
English medium Education and Salary


Hello All,

I am Haalesh, from Bangalore-India.
I'd be relocating to Belgium (Kallo) on an IT project.
I need some basic information regarding cost of living and kids' (english medium) education in Belgium.
1. Are there any english medium schools in and around Kallo/Antwerp?
2. What is the annual fee (all inclusive)?
3. I have a spouse and 1 school going (grade 2) child. I would like to save 2K Euros, (as googled) I estimate my expenses to be 1.8K Euros + school fee. What should be the salary per month?
I'd be grateful if you reply to me and provide any info you could. I did google for the information, but wasn't satisfied with the results.
If my queries are not clear, please let me know.

Thank you very much for the time and support.

B. Regards,

See also

Living in Belgium: the expat guideFamily reunification in Belgiumkindergeld ( Child benefit)Vaccination plan for expat kidsMedical certificate for children

1. Are there any english medium schools in and around Kallo/Antwerp? 
www.dypisbelgium.bewww.ais-antwerp.be … n-brussels

2. What is the annual fee (all inclusive)?

Refer school websites. The fees vary from school to school.

3. I have a spouse and 1 school going (grade 2) child. I would like to save 2K Euros, (as googled) I estimate my expenses to be 1.8K Euros + school fee. What should be the salary per month?

Once you get the idea of school expenses per month, it is simple math :)


Hi Aneesh,
Thanks a lot for the info and the quick reply.
The information is valuable.

I'm not aware of the Income tax payable. Hence my query on "salary per month".
If I do not factor in the school fees and would like a salary of 4K Euros(after-tax), What should be the salary per month?" Any help (an estimate would also be fine).

B. Regards,


Sorry, I didn't catch that :)

Take 33-38 percent income tax on average as an expat..

If you are coming for an on-site assignment, I know many Indian companies sponsor International education fees for your kids. Also, on-site taxation is very different than the normal Belgian payroll one.