
20 year old - advice on rent and jobs

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I am a 20 year old guy from Romania. Me and a few of my friends (2-3 of them) want to go to Malta for the Summer to work.

Obviously we would share the same apartment, which means we'd share the cost of it, but how much would a 2-bedroom apartment even cost in a decent area of the main island?

Also, in regards to jobs.. Are there any at all? I mean we were thinking of coming right at the start of June, maybe even the 1st of June 2015. How possible is it to find work? We were looking for something like waiter, cleaner and so on.

I'd be thankful for any replies!

See also

Job offers in MaltaFinding work in GozoFinding work in MaltaFinding work in Saint Julian'sSetting up a business in Malta

First  need  to  know  if  you  looking  for  work  that  you  will  find   work  in  St.julian  and sliema! ! All  restaurants  and  bar's  looking  for
But...the  life  is  in  St.julian  in  Paceville !
Similar  like mallorca, night  life  almost))
Jobs  ar  but  payment  very  lowww 3.50er/h
4er/h  maximum  you  can  get  5er/h  but  difficult
Why:so many  students  ho  give  their  all  bars  and restaurants
So  you  need  to  look  for  a  place  to  rent around  this  area or  in  Sliema  which  is  next  St.julian.
Try  to  look apartment in  st.Gwan  or swiegi  is  5 mnt.walk  to  Paceville  like  this you  not  needed  bus.and is  a  nice  area  and  not  si  expensive
But  i  have  to  tell you  that  in June  will  be  a  challenge  to  find  samthink reasonable  in  price
Best  tine  for  rent  is  in  beginning  of April.
You  walk  in  this  area of  swiegi  and  will  se  many  phones  nr.on  hause  window  with  sign
,, to  let"  many  if  them  directly  from  owners.
Many  from agency's))
Valleta  is  far  for  work  from  St.julian  and life  stille  is more  culture  one
Well  wish  you  good  luck
Hopefully  was helping you  a  bit


Thanks a lot Dany but that raises an important question for me:

I did my homework and it seems like the minimum salary you can get in Malta is 720 euros but if you make it 3.5e/h, 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, that'd be nearly 100 euros less than the most minimum...

Are all these statistics lies and the employers can still do what they want?


Employers do as they choose.Very rarely enforced.


Welcome to malta  the  land of slavery))
This salary  range  is  all  bla  bla
Of courses  you  can  have  this  if  you  find  a employee  ho  really  wants  good staff  and  make for  you contract  which  will  not  so quickly  happened
Usually  this is the range with  contract  after  you pay  all taxes+/-
Nut  like  i mentioned  is  hard  to  get  contract  summer  is  long  and  Paceville is  crowded  with  students  and  expats  ho  looking 4job
So  they don't  care  so  much  about  staff
Problem  nr.2  and  in  my eyes  is  the  biggest  robbery  is  that  they  take  your  tips  away  to
You  will  get  the  tips by  the  end of  week  or  after  2 weeks or  end of  month  depending  on  maltes  manager  haw  he  decides
And  will be divided  by  all personal  including  kitchen  and  him as  manager
So  yes  is hard  to  make  living  in  malta  considering  the  price  in malta  ar 2×higher  then  Europe.
Most  of  manager in restaurant ar  Maltese
Very  rarely you will se on expat as manager
Rent for 1 room in june  will  be in share apartment! !!!
So  peoples  ho was hire  they  know  you  have to came in April 2 look for and  get directly  from  owner  like this  you  not paying   estate agents))
Short story  malta  is  goood  to  have  fun  one summer if  you  not in relationships  or  married
but  if  you ar  a good  bartender  really  good  one  try  Hugo teracce  and  hugo  lounge
And  also  22 bulding bar.


dannyyy wrote:

