
Seeking employment

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Hello everyone,

My name is Julia  :)  I am certified lawyer from Romania. Currently, I am working in Dubai as Legal Adviser however I am searching for job in Saudi Arabia.  Ideally in my field if is possible or which opportunity I might have :rolleyes:
As I am aware woman lawyer in Saudi Arabia looks impossible :(  but you never know. For many people seams crazy to relocate from Dubai to Saudi Arabia however I have my own reasons to do so, one of them is religious, I reverted to Islam 3 years a go and I consider appropriate for my aims to live in Saudi Arabia (to gain authentic Islamic knowledge and to be able to practise accordingly, plus the Holy places Makah and Medina) and personally I like Saudi Arabia very much.
I heard are required qualified women in Saudi Arabia and I would like to know my chances, if any!
Kindly, if anyone can suggest me any positive answer in my job seeking only, contact me in my email
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many thanks, :thanks:

See also

Job offers in Saudi ArabiaStarting a business in Saudi ArabiaWorking in Saudi ArabiaWorking in JubailWorking in Riyadh

Seriously , you must be crazy just to think to leave Dubai for Saudi Arabia . ;)


:unsure;)  Seams to be like that but I don't have choice. And I like Saudi Arabia! Everybody think the same, I build a good reputation here, I have friends and I have to leave everything  :(  But  is worth... :rolleyes:
Do you know, I have chances to get a job there ?? Do you know a recruitment agency?  :/
Is very hard, I keep applying for jobs without response  :sosad:


Maybe they do not respond because the employers think that you are crazy as well :P

Seriously now , reconsider this option as it has no real advantage over Dubai , Dubai is fine and is considered  a top destination for expatriates to work there .

Also I think that your Romanian nationality will not help ,employers will prefer Saudi girls only. Sorry.


:D  I don't know I will see :) ....I hate this discrimination, nationality, color, etc...I will see what destiny will give me. If is meant to be, they won't care about my nationality. :nothappy:


You can't get a job here as a lawyer.  Legal adviser in a company, maybe, but I think for that also they will mostly prefer to hire Saudis, as you will be dealing with the government in that position.  Perhaps an international legal adviser for multinational companies?

Contact Nestlé, Unilever, P&G, Danone, etc.  Go to the job sites specific for the gulf, such as, monster gulf dot com,, etc.


Trapz is right, i think its impossible to be a law practitioner here in saudi specially you're a female, as i've heard there is no advantage of fixing any legal transaction to any public/goverment offices if you are a non-saudi or female to be specific, meaning to say they still prefer locals handling this kind of things, maybe one day they will, once you heard females are already allowed to drive cars, maybe you'll get your chance with your aim here at KSA. :D


Jaguar27 wrote:

Seriously , you must be crazy just to think to leave Dubai for Saudi Arabia . ;)

So, would that make you crazy for leaving Greece for Saudi Arabia as well? or like any other expatriates here? 

@aliyas...don't get your hopes down..keep up the faith...and  you'll never know when God will make a way for you to be here... ;)


Thank you very  @Popolocroix < I appreciate your moral support. I keep searching and I entered on this  forum thinking that people living there can assist me further. From Dubai is harder because I don't know much about, all what I found on Internet. At some points I was thinking to work as teacher,I have experience but salary might be low and I am passionate of law and contracts.
For a non Muslim is not easy to live in Saudi Arabia( because I know is strict) but me I become Muslim and I am proud of it. :proud  I have been in Saudi Arabia last year in religious pilgrimage and I like it.Some lovely Saudi people, friends of mine, assisted me to fulfill my old wish, Mekkah and Medina. I truly like Saudi Arabia, regardless of what people are talking about around.  :(
My friends in Dubai are scared of my decision but is not like that, however, very much depends what everybody want to do in the life. Some want enjoyment & entertainment, some want to build up something serious(as me :proud ) ....
By the way, I don't like to drive, :D even I know to drive :proud ....I like the status of ''princes'' rather then servant of a society :(
Many thanks and if anyone can guide me, I should call the companies  :) ....or keep emailing...I don't know but I don't give up. For a Muslim, Saudi Arabia is best, you can practice properly your religion, you can go for Umrah as often you want, you can gain accurate knowledge of Islam, I hope I am not idealistic. :rolleyes::unsure


