
how much is a good income for 2?

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I'm planning to move to Amman at the beginning of 2011, my housband already works there... Just for the two of us, how much do we need monthly for a good living (I mean, not luxury, but decent life)? He is looking for an apartment to rent These days, is 450 dinnars a good rent (utilities included)? What's a good salary in Amman, because I want to find a job for myself too... Thank you for any good and helpful advice!!

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I guess 450 JD is very good, u;ll find a nice flat in western Amman, where the high level people live.
I think in general 2000 JD for 2 people are enough for a good life including going out at week ends.
hope u'll enjoy liofe in Jordan.


I guess 450 JDs depends on the kind of apartment that you will be getting, it may be so not worth it most of the time. Look at as many apartments as you can before you find one that you feel is best for you, and for your needs, like location for example. I would recommend getting an apartment in West Amman. Best neighborhood for me so far seems to be Shmisani. It is in the center, and it seems to be pretty clean, and trouble free, with a number of new buildings.

I would agree with rotala1 that most salaries in West Amman are about from 2 thousand to 2 thousand and a half JDs, but of course again it depends on where you work, and what is your profession. It will pretty much be enough to have a good life, but not enough to allow yourself many luxuries, but still considered higher than most of Jordan's salaries.


Thank you very much for advices and response to my questions. I am still in Romania, but my housband had to find quick an place to stay, so he's now living at 4th circle area, in a clean and quiet studio, for a rent of 330 JOD, utilities included. Many other people recommended the west side of Amman to stay, but it's very far from his place of work (which is around 1st circle area), so it was difficult since he doesn't know about the transportation in the city. Beside that, both of you mentioned a range of 2000-2500 JOD for a good living and I am surprised, because I know the salaries in Jordan are about a few houndred JOD monthly, so jordans are not living well? Who earns that kind of salary if a teacher has about 300 JD? I am a little confused right now... Anyway, my housband has 1400 JD brutto, but I don't know the average of taxes in Jordan (maybe you cand help me with that.... thank you!). Any other advice will be well-received!


The fourth circle is right next to Shmisani, and it is considered one of the best areas in the city. The distance from the 4th-1st circle would take ~5 minutes to cross by car, depending on the traffic, and time of day. During rush hour those streets are pretty crowded.

And yes, most people in Jordan do not live well, or let's say European/American well. There is a very high rate of poverty. People who earn around 2000 are usually architects, engineers, doctors, people who work in banks, or lawyers. Again depends where you work, and in what city.

Taxes are 16%, and usually companies remove some money off the top for medical insurance.

It would be pretty hard to find a good apartment around the 1st circle area to be honest, because it is in the old part of town, and most buildings are about 40 years old, or even more. That area is also pretty crowded, but not bad to live in, I guess.


Dear Mrs. Danik...
In order to live comfortably here in Amman, you need atleast either a combined or a single income of 1,500 JDs a month.

If you want to live normal but barely making meaning you can't go to coffe shops and internet cafes accept maybe once a month. You  need atleast 800 JDs month--(That's allowing you to buy food 5 JDs a day(two people/living off basic basic local food) 180 + Rent you said 450+ transportation both people lets say need 10/JDS per day x 30-----300 JDS so we have

5JDS/day  180 Food
          450 rent+utilities? Or 500?
10JDS/Day(For two people who work or go out atleast to one place a day)    300 Transportation  + -

930 JDS ON THE DOT and see even 930 isn't enough unless you cut down on your food expenses and transportation. So that's the numbers...

MOST PEOPLE In AMMAN who are considered high class (1500 + JDS/month average salary)

IF you don't make atleast this amount in Amman--your considered under the poverty level (1500JDS/MONTH)

Average salary for a foreigner in a tourist company with zero tour operation experience in Jordan is--- at the most 500 JDS/Month---Engineers don't make more then 1100 JDS like I said. SO good luck.

Cynthia e

Does anyone know how much an experience Canadian nurse would make there, and how to obtain employment?


Hello Cynthia,

May be you shall start a new discussion with your question!



move to the usa where what we make in a week in takes them a month to make here.


Wow! 1500 to 2000 JD a month? In Amman on that kind of income you could livve like a King or Queen. Seriously, if you have even half that, then don't panic, you can have a very nice life. The minimum wage in Amman is 110JD a month, and even then this isn't always honoured. When we are there we live on around 300JD a month after rent, - that's enough for the four of us. We don't have a car though.


Really I think living nicely it would take no less than 2000JD per month.  I believe we(my husband and I) spend about 1600JD per month but we own our apartment and it is paid for.  We also own 2 cars and they are paid for so we don't have any big expenses going out.   

So what I'm saying is 1600JD per month takes care of food, utilities, gasoline, and occasionally eating out plus any incedentials.  I do go out to lunch maybe 2 or 3 times per week with my friends but I'm also mindful of what I order.

I would love to have a budget of 50JD's a day just for me and do know other women who have this budget but we are very thrifty people and would like to budget much less if we can.

Bear in mind that living in Amman is expensive.  Food, clothes, housewares, and just about anything that is worth having is expensive.

We put a budget on ourselves because spending could go outside of reasonable very easily simple because like I said, anything worth having is not cheap.

Hope this helps.  As for where to live.... really the best places are Abdoun, Deir Gobarand in that general area and not much beyond 5th circle. Try to stay in Western Amman and you'll have access to the right shopping and places to eat that are nice enough.

Good luck!



Hello to everybody and many thanks for your comments! I am now living in Amman, in a very nice, elegant and comfortable apartment between 4 and 5 circle area, it's a lovely neighborhood, quiet and fancy, with nice and clean buildings around. I am adjusting with life here, there are many different things from my life in Romania, but not in bad way. The weather here is great, in my country winter is hard and very cold and I never liked winter. I am looking for a job now, even part time, as a secretary or personal assistant, that's my professional background. As you all said, some things are expensive, some are not, you have to know what to buy and from where. After these 2 first months, I like my life here and I am optimistic for the future. Greetings to you all!


Hi there,

i got already my first skype job interview and i will have another one tomorrow.

Im a Production Manager..

I got a first offer  - Car, flight tickets back home, apartment and 5200 Euro (around 4000 JD) per months tax free.

Not sure if this is a good offer ?



yes it is very good


The following link should be helpful for everyone looking for an analysis of cost of living..

Good luck

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