Welcome to malta  the  land of slavery))
This salary  range  is  all  bla  bla
Of courses  you  can  have  this  if  you  find  a employee  ho  really  wants  good staff  and  make for  you contract  which  will  not  so quickly  happened
Usually  this is the range with  contract  after  you pay  all taxes+/-
Nut  like  i mentioned  is  hard  to  get  contract  summer  is  long  and  Paceville is  crowded  with  students  and  expats  ho  looking 4job
So  they don't  care  so  much  about  staff
Problem  nr.2  and  in  my eyes  is  the  biggest  robbery  is  that  they  take  your  tips  away  to
You  will  get  the  tips by  the  end of  week  or  after  2 weeks or  end of  month  depending  on  maltes  manager  haw  he  decides
And  will be divided  by  all personal  including  kitchen  and  him as  manager
So  yes  is hard  to  make  living  in  malta  considering  the  price  in malta  ar 2×higher  then  Europe.
Most  of  manager in restaurant ar  Maltese
Very  rarely you will se on expat as manager
Rent for 1 room in june  will  be in share apartment! !!!
So  peoples  ho was hire  they  know  you  have to came in April 2 look for and  get directly  from  owner  like this  you  not paying   estate agents))
Short story  malta  is  goood  to  have  fun  one summer if  you  not in relationships  or  married
but  if  you ar  a good  bartender  really  good  one  try  Hugo teracce  and  hugo  lounge
And  also  22 bulding bar.

I looked around a bit and I found apartments with 2 bedrooms for 500 euros.. let's say for the summer it's going to be 600 euros, but still.. pretty decent places and they aren't shared or anything.. Can you tell me anything about this?

Also, regarding the tips, how much would you make from it daily?


your simply not going to be able to afford to pay 500-600 euros per month working in a bar/restaurant/hotel will need to pay for water,electric , internet, food 
(its worth noting most of this work is part-time )
also in places like sliema, st julians your going to be looking between 25-30 euros a night for apartments unless you plan on taking a long let and even then , Danny is right your best off coming in April to find a place ...once the holiday let season start owners will put there prices up  .. even with 2 people sharing your going to find it hard work

You could possibly find  a commission based job such as boat trip selling but these pay 5 euros per ticket sold and really aren't that lucrative until July/august -they are 7 day a week long working day jobs and you don't get money if you don't sell


robpw2 wrote:

your simply not going to be able to afford to pay 500-600 euros per month working in a bar/restaurant/hotel will need to pay for water,electric , internet, food 
(its worth noting most of this work is part-time )
also in places like sliema, st julians your going to be looking between 25-30 euros a night for apartments unless you plan on taking a long let and even then , Danny is right your best off coming in April to find a place ...once the holiday let season start owners will put there prices up  .. even with 2 people sharing your going to find it hard work

You could possibly find  a commission based job such as boat trip selling but these pay 5 euros per ticket sold and really aren't that lucrative until July/august -they are 7 day a week long working day jobs and you don't get money if you don't sell

I'm planning to rent the place with 2-3 more friends which will mean that we will all be paying around 150 euros... with a salary of 700 euros, can I still not live my life? :D

I'm not coming to just work there, I'm coming for the beach and relaxation too, that's why I picked Malta. According to my calculations, I'll even have another 300 euros spare every month..

Correct me if I'm wrong:  1 month: 150 (rent) + 20 (bills) + 50 (transportation) + 70 (food) + 100 (rest) = 390
I put the bills at 20 euros because I doubt they're gonna cost more than 80 euros a month, and considering we're 3-4 people, 20 seems right

If I make 700 euros a month, that would leave me with around 300 euros in plus, also the beach (omg)




i think your being incredibly optimistic .. a lot of work doing waiting on , bar work, kitchen hand etc are going to be 20-25 hours a week  depending on restaurant as a i say its usually  part time hours , and they will pay as little as they can  so to get the figures your wanting your going to need to work two jobs .. which will eat into your "beach time"

as i say unless your renting for a 6 month period or longer your not going to get rents of 600 euro in st julians or sliema  even sharing your going too look at a minimum of about 750 euros in the summer and that will be for very small places
plus you will need to pay deposits , and possibly agent fees .


robpw2 wrote:

i think your being incredibly optimistic .. a lot of work doing waiting on , bar work, kitchen hand etc are going to be 20-25 hours a week  depending on restaurant as a i say its usually  part time hours , and they will pay as little as they can  so to get the figures your wanting your going to need to work two jobs .. which will eat into your "beach time"

as i say unless your renting for a 6 month period or longer your not going to get rents of 600 euro in st julians or sliema  even sharing your going too look at a minimum of about 750 euros in the summer and that will be for very small places
plus you will need to pay deposits , and possibly agent fees .