.I like the status of ''princes'' rather then servant of a society

What did you mean by that?  :/


Trapezius wrote:

.I like the status of ''princes'' rather then servant of a society

What did you mean by that?  :/

*slowly get's popcorn :o:o "


I mean the west try to ''liberate the women'' in fact is slavering the women, modern slavery under different cover, to destroy the families values....The women is west work very hard and she has highest responsibilities then the men.. This is liberating no, this is slavery.....western women become unfeminine, tough and rude and western men are so feminine....due to this ''liberation'' is much beautiful to be able to afford a driver to be relax, like a princess all over the world they don't drive, they have driver....why ordinary women should drive...??? and princes don't , well not to the extreme, ideally is the country to promote that women to don't drive as culture but not create a such social system people to afford to have a driver but be free to choose...the problem is you give freedom to people they behave as ''sheeps'' following the flock


Aliyas wrote:

I mean the west try to ''liberate the women'' in fact is slavering the women, modern slavery under different cover, to destroy the families values....The women is west work very hard and she has highest responsibilities then the men.. This is liberating no, this is slavery.....western women become unfeminine, tough and rude and western men are so feminine....due to this ''liberation'' is much beautiful to be able to afford a driver to be relax, like a princess all over the world they don't drive, they have driver....why ordinary women should drive...??? and princes don't , well not to the extreme, ideally is the country to promote that women to don't drive as culture but not create a such social system people to afford to have a driver but be free to choose...the problem is you give freedom to people they behave as ''sheeps'' following the flock

Got you... you want to come here to be rich and spoilt like many of the Saudi women who are too good to do their own work.  They have servants (slaves) for every possible job inside and outside the house.

Where exactly does it say in Islam that women shouldn't drive or that they should be princesses?  In fact, Islam teaches us to do our own things ourselves, as much as possible.  There is merit in working hard and doing your own chores, and even Islam says that.  So, seems like you have a twisted view of Islam where you think women should do nothing but sit on their fat bottoms and succumb to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  OH, that's exactly what is happening to Saudi women because they don't do any of their own chores.  All they do is sit around, eat, and shop.  No housework, not much child-rearing, no yard work, etc.  They have slaves for every single chore.  Diabetes and obesity rates have gone through the roof, and are climbing even higher.

I don't know what world you are living in, but in the real world not every family can afford to have a personal full time driver, including many Saudi families who live hand to mouth.  Furthermore, to hire a driver from abroad, which is the legal way, a family has to show a certain minimum salary, and not every family makes that much.

It is the country's job to make a public transport system, and they have failed to do that.  Women (and men) all over the world use public transport, whether in poor or in rich countries.  Not possible here because no public transport exists.

Furthermore, you do no want women to play a role in developing and building their countries?  You want all teachers, nurses, doctors, etc, to be men?  No woman should work?  Some women work because they have a brain, some work because they have to provide for their families because their husbands don't make enough, or they have no one to look after them, some women work because they like to work, some women work because they want to stay active.  You want women to stay at home and get fat?!

As for Western women are unfeminine and Western men are feminine... ummm, that's the worst generalization I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.  There are unfeminine women all over the world, and feminine men all over the world, but as a general trend, most women everywhere are feminine, and most men are not feminine.  I have met hundreds of Western men and women, and your stereotype has no basis at all.  I have also come across many unfeminine Muslim women and many feminine Muslim men... so what are we to think now?

Hope you can afford a driver and relax your whole life :rolleyes:


Dear Aliyas,

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on embracing Islam, this is great news.

I think if it is your dream to come to KSA then you should do it, but possibly look at other ways to come here (as many have said a lawyer would be very difficult), (i am assuming you are not fluent in Arabic and this would need to be a must as a lawyer her , regardless of race and sex (which both go against you in the region)).

You mentioned a teacher which i personally think may be a good option if you get the relevant qualifications.

It is your personal choice where you want to reside. I would say however that visiting and living in a place is very different. If you do come to KSA (insha Allah you will if it is good for you and your religion) I would suggest coming here with your eyes wife open. Remember it is Islam which is perfect not people!

