
New features on the forum

Post new topic



I have added two features to the forum:

> a poll system

> the easy BB code bar (you'll see it when you'll post a message)



See also

Living abroad: the expat guide1–855–233–5515 How Does HP Ink Subscription WorkRequest on learning how to YouTube my work and art (Latvia)Quiet place but not isolatedanyone tried deepseek?

Lulien, how it works your poll system? Is there already any published? Can anyone submit topics for polling? Cause I already have plenty of ideas... :D


You can now see a "create new poll" link just below the "Post new topic".

Yes, anyone can start a new poll ;)


Thanks a lot for your answer Julien (did you notice I missed the "J" last time, Lulien sounds good too :lol:). Anyway, the point is that I don't have any clue of how it works. I saw that there are 3 options, but what's the difference between? Don't you have any quick userguide, a kind of "help" button to explain how to post questions, how to format expected answers (Yes/No, 1 or more answers, free text box, drop down list...)? Sorry for being a pain in the ass, but I like to know how things work :D


Well it's very easy to start a new poll: on "create a new poll" the poll type:
-regular poll for common poll (one vote - one choice per user)
-multilselect poll if you want to allow several choices/selections per vote
-multiselect yes/no poll (never heard about that kind of poll I have to try it)

3.then you have to enter the question and the options (choices)

Do you need more information? Just let me know ;)


Wouah, looks pretty well... I'm gonna try it at once. Fanxallote


The forum has come such a long way! Bon effort, bon courage et bonne continuation!!

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