Thank you very much for this.
So as you've heard my story, what would you recommend to do? Or better just not even try?


Firstly,you should visit Malta,check that the place Is as idillyc as you perceive it to be .as many "beaches" are rocks and the sea
Secondly you will need to bring with you a decent amount of money in case getting a job etc is not forthcoming - also note for most jobs you will need to apply in Malta using cv and passport photo especially for the work your looking for
Also you will be competing with many others like you who are searching for work at that time of year so expect a lot of disappointment and hard work just toget the Job in first place.

You will also need to find temporary accom in case you don't find a house straight away...

I am not saying don't bother , you can come here with little and make it work me and my husband are testament to that however it takes a lot of hard work and courage and things don't always go easy ,so your going to need contingency plans

Read posts on this forum ask questions and plan and I'm sure you'll be ok


It's always worth trying. Your optimism is good- that's what youth is all about :). If you can all afford your flights over and have somewhere to return to if need be, give it ashot! All the best.


I'm in the same situation. I'll be living in Malta from February for a ten week Erasmus exchange as a student nurse in the Mater Dei hospital. I finish my placement on 1 May, and I would love to stay and work until September. I ultimetely want to work in emergency services (I'm a qualified EMT also), but I'm not sure who to contact about this - Maltese Ambulance Service? Private Ambulance services? No clue where or who to contact!

Otherwise, what are the best summer jobs available?


Hi There I am 18 years of age and I am living in London and working as a High Standard Cleaner for a company.

But I am moving to Malta in April or May 2015 and will be looking for work, cleaner, hotel work or supermarket, I was wondering if it is hard or the best place to find jobs.

Also I am looking into getting a long let in Marsacala so don't know if work is there??

Hope to hear from you soon.

Many Thanks

Hope u can help  :)



hey alfie, work wise you shouldn't have any problem getting work as a cleaner or room attendant etc .. supermarkets tend to want you to speak both English and Maltese-Although with most of this kind of work you need to apply when your in the country. Hotel wise most are going to be in the north of the island , however its possible to get the bus from Marsascala  to these areas,

if you need anything or want me to answer any specific questions please feel free to ask


Hi alfie,

what is a hIgh standard cleaner ?

Cleaning jobs in Malta are more likely to be low standard / low pay jobs. You will definitly be competing with cleaners from Eastern Europe /Afrika and ASia for the lowest wages and longest hours.

Busing it from Marsaskala will increase your work time. You will find most hotel jobs in central and northern Malta.



i would think the travel time from south to north would be a stumbling block for most  - time wise....  that makes for a very long working day.....


robpw2 wrote:

hey alfie, work wise you shouldn't have any problem getting work as a cleaner or room attendant etc .. supermarkets tend to want you to speak both English and Maltese-Although with most of this kind of work you need to apply when your in the country. Hotel wise most are going to be in the north of the island , however its possible to get the bus from Marsascala  to these areas,

if you need anything or want me to answer any specific questions please feel free to ask


Hello Ben,
Thank you for your message that was really nice, I was wondering if the St. Julians area is good for work or is  there any work agency's in Malta where I can sign up ?
Also when is the best time to look for work in Malta April, May or June as I am very interested.

Hope to hear from you soon.




Toon wrote:

i would think the travel time from south to north would be a stumbling block for most  - time wise....  that makes for a very long working day.....

Matt travels on the bus to work everyday from marsaslokk to sliema and the traffic can be a nightmare sometimes but its usually about an hour  .. i know that people seem to have an issue travelling especially the maltese who think your completely bonkers but its doable .. in the uk people travel more than an hour to get too work but each too their own


robpw2 wrote:
Toon wrote:

i would think the travel time from south to north would be a stumbling block for most  - time wise....  that makes for a very long working day.....