Also as a single woman in KSA you will find it a lot harder than if you came here with your family etc, as even things like social life can be difficult and very different to the UAE.

I wish you all the best in your search!


Dear ''Trapezius'',

I am impressed of your statement and most of them I agree with. Well, I am not type of person to sit home, doing nothing, I like household and having an active career. I believe in women but things should not go to extreme. Extremism in any manner is destroying us. In Europe things went to one extreme, women become a ''peace of meat'' an object to please the men and damaging indirectly the marriages institution. In Europe the women she is working to much especially in my culture, is to much, is dehumanization. When I said men become feminine and viseversa, I was talking figurative, not as look, as manner, actions, attitude. "I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved."B. R. Ambedkar
They are jokes in Europe saying ''Before women was cooking as the mothers, now a days they are drinking as the fathers :( ,  this is degrading. 
In this points, in Europe, women are in regress, as well in Middle East, is different type of regress, Why? because both societies went to two extremes.
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”  Brigham Young
In regards of driving, indeed is the fault of the state, in my opinion they should promote with different programs and stick in the culture and religion, concerning driving and other things but in same time make for the people the life easy,provide good transportation, give freedom of choice, I am sure many women who can afford a driver will think like me, many don't. Driving for me is something very masculine, the most important thing women have a choice...not restricted and a choice in a nice way. Is simple to make things easy and to work out as you want if you think profound and wise.  :rolleyes:
I saw in Saudi Arabia drivers, because they are confident of the secure job and the need of them, they ''misbehave'' in some way with the employers, the families....which is not fair, is humiliation and this is the fault of the state because has not given the people many opportunities.
In UAE the drivers can't behave like that, because they will know the consequences, and they know the market is full with better offers. Some conservatives families in UAE they look for women driver for the daughters and wife, which is not bad, some they want to drive, welcome, you are free, and I like this policy, freedom of choice.
Example in my case I don't like to drive,  :D but the market is pushing me to drive, :sosad:  no choice because I can't afford at the moment a driver, unfortunately. But I have transportation at any time,bus, metro, taxi, car lift etc.
I wish I will find in Saudia Arabia what I am looking for, I know is not perfect society, nowhere is perfect.
Do you know the most racist people are Europeans, if you don't know I will tell you now. And ask people as Arabs, east Europeans, Asians which lives in west what they face, and there is a law which must be respected. :( but still human been can't be restrain.
In my society if I marry an Arab I will be seen as 'bad girl' and sometimes disrespected by the society, and my children as well, why? Just because is an Arab and they think only low class girls marry an Arab. Is very hurtful but this the true. I am not low class and I don't care about my people thinking therefore I will marry an Arab.
As well in Arab world the mother in law or the families doesn't like for them sons Europeans wife's because they have a misconception about us. :nothappy:  WHY ? Because in the past many low class girls from Europe married Arabs and this created prejudices in both societies unfortunately. But the reality is different...we have in Europe great girls with morals and values, as well Arabs have great people with morals and values and viseversa.
In conclusion the world is not perfect but WE can do it better, if we stop judging and keep contributing positive in the society.


Thank you, @''Haasher''  Inshallah Khair


Jazak Allah Khair ''adamb123'' ! I completly agree with you" ISLAM is perfect not the people''....In fact I've observed a huge gap between Islam and Muslims :( , unfortunately. Since I become a Muslim I faced a lot bad things from Muslims and non Muslims but is all right, alahamdulilah, because Allah supported me in all things. I can tell is not easy to be the right path of Islam.
Several reasons are urging me to decide to move there and willing to live there I hope :D . Firstly is not easy to move from country to country when I have already adjusted to the UAE culture, customs, friends. social life and to start again  almost from 0. However if is meant to be good for me it will happened and I leave everything in Allah hands.
I believe that in Saudi Arabia I can gain accurate knowledge about Islam and in some way even looks weird for many people, moving to Saudi Arabia it might help me to achieve my goals in my career.. Maybe will the best place for me to live in, contrary of the people opinions,maybe Saudi Arabia fit my personality, I will see, Allah knows best.
The point is how I can get a job there? With a good package !?!  :nothappy::sosad: Inshallah khair...
May Allah make it easy and thank you  everyone for suggestions, assistance, advises.  :thanks:


