also tells me he will stop his mother from cooking dinner and to let him take over the cooking instead. He also told me a few times that he does chores like ironing his own clothes (he shared the pictures with me), organizing his room, even shared pictures of his engineering work on computer with me, etc. When one time I showed him I successfully cooked mansaf and also chicken with molokhia, he was extremely impressed and delighted and told me he wanted to make me his partner in everything (in his words: my restaurant partner if he decides to leave his engineering career, life partner). I’m not sure if he was just being kind and nice...
So, my friends, what do you think about this Jordanian guy? Do you think he is genuine with me?
Somehow I missed this post.
To me it sounds legit and lets be honest: an online relationship doesn't work well and there are some delicate subjects you want to discuss in private face to face.
The reason that he doesn't want a video call is maybe he's not into you being introduce to his family yet. That can be a red flag. Ask him why. It doesn't make any sense that he can text you severely times a day while he is visiting his relatives or vice versa but no video call. It's a perfect opportunity to get to know his family.
At the other hand it's likely they don't know anything about your existence.
Take a break for a few days if you have nothing to say then just good morning/afternoon/night and what are you doing.
Another red flag is the age gap. It doesn't have to be a big deal but his family, friends and the society expects when you get married there will be kids too to complete the whole picture.
Does he or you want kids? You don't need to answer this in the open but having children is very important in this society.
Hello everyone I am new here. I am a Filipina and I met a Jordanian man from a dating site. We have a long-distance relationship for about 5 months. He said he always wanted to have a Filipina wife. We have different religions and he told me that I don't need to be a Muslim. He wants to marry me, he was originally wanted to go to my country this year but I refused it and told him that we can't marry this year because my father planning to get marry this coming August and it's in our belief that having the same year of marriage brings bad luck to our family. I told him about this and he agreed and show respect. And I told him the marriage will be possible next year but deep inside of me I use this chance to see and know him more. We video call every day, I am comfortable talking with him but I'm still worried. He told me everything about him. From the very start, he told me that he doesn't like me wearing shorts when I go outside but he never controlled me. But there's a time that I feel sad when we have different views like having a gay friend. I know that they have a conservative country and I respect that but sometimes it sounds too much for me, he doesn't really like gays and boy friends which I currently had because in my country we don't see any problem with that. But we always have a good time but I'm scared that everything might change after the marriage. Please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you.
To me this is a big red flag: marrying someone you only know online?
Best is, if possible, to spend time together in real life so you see how he's reacting with his family, friends, where he lives, works etcetera.
Having different views in life of subjects is not a problem, disrespect and therefore he forbids, is. Respect is a two way thing, not one towards the other.
Who can help me the process of divorce traditions of jordan ..i just met a divorce man but he told me he is not longer with a girl.I would like to know if its really true.
And also he keep telling me its really over.i dnt wna be in trouble in future.i dnt wna see myself regrets and ill be on jail or got case for this.i love him but i love more myself
Thank you so much.
Lately, I realized that we have different beliefs and ways of life.
I don't want to be controlled by someone and I finally ended our relationship.
I was so excited and full of happiness that's why I easily agreed with all of his plans during our first week and month of conversation online. Before him, I was broken because my 6 years ex-boyfriend cheated on me. I was happy for a while he helps me to heal the wounds from my past and I am so thankful for that. But when I started to know about him everything chance. I know that we are not perfect and I respect everything about him. I just don't want to force myself. We shouldn't make any decision when we are happy or sad. Good luck to those still looking for the right person but please don't pressure yourself the right person will surely come.
Agreed with the gurl prior... I married in jordan... you do not need to send anything ahead of time. We as well did blood test and married in the courthouse where you will be given a translator and you sign the contract.
I do know for a fact that some of the people there try to make fake marriage certificates but most get caught and are denied access... at least to usa
U trust your guts as u said .... All these long phone and video calls, U couldn't guess ...
Yes it is safe if ...
Let a friend accompany you, meet in a public space in West Amman, A coffee shop mall is a good choice, Dont give your mobile, Facebook, etc..
Ask him eye to eye, and suddenly: "Why are u following me that much" ... Watch his body language, then u most likely know to proceed or not, gradually i.e.
Sorry to hear what has happened to you. Bear in mind that Jordains aren't all great liars. If yours was a liar, others aren't. Be fair and don't give generalizations randomly.
Hello. I am a Jordanian female. I lived abroad for quite long, whereas I had a British education. I then returned to my homeland.
I regret to say that I have not been able to adapt here in Jordan. Therefore, I did not get married and neither have I made many friends. Consequently, I am feeling extremely lonely.
I read a lot and I go out for walks when the weather permits. I have had a pet for the past ten years or so: I decided to get a tortoise called "Beatle." I love her, however, pets/animals do not compensate for human beings.
I would like to meet people via this site.

u will hundreds of offers here

usually men who find it hard to date in Jordan, all what the lady has to do is just give them the chance, join meetup, and join groups of your interests, you will find many ppl and talk about something that you do like, i wouldn't start here on Expat
duhaz77beatle wrote:Hello. I am a Jordanian female. I lived abroad for quite long, whereas I had a British education. I then returned to my homeland.
I regret to say that I have not been able to adapt here in Jordan. Therefore, I did not get married and neither have I made many friends. Consequently, I am feeling extremely lonely.
I read a lot and I go out for walks when the weather permits. I have had a pet for the past ten years or so: I decided to get a tortoise called "Beatle." I love her, however, pets/animals do not compensate for human beings.
I would like to meet people via this site.
You can send me a private message with more details about you.
Maybe I can help you.
Fact is that it takes time to find friends and create your own social network.