Matt travels on the bus to work everyday from marsaslokk to sliema and the traffic can be a nightmare sometimes but its usually about an hour  .. i know that people seem to have an issue travelling especially the maltese who think your completely bonkers but its doable .. in the uk people travel more than an hour to get too work but each too their own

Thats considerably different to doing the North from there,.. lol

its do-able for sure but a pain in the rectum


Alfie97AA wrote:

Hello Ben,
Thank you for your message that was really nice, I was wondering if the St. Julians area is good for work or is  there any work agency's in Malta where I can sign up ?
Also when is the best time to look for work in Malta April, May or June as I am very interested.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Hey , im not ben but i just thought i could answer if that helps.
we came out in april originally and returned on the  28th may and got jobs selling boat trips , just by speaking to the people selling boat trips on the sea front and then Matt got work in a hotel about 3 weeks later so my advice is to come out about april/may time , remember your going to be competing with all the other people looking for work and as i say the kind of industries that your looking for you need to be in Malta with your CV , plus photo ready to hand in , there are lots of jobs on offer in april/may time because its the beginning of the season you will spend long days handing out cvs and often with very little response but you will get something eventually .. use the Times of Malta situations vacant page and Malta park , often jobs are posted on there also .
In terms of house hunting to get the cheaper rents the earlier you can make it out the cheaper its going to be come the end of may beginning of June rents increase greatly due to the fact they know they can make money of short term lets so you need to be able to lock in the cheap rate and sign up for a long lease of 6 months minimum though most landlords will want 12 months commitment .
St Julian's is particularly popular with the young generation , Its where most of the Nightlife is and there are usually plenty of promo jobs going if your prepared to stand out in the blazing heat for long hours for the commission  you can make some money , also there will be bar work , glass collection etc but a lot of this work is part-time and the wages are low . If your planning on working for bars etc you really need to be living in the north of the island as youll be working to 2-3 in the morning and I know its about 4hour walk from north to south of the island , there is a night bus system but this is usually only at weekends .

Are you coming with family?
are you planning to come for a long time or just the summer ?
if your coming alone you may want to consider renting a room with other people , if you look on Malta park there are often people looking to rent out a room or other young people who are looking for housemates it may help to bring the costs down because jobs such as cleaning ,bar work , etc pay between 3-5 euro and hour and they are usually part time and whilst a lot of people do more than one job your not likely to get more than 800 euros a month to begin with


Toon wrote:
robpw2 wrote:
Toon wrote:

i would think the travel time from south to north would be a stumbling block for most  - time wise....  that makes for a very long working day.....

Matt travels on the bus to work everyday from marsaslokk to sliema and the traffic can be a nightmare sometimes but its usually about an hour  .. i know that people seem to have an issue travelling especially the maltese who think your completely bonkers but its doable .. in the uk people travel more than an hour to get too work but each too their own

Thats considerably different to doing the North from there,.. lol

its do-able for sure but a pain in the rectum

i did buggibba from marsaslokk too .. it doesnt bother me in the slightest , headphones on and just enjoy the veiw , it depends on where your  working  etc


robpw2 wrote:
Alfie97AA wrote:

Hello Ben,
Thank you for your message that was really nice, I was wondering if the St. Julians area is good for work or is  there any work agency's in Malta where I can sign up ?
Also when is the best time to look for work in Malta April, May or June as I am very interested.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Hey , im not ben but i just thought i could answer if that helps.
we came out in april originally and returned on the  28th may and got jobs selling boat trips , just by speaking to the people selling boat trips on the sea front and then Matt got work in a hotel about 3 weeks later so my advice is to come out about april/may time , remember your going to be competing with all the other people looking for work and as i say the kind of industries that your looking for you need to be in Malta with your CV , plus photo ready to hand in , there are lots of jobs on offer in april/may time because its the beginning of the season you will spend long days handing out cvs and often with very little response but you will get something eventually .. use the Times of Malta situations vacant page and Malta park , often jobs are posted on there also .
In terms of house hunting to get the cheaper rents the earlier you can make it out the cheaper its going to be come the end of may beginning of June rents increase greatly due to the fact they know they can make money of short term lets so you need to be able to lock in the cheap rate and sign up for a long lease of 6 months minimum though most landlords will want 12 months commitment .
St Julian's is particularly popular with the young generation , Its where most of the Nightlife is and there are usually plenty of promo jobs going if your prepared to stand out in the blazing heat for long hours for the commission  you can make some money , also there will be bar work , glass collection etc but a lot of this work is part-time and the wages are low . If your planning on working for bars etc you really need to be living in the north of the island as youll be working to 2-3 in the morning and I know its about 4hour walk from north to south of the island , there is a night bus system but this is usually only at weekends .