It's funny how my statement about driving end up to this conversation and topic, LOL , i'm merely implying that when KSA already opened their doors from a sexist society, then you shall have the opportunity to practice your career as a lawyer :) , but what trap is talking about is the sad truth about KSA they are sexist as hell my dear julia, i mean can you believe that they let their son under the legal age of driving to drive( i've seen 10 years old kid driving with her mother here) just so that "LADIES" would not be able to drive, now i don't care from what point of view it may be from but letting a child drive is like giving a GUN TO A MONKEY, now all of this is from my personal experience , it may vary from different point of view, but yes, i believe that the paradise you've been looking for when it comes to religious things is here, but think again if you are willing to give up some freedom that you are used too, and yes you'll be constraint here , unless you marry a prince/royal blood arab or just a very2 rich guy may you have a chance of  achieving your dream life here in KSA  :)


I would like to point out that most of the classes (Islamic lessons) which take place here in KSA by the scholars in Arabic, depending on your knowledge of Arabic you may find it harder to gain Islamic knowledge.

I used to attend more lessons and classes in the UK than i do now i am here in Jeddah but that is my personal experience. Perhaps Riyadh would be better as this is where alot of the scholars and students are.

As i mentioned before look into teaching as this is the most readily available jobs in KSA for both men and women.


ralph-HRD-Dude wrote:
Trapezius wrote:

.I like the status of ''princes'' rather then servant of a society

What did you mean by that?  :/

*slowly get's popcorn :o:o "

Hope you got enough popcorn  :P


Got enough for everyone bro.. LOL  :lol:


:o:o:o:idontagree:  10 years old driving a car with his mother. is gross of ignorance  :sosad::o:nothappy:
Backward mentality to allow the child to drive and exposing your life and your child life.  :sosad:
Napoleon in the war has been asked by the Minister of Interior : Napoleon are you not afraid of anything and anyone???"  he replied: " Ohhh yes of course I am afraid, I am afraid of stupidity'' :top::dumbom:
I don't want to lecture anyone,May Allah protect us from ignorance is the most dangerous thing. :offtopic:


I know, I hope in Riyadh I could find better opportunities, I am searching for very profound scholar to talk and ask several questions, alas, I heard they are talking only in Arabic :( , I want to learn Arabic because I believe the treasure of Islam is in Arabic. Is so much misinterpretation in Islam :nothappy:  and Islam is so beautiful, pure, transparent, clear....why is misinterpreted I don't get it :/  I think heartless people they interpret in the way they want.   
I have Christian Orthodox Theological background and this is making difficult for me to find what I want. May Allah open for me the right door, Inshallah
Jazak Allah Khair for your suggestions


Aliyas wrote:

:o:o:o:idontagree:  10 years old driving a car with his mother. is gross of ignorance  :sosad::o:nothappy:
Backward mentality to allow the child to drive and exposing your life and your child life.  :sosad:
Napoleon in the war has been asked by the Minister of Interior : Napoleon are you not afraid of anything and anyone???"  he replied: " Ohhh yes of course I am afraid, I am afraid of stupidity'' :top::dumbom:
I don't want to lecture anyone,May Allah protect us from ignorance is the most dangerous thing. :offtopic:

:lol: felt the same here Ms.Julia, :) and you'll see more of that when you get here and decided to stay here, :D


Hello Aliyas, I like your enthusiasm and it seems to stem out of sincerity. And I wish you the best. But like most people have said here, you need to keep an open mind so that you won't be too disappointed. I don't live in saudi yet but I have lots of friends who do (most of them doctors). And one thing they complain about is the gross, open discrimination towards black-skinned people,  especially africans. How "islamic" is that? (I'm a Muslim too). So its different strokes for different folks.