Hi everyone, this is Mike from Jordan , family roots are Palestinian , I Raed most replies about the basic topic,
In fact NO One can judge on the JORDANIANS through his own bad experience with a one man you have chosen, and mention that all the Jordanians are bad , this is so rude !
If you think you are living in the
? perfect world ? please tell me where is that , and why you are looking for a man in our world,
You had a bad experience with 1 man of 10M person.
Mike Malas wrote:Hi everyone, this is Mike from Jordan , family roots are Palestinian , I Raed most replies about the basic topic,
In fact NO One can judge on the JORDANIANS through his own bad experience with a one man you have chosen, and mention that all the Jordanians are bad , this is so rude !
If you think you are living in the
? perfect world ? please tell me where is that , and why you are looking for a man in our world,
You had a bad experience with 1 man of 10M person.
Take it easy Mike
no one is perfect or a perfect community,
but they need to talk because they are under a lot of stress and pressures because when a Western marry a Middle Eastern she get a lot of warnings, after he leave her all who warned her will enjoy saying
"I told you"
so this is the only window for them to talk because discussing this where they live is useless and if we prevent them of saying their stories it is a bad result sometimes,
because many look for this kind of stories to feed the hatred to Middle East like who call himself a historian Daniel Pipes.
when I meet someone who hate and criticise us a lot I ask him/her
"aren't Danish people considered as Westerns ?"
the answer will be "yes of course"
my next question is
"what about the whales and dolphins yearly massacre in Denmark?"
so its better to help them and show them the reality
duhaz77beatle wrote:Hello. I am a Jordanian female. I lived abroad for quite long, whereas I had a British education. I then returned to my homeland.
I regret to say that I have not been able to adapt here in Jordan. Therefore, I did not get married and neither have I made many friends. Consequently, I am feeling extremely lonely.
I read a lot and I go out for walks when the weather permits. I have had a pet for the past ten years or so: I decided to get a tortoise called "Beatle." I love her, however, pets/animals do not compensate for human beings.
I would like to meet people via this site.
oh i am sure your inbox is full by now just kidding, there are so many kool people in this forum
Why scared. Jordanians are as nice as other countries. You are trying to say that your country is a utopian ( perfect) country. NTH is perfect including you and others like you. Go for it safely.

you can recommend also Enslaved Mini Series, it will tell you who was taking the humans from Mother Africa to the new world, taking humans as cargo from their own homeland, and through them in the sea if they face a storm,
they were enslaved to farm sugar, because EU people like sweets
I'm sure you'll meet good people. Keep an open mind. There are Jordanian and foreigners interested in meeting and making friends as well.
It is hard to tell. Seeing is believing. Meet him if you feel confident. In case sth you don't happend, call me ***. I am do happy to help. This is Hasan from Jordan, ex- military. Trust me I never lied or cheated anybody. I live in Irbid, Jordan. Email: ****. call me whenever you need help.I will never hesitate to help.
Good luck
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We invite you to read the forum code of conduct
@amroxz1 I laughed when you said moat Jordanian speaks English, this is not true. I worked in a 5 star hotel in Jordan as a foreign and boy oh boy i was s shocked that these people dont even speaks english, its like im talking to deaf people that I have to do sign language with my hands whenever i spoke with them. Also, i have a story to tell. When I was at the Queen Alia airport there was this foreign girl who almost missed her flight because she was talking to this airport police who cant speak and understand english, I saw how she tried to explain herself by using her hands so the police would understand her but the police kept talking back to her in arabic. So no, Jordanians are not well spoken in english. Trust me I’ve been to jordan enough years to speak based on my experience, also been to different places in Jordan.
@amroxz1 I laughed when you said moat Jordanian speaks English, this is not true. I worked in a 5 star hotel in Jordan as a foreign and boy oh boy i was s shocked that these people dont even speaks english, its like im talking to deaf people that I have to do sign language with my hands whenever i spoke with them. Also, i have a story to tell. When I was at the Queen Alia airport there was this foreign girl who almost missed her flight because she was talking to this airport police who cant speak and understand english, I saw how she tried to explain herself by using her hands so the police would understand her but the police kept talking back to her in arabic. So no, Jordanians are not well spoken in english. Trust me I’ve been to jordan enough years to speak based on my experience, also been to different places in Jordan.
-@Marion Obrey
Some people is not the same as all people so in that sense it's correct.
It doesn't matter if you have worked in a five star hotel or just one, it depends on the job role you fulfill in the hotel. A manager or someone at the reception must speaks English but a waiter that just collect dirty dishes is not really necessary.
At the moment I work as a guide and I speak mostly English with anyone if the Arabic gets to complicated for me.
The police you referring to was maybe just a troll or in a bad mood to make some extra effort. But I do agree when working at the airport at the immigration you must have some knowledge of English, at this point they have to work on it.
Articles to help you in your expat project in Amman
- Blood testing for those who want to marry a Jordanian
Weather you come to Jordan for work or to marry a Jordanian, one of the formalities must be done is to get a blood ...
- Types of transportion in Jordan -1 (Taxi)
Hello every body,
- Leisure in Jordan
First of all welcome to Jordan, hope it wasn't as confusing as you thought it would be!
- Foreign labour blood testing
When you come to Jordan to work in homes, offices, beauty centers or other locations, you need to do a blood test ...
- About Jordan
Jordan is a country in the Middle East, located on the east bank of the Jordan River. Home to the Dead Sea, ...
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