Are you coming with family?
are you planning to come for a long time or just the summer ?
if your coming alone you may want to consider renting a room with other people , if you look on Malta park there are often people looking to rent out a room or other young people who are looking for housemates it may help to bring the costs down because jobs such as cleaning ,bar work , etc pay between 3-5 euro and hour and they are usually part time and whilst a lot of people do more than one job your not likely to get more than 800 euros a month to begin with

Is it really that hard to find a job like waiter or cleaner or something?
I'm planning to come at the start of June and leave mid September maybe.. I'm coming with 2-3 of my friends. How long will it take for me to find a job if I look for it contentiously non-stop?
I also heard that the employers tend to not hire you officially, which means outsiders such as myself and my friends are most probably going to be working illegally since the employers can avoid paying taxes


It really does depend a lot of the hotels will offer you a contract of employment or a form of engagement where as bar owners and restauranteurs will do what they can , i cant talk for all of them but like most places people will get away with what they can
it can be easy to find work especially  if your happy to work for low pay but depending on when you arrive your going to be competing with all the other people coming to Malta looking for work , the holiday makers who want to stay and also when schools finish the Maltese aswell.
How long to find a job ... how longs a piece of string .. we got one within 24 hours of arriving but it was 7 days a week 12 hours a day in the heat selling boat trips on commision 5 euros per ticket sold .. if your willing to put the work in you will find something. Its easier to find work if your an EU National as you dont need a work permit .

I cannot guarantee it will be work non stop continuously either , from matts experience of working for a restaurant here they would tell him on a weekend what shifts he was on the next week ,  and these could change on the day so you need to be flexible .
If your looking for a safe guaranteed hours job then waiting on and bar work really isn't the industry for you.

Its will be a great exeperinece for you though and i hope you find something


Hi Ben,

Thank you so much for the advise, I am looking to stay in Malta for good but only if I have got work...

I have done my homework on a few things and I can rent a stdio or 1 bedroom really cheep in Marsacala for around 300 Mouthy , that is a minuinam or a 6 mouths let from a Agency called Frank Salt.

I have rented from these before for 6 mouths in Birzebbgia, don't know if you know it ?.
I would most be interested in Hotel, Housekeeping , cleaning etc, don't know about bar work because have not done that before??
The only thing that was worrying me was If I get a 6 mouths contract on a flat and I cant find work, that's the only problem,

Hope to hear from you soon.

Many Thank Alfie,


Hit There is St. Julians North of Malta? I am looking into renting in Marsacala because I can rent cheep 1 bedroom around 300 Mouthy or 350.

Do you know anywhere in the North where the rent is cheep and can get good deals on a long let.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Many Thanks


St Julians is on the coast  and is in between Bugibba and sliema
marsascala is on the south of the island and is beautiful , property is cheaper there ... one thing i would say is important to note that properties on Agents websites are used to represent properties they may have and also be aware you will need to pay rent , deposit and usually half a months rent to the letting agent in fees .
I'm in Marsaxlokk and i pay 250 euro a month for our 1 bedroom apartment 
There are restaurants and bars etc in Marsacala , Marsaxlokk and Birzebuggia  all 3 are about a 20 min max walk between each other so if you wanted to stay south you could find work in these areas.

you can get flats for about 300-400 euro a month in qwara (comes under bugibba) and sliema  at the moment  look on Malta park these are updated daily and you will see what i mean when you search - To rent a place long let again your really going to need to be in Malta , as it moves fairly quickly and you want to view it before signing anything .

