Opinions on College Don Bosco WSL

Hi there! We have a 18 months old daughter and we are looking for a maternelle. Do you have any opinion on College Don Bonsco in WSL?

Also, we are having a 2nd baby and we are looking for opinions on crèches in Etterbeek.

Thank you very much,

where do you live? If near Don Bosco, then excellent, but why then look for a creche in Etterbeek, I'm a little confused.

We live in Etterbeek (near place jourdan). We thought of College Don Bosco because my husband is a former salesian student and we like the idea of having her in a salesian school as well.

in that case NO it's a terrible choice, look for a school near Place Jourdan, why on earth would you put a 2 year old through 2 hours of extra travel per day to get to school. You will find the same family type of education in Etterbeek.