
Blood testing for those who want to marry a Jordanian

Written byPrimadonnaon 12 October 2015

Weather you come to Jordan for work or to marry a Jordanian, one of the formalities must be done is to get a blood test. In this article I explain on what kind of diseases they will test. I've got my information from Medlabs.

Pre-martial test

This test is needed to identify the presence of the hereditary disease gene for " Thalassemia" trate (carrier state). This genetic disease is relatively prevalent in the Middle East and the Mediterrianean.

The second reason is to identify the presence of the contagious Hepatitus B virus in both parties to prevent its future transmission to one's wife/husband or children.

The third reason is to identify blood groups for Rh factor compability.

The fourth and last reason is to identify the presence of Rubella immunity in the female. Rubella or German Measles is generally a mild viral infection in children and adults, but can produce severe infection in a fetus, resulting in spontaneous abortion, still birth or congenital rubella syndrome.

Optional tests can be:


* Syphillis

* Clamydia

* Seminal fluid analysis (males only)

* Fertility hormones

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.


<p>Hi, I am Primadonna from the Netherlands. In the Netherlands I worked as a social worker for refugees, now I teach Dutch to adults (fb dutchlessoninamman) at all levels and to Dutch expat children. In the touristic high season I travel around Jordan with a bus full of Dutch tourists and show them the beauty, diversity and the hospitality of Jordan and its people.</p><p>I became a parttime farmer close to Madaba (fb rumman'sgarden) and planning to open a B&B. I live in Amman for almost 20 years. </p>


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