I assume your going to have funds to come out here with  because as long as you have emergency funds etc you should be able to sort a job out . I also think your going to need to sort out some temporary accommodation for your first few weeks so you have time to find a place to live  so you will need to factor in this cost .

there is a huge risk involved coming out here giving up everything you know and trying to find work and a home etc but its incredibly rewarding and you have youth on your side  lol .... Me and my husband did it we came here with only 500 euro and got incredibly lucky , he worked his way from boat trip selling to IT Manager .. i have been on long term sick due to health problems i tried to work the summer and found it too much but i wouldnt change anything we love the place.

There is a company i notice a lot called bad boy cleaners .. they may be able to offer you something in the way of employment

I would seriously consider if i were you a flat share of some sort because 350 euros a month when your only going to earning at first about 850 is a huge chunk of your money and on top of that you will have electricity , water, gas and other bills like internet etc  which isnt going to leave you much for food etc.... dont get me wrong its possible to live here on 850 euros but its not the greatest of lifestyles. ( we spent July august and September on this wage).

what other skills do you have other than cleaning ?  do you speak any languages etc because you could possibly look for work in the online gaming industry or traveling industry , i know ryanair have been looking for cabin crew based in Malta and they will train you up. Bar work you will get training as well a lot of them say no experience necessarily

check out … earch.aspx  for latest job vacancies

Do you have any friends or family you could stay with whilst your looking for work ?



Thank you so much for the advise, I am looking to stay in Malta for good but only if I have got work...

I have done my homework on a few things and I can rent a stdio or 1 bedroom really cheep in Marsacala for around 300 Mouthy , that is a minuinam or a 6 mouths let from a Agency called Frank Salt.

I have rented from these before for 6 mouths in Birzebbgia, don't know if you know it ?.
I would most be interested in Hotel, Housekeeping , cleaning etc, don't know about bar work because have not done that before??
The only thing that was worrying me was If I get a 6 mouths contract on a flat and I cant find work, that's the only problem,

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hi Ben
Sorry that I ant replied I've been working,

, Thank you, u have really helped me, So do you think i should go in April and rent for a few weeks and then when I find work get a Long let somewhere., Also do you think it will take long to find a job as the longer I rent short lets the more money? ?

Also do you know where I can get a place cheep for a few weeks till I find work?

About My skills I have mostly done High Standard Cleaning Also I worked as a Kitchen Porter in a Hotel In London for a few mouths. Also I am studying a cscs card I don't know if you know what that is but it is a card for Health And Safety to work on a Building site as a Loabour / Helper. Also have done some Painting and Deco, but not the best at it lol.

Also about Ryanir Cabin Crew, I have always wonted to do this job, so how would I go about it do I have to work at the airport before you become a cabin crew? ?
Also you are right about having money behind me as I am going to have to work it out and see how much it will cost for a short let and then a long let , so I know what I need.
And can I apply for jobs when im in Malta if I don't :)  have an address that I have lived in for a while and do I need to get a Malta Bank Account?

About friends and family,My mum is moving to Malta in the next year or 2 but I wont to go now as I just love the place, I do know a few people there but would like to have my own place , a studio or something.
Also do you know anyone or anywhere I can rent long term with out going to an agency.

I do hope to hear from you soon.

Many Thanks

Alfie. :)


Try that malta park website, we rented direct from the owner the advert will tell you if its from an agent or not
I booked a hotel for 7 day then we stayed in a apartment short term in bugibba , but as i say we managed to get work pretty much straight away ,  as i have said before it really depends on the market , time of year and how many others are looking for work .. though April is a good start because you will be here for the beginning of the season.