Is sad to hear that! I disagree with any sort of discrimination, unfortunately, we, mankind is in our nature and only spiritual people with sincere believe in God Al Mighty exceed this level of racism. Can you believe in Germany a civilized country, they have a Neo Nazism group, they beat up, they rape, they kill people with brown eyes  in Germany and they are walking free on the street. At the point when you pass by near them you should not talk in your language or English. One pure German lady just because she has brown eyes she has been hospitalized almost in coma and she was  a pure German....and I have a lot of examples. I have been there and I saw with my eyes and live in fear wherever I see them passing by. They consider the pure race only blue eyes, is painful that the Authorities in Germany are not doing anything against them, living freely and damaging the life of ''brown or black eyes people''... One day one old couple were passing by me, and the lady she smiled me and she wanted to talk with me at the point her husband stopped here telling her '' she is not German''(means not blue eyes) imagine what I felt.
I have seen in London, black people having hate for white people, still the society is confronting difficulties till now and exist a ''color'' hate between races, as well damaging the life of white or vice versa.....many dramas and tragedies like that.
Of course all this people are acting like because they are away from religion, any religion. A religious person can't be racist, we are equal and Allah created us like that, important are our deeds and manners. Important  are our heart to be filled with kindness and tolerance.
Significant to take from any society whatever has good, positive. What I love about Dubai, the level of discrimination is very low, all here we feel home and equal, is like a magic place Mashallah...but still we make comments in racist way when something is going wrong but not harmful just teasing.....Everybody here has same feeling like you are home...not color issue, not nationality issues etc. In payment you will find for sure but in some points I understand them policy.
I believe the world is not perfect, just we can contribute with better if we are aware and willing to do so.
Thank you for your moral support!


MashAllah want to come to Saudi Arabia with a sacred aim. So, Allah will definitely help you. You will get a better job here and many more opportunities in Saudi Arabia.

In my opinion, ur decision of relocating to Saudi Arabia is excellent. You have good intention so leave it up to Allah. He will bring you here Himself. just keep trying...

And when you are here and need any help. You can contact me 0591880306 Irfan


Assalamu aleikum Aliya congratulations on choosing the right deen am your Muslim sister in Riyadh Saudi Arabia I had same wishes and dreams alhamdulillah Allah answered my prayers to be in Saudi Arabia and honestly am not enjoying it I wouldn't recommend anyone esp ladies to move in this type of country the only good thing about it is the holy mosques makka and Madina apart from that nothing interesting really you are in Dubai you can drive whenever you wish to do umrah or hajj and about a female lawyer just today I was reading from some article that women are not allowed in that field but there is hopes as the government promised to offer soon so I don't know how soon is soon at the moment you can't find a teacher will do maybe to keep your dreams true for the time being but seriously is not easy I wish I could go back home any minute


Please dont generalise Saudi is not difficult to live in for non Muslims!


Ameen ! a woman answered . Saudi not easy place for women


faymoyo1 wrote:

Ameen ! a woman answered . Saudi not easy place for women

Sad but its true. Lack of public transportation specially for women, going to public places and market is quite difficult if you are a women and alone.
But its up to you how can you manage your daily life and not about where you are.

Dubai is a better place for expat women, however working in KSA is less pressure than UAE and you can save, built your dreams easily as you said. Make sure to join a good company with provided transpo and you are good to go.

any update from you?  :one


Assalam Alaikum! I apologized I have not replied from long time. I am not much into internet.
After seeing your suggestions and visiting shortly Saudi Arabia I changed a little bit my mindset. If is so impossible to find a job in Legal Field I would like to get a job in Teaching ideally in University to focus in academic career therefore if anyone can assist me and give suggestions most appreciated.I believe with my experience I can contribute positively to the needs of the Saudi society.
I love Saudi Arabia with good and bad has, this we will find in every country indeed  for a Non Muslim and not practicing Christian person is a plod living in Saudi Arabia but for practicing Muslims can be a pleasure. Is a great luck to go wherever you want to Mekkah and Medina to charge your batteries without much financial efforts, to gain accurate knowledge about our religion etc. I believe we have to contribute to the society with our own model, not to criticized, we Romanians we are saying ''the person sanctifies the place'', is very easy to criticized but hard to understand. I suggest all of us when we are tempted to criticized we should remember our mother countries, our minuses in our home country.
Thank you everybody for your kind advises and if you suggest me anything in teaching ideally Universities please message me.
What disappointing me is that nobody replied from Saudi Arabia to the emails I have sent therefore I need help from people in order to get the right contact. My interest city is Riyadh.
I look forward to hear from you,
Thank you in advance,
With Regards,


Sister Aliyas Assalamoalkum,

Thanks for reappearing on the surface again. I had been studying your thread with a lot of interest, please do not take me wrong, I am just summarizing how the thread evolved.

