
looking for help in Tamarin and Black River !

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Hi everyone ! I'm a french student doing an internship since the beginnig of july, and I've been living in the north until today but now I have to move to Tamarin because I'm working at La Balise for the month of november. Can anyone help me to know where I can go out during evenings, and if there are special places to go ? I'm also looking for a flat, but it would be better if I could find a roommate or something like that. Thank you very much ! Have a nice day :)


See also

Leisure activities in MauritiusHash House Harriers - walkers and runnersRepublic of Mauritius, Small Paradise ArchipelagoSports in MauritiusBlack River Gorge Visitor Centre

Hi Diane,

Quite a nice Anglais for a French Student. hmm Tres Bien.

Else, I cannot give you much info as far as Tamarin is concerned, personally, but will try to get you i touch with some of my friends around there, who might be of great help. However, if ever you need some real expedition, hiking activities, then you can sure count on me. I am in a group with nice and experienced guides, and we are out in nature almost every week-end.

I hope that your stay will be enjoyable, et si vous avez besoin de quoi que se soit, n'hesitez pas a me contacter.

I wish you a very nice time.. bonne soiree, et A+ ..




Tamarine is a nice place. For the night life, you have Big Willy bar on the road to Flic n Flac. If you want to see how the locals dance, then either you go to Summer Beach in Flic n Flac or Queen night club in Quatre Borne, my favourite spot.

For eating, lots of restaurants but I can recommend Thais take away opposite to London Way supermarket. Real Thai food cook by a Thai lady. Number 54837061


hello.........i do have a car and if you are interested we can make arrangements to visit the island...........see you if you wish.



Ok merci beaucoup bonne journee !


Hi Diane,

Welcome to

You will surely enjoy Tamarin.

For your accommodation you can take a look at the Housing section Flat for Rent in Mauritius or Shared Accommodation in Mauritius.
You can also post an advert there.


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Bonjour Diane !

Tamarin is a very nice place to live : nightlife is a lot about Big Willy's, live music on fridays or every two fridays. I think Hotel Tamarin also have that for jazz session. It's the ideal place to go swimming, surfing or paddling. Plus you should definitely go and visit the Morne and the south area which is beautiful. Not far from Tamarin, there is the National Parc, les Gorges de la rivière noire.

A lot of restaurants in a shopping area called Ruisseau Créole (a bit expensive though, and not really local for food) in the village Rivière Noire, just after Tamarin.
If you fancy local food, on Tamarin bay beach, ask for "boulettes" to someone selling food on the road next to the beach. Pizza and noodles just before entering the bay.
On Saturday in place Cap Tamarin (just before entering the village of Tamarin), there will be the "Earth Market", featuring local producers if you're interested.

Have a lovely stay.
Born mauricienne, former parisienne :-))


Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces infos, j'essaierai de tester un peu tout dans le coin :) Tres bonne journee a vous !!


Hi Diane > we should continue to keep this thread in English as we are on the English speaking Mauritius forum. ;)

Enjoy well your stay, if you have more questions, please do not hesitate to ask here ;)

Thank you


Hi Diane, I have been living in the area for quite some time, looks like you have gotten some help already, but I will try to supplement a bit

Big Willys is of course the major item of nightlife in the area especially Friday nights and some times on Saturdays, They are having a special set up tonight as well, you can also have some nice evenings at Bali Kopy, La Bonne Chute and Hotel Tamarin as well, but Big willys tends to have much more people, foodwise there is quite a few little snacks in both the villages of Riviere Noire and Tamarin, The Thai Take Away I can confirm s very nice, and some quite nice restaurants, as well, most are well worth trying out. The boulettes at Tamarin are great, but you should probably aim for the one with the biggest line as there is quite a bit of difference between the two. If you have any specific questions let me know. I also go out a bit so we might run into each other.

Apart from that, I hope you have a great time.



Thank you very much for your answer ! Have a good afternoon :)

francesca mayer

Alo suis de tamarin. Jai lu ke tu fait pas mal de outxoor activities les week end?? Kes ke tu fais ? Jorai adorer join!!


francesca mayer wrote:

Alo suis de tamarin. Jai lu ke tu fait pas mal de outxoor activities les week end?? Kes ke tu fais ? Jorai adorer join!!

English please as this is an Anglophone forum


You can find some apartments in the nearby Black River near Ruisseau Creole. Wish you all the best.

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