Ryanair cabin crew jobs this is the recruitment email ,i was given , i don't know about working at the airport first but i know there are certain height restrictions etc i am considered too tall lol (6ft 3)

On that Malta park website there is a list of both long or short lets.. there is also a few bed and breakfasts and youth hostels scattered around the north where you can stay reasonably cheap during April  .
I would suggest you have at the very least between 2-3000 euros ,  this should give you enough to help you with your first few months,
Bank account wise you will need to apply for that on arrival in Malta , its easier once you have work to apply  as they can do it with work contract, id etc or you will need to have been with your current bank for at least 2 years and they will apply for a banking reference . Most bars and hotels will pay either cash or cheque and you do not need a bank account to cash a cheque so its not a big worry at first .

Its good you are learning your cscs card, i know their are often laborer jobs on the etc website , i don't know much about the industry though but it may be a better long term position .

You can always take a job to get money in and move onto something else later , though so if your willing to work hard and your happy to do anything i don't think you will find that much difficulty getting work when you arrive .

Im gonna pm  you

i hope i have answered some of your questions


Hi Ben
Sorry that I ant replied I've been working,

, Thank you, u have really helped me, So do you think i should go in April and rent for a few weeks and then when I find work get a Long let somewhere., Also do you think it will take long to find a job as the longer I rent short lets the more money? ?

Also do you know where I can get a place cheep for a few weeks till I find work?

About My skills I have mostly done High Standard Cleaning Also I worked as a Kitchen Porter in a Hotel In London for a few mouths. Also I am studying a cscs card I don't know if you know what that is but it is a card for Health And Safety to work on a Building site as a Loabour / Helper. Also have done some Painting and Deco, but not the best at it lol.

Also about Ryanir Cabin Crew, I have always wonted to do this job, so how would I go about it do I have to work at the airport before you become a cabin crew? ?
Also you are right about having money behind me as I am going to have to work it out and see how much it will cost for a short let and then a long let , so I know what I need.
And can I apply for jobs when im in Malta if I don't :)  have an address that I have lived in for a while and do I need to get a Malta Bank Account?

About friends and family,My mum is moving to Malta in the next year or 2 but I wont to go now as I just love the place, I do know a few people there but would like to have my own place , a studio or something.
Also do you know anyone or anywhere I can rent long term with out going to an agency.

I do hope to hear from you soon.

Many Thanks

Alfie. :)


Thank you Ben, You have helped me so much and I have found out a lot from you. The next thing I am going to do is try to book flights and get the ball running lol. I know you are right about money I think 3000 should be Ok till I find work.
Thank you for telling me about Malta Park the Bad Dogs Cleaning Company I emailed them and they said when I come I can go for an interview, so very happy About this.
Also when I was in Malta last I was talking to someone about youth hostels and there was paying really cheep about 20 euros a night do you know any around the North of Malta?
Yes about the cscs card I think I would know someone in Malta for work on that side of labour jobs.
Hope to talk soon
Thanks Agian


I have PM'd you, I have a list of inexpensive accommodation. (From 18.50 per night, single, Sliema area or cheaper if willing to share.)
Nothing to do with me just know about it.
Don't think your CSCS card will make much of an impression here though.
H&S is virtually non existent.


Alfie97AA wrote:

Thank you Ben, You have helped me so much and I have found out a lot from you. The next thing I am going to do is try to book flights and get the ball running lol. I know you are right about money I think 3000 should be Ok till I find work.
Thank you for telling me about Malta Park the Bad Dogs Cleaning Company I emailed them and they said when I come I can go for an interview, so very happy About this.
Also when I was in Malta last I was talking to someone about youth hostels and there was paying really cheep about 20 euros a night do you know any around the North of Malta?
Yes about the cscs card I think I would know someone in Malta for work on that side of labour jobs.
Hope to talk soon
Thanks Agian

Looking at trivago in april you can book into the burlington appartmenrts for 10.64 (pounds per night) , these are nice or the dragonara hotel so it may work out cheaper to book these now (the appartments have cooking facilities)

i know redmik has sent you some places too so good luck sorting somewhere out :)


I wouldn't call them 'Bad Dogs ' Cleaning if I were you ! -)))

That might not go down to well if you give the company that name ......



I thought it was bad boys lol I love a good bad boy especially one that can clean but I don't think the company offers that kind of service he he


Thank you ,

All the best,


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