Started with your desire to leave UAE and coming to Saudi, you have been overwhelmed and impressed by how Saudi women treated you during your pilgrimage last year, to be honest how we behave during Haj can not be taken as a norm in our every day life.

You have a seemingly good carrier in UAE but as a new muslima ( I do not like to use the term 'converted', because this is the term we use when we put a Corvette engine in a Mustang!) you feel the urge and desire to come to the "Holy Land". A little bit of confusion if you have fair chance to be a successful lawyer, as a non Saudi, non arab you face additional hurdles, next option is to be a Teacher, Professor in of course your own field.

A couple of cross fires on Diabetics,  Obesity and fat bellies, how you understand and interpret a version of 'Women lib', you do not look confused but to be honest I am still mixed up on the issue of the correct balance between how we treat our women in Islam and how the west treats its women, I do not know how this subject came under discussion.

I do respect your spirit and sincere intentions for service خدمه for other fellow beings, I hope and prey to Allah that you could keep the same level of motivation in the years ahead of you.

(I have emailed some interesting Islamic sites to you) :)


Thank you for your kind response! Well, several reason determined me to take this decision willing to live in Saudi Arabia. What make me proud is that a part of Saudi Arabia was Peninsula Arabia where there are living pure Arabs, a country with a prominent history which in some way is victim of unfair  interests as many countries in the world yet for me Saudi Arabia is a real country not a fairy-tale country with no essence. People of Saudi Arabia they suffer, they struggle for living as all of us in the world even the image has been created the opposite unfortunately.
This is the image Saudi Arabia gave me and in my experience I met lovely Saudi People as well I've met bad people ''No forest without brushwood''.
Indeed I wish to have the chance to build my career in  academic professorship as well I must learn Arabic Language, En Shaa Allah.
The hurdles I already noticed but I pray to Allah to open for me the right door.If I get the chance to get a good job there will be a bless for me, I can gain accurate Islamic knowledge etc.
How I see ''Woman lib'' ? Good question! You will be surprised but I disagree with this notion since I was non Muslim. I have a quite classic mind.Now I have to justify my statement!
I don't believe in equality between men and women, by nature we are  not equal yet we must be equal in rights, big difference.
Women Lib in Europe and US conducted the women to lose her femininity, brutalize her, transformed her in Men attitude. Where are the benefits here? They are suffering, tired from harassment of the life etc.
Since I become Muslim I had the answer to my questions: I believe the way Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH) has Liberated the women, with humanity and respect for her weakness BUT I don't believe how most of the Islamic scholars now a days ''liberate the women'' is more oppressing and worshiping the culture not Allah commands. Now in Muslim world and Western world we assist to two different extremes; both side are oppressing the women in different manner.
Is unfair but we live in a great time of ignorance alas most of us we follow Dajjal indirectly implementing in our society with so much gross of ignorance this word ''MODERN; MODERNIZATION''.
Never in the history VALUES SCALES need to be ''modernized'' as most of the people now a days believe.
From Prophet Adam till now Values scales never died, has same meaning and value, ''never been modernized'' as we want to do it now with so much negligence. when I look around I get very sad and disappointing of the blindness of mankind.
Thank you for your appreciation what I hope that my spirit and sincere intentions to grow more and more,not to decrease and May Allah help in that.
Lawyer career is very beautiful at some points is very tough as well and sometimes not transparent which is quite against my morals. Lets see what Allah will provide in the following future.
By the way I believe that women should work, especially now a days when insecurity is so high, when spiritual  blindness is increasing , of course should work decent jobs and  as well we must prioritize the family life.
Thank you for links you gave me I've listened them sometimes I enjoy very much to listen scholars with very intellectual preaching, I heard they exist but in Arabic language :(
I like the way sheick Hamza Yusuf is talking and Noman Ali Khan.
If you can give me some contact or suggestion in regards of Teaching ideally I would like in University but lets see what is available at first, please let me know.
A very good day,
With respect,


Let's stick to the topic in the thread.


What shall I say? He was following perhaps my correspondence in this forum therefore motivated his interference.
I don't think is something else.

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