
Be careful of parasites

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John C.

Criminal minds commit crimes on purpose.  Their intention from the start is to steal.  They know what they get into and still they risk their life.

There is another category of desperate people who may have been nice at one time but who – because of bad times – abandoned civility to gain a quick buck.
They are what I call ‘parasites’, and they do not know what they are doing.
Their state of mind pushes them to do things which in normal economic conditions they would not do.
They trade integrity and common sense for frivolity and expediency.  They think their life is not in danger.
Parasites come up with more and more sophisticated forms of MLMs hard to detect by gullible individuals.
Their thinking is "Did you lose money on a MLM before? Do not worry, this new plan is different."

I started this topic just to expose my views on the differences between ‘scammers’ and ‘parasites’ triggered by comments at the ‘Be careful of scammers’ thread

Re: Be careful from scammers I wonder what the forum management and forummers too say about this:

Something is brewing for sure: Australians invading Mexico.

What to do?
Never take the bait from people (even friends) who come with "business" ideas to you.
Words like 'billion dollar company", "new opportunity" and "now expanding in blah, blah, blah" are the tale-tellers of a new fraud where you will lose time and money again.
Pictures with broadly smiling persons, nice suits and words arranged in such a manner so as to show their generosity are meant to make the gullible man believe that he cannot achieve anything in life without them ...

From 2006 - 2008, I used to get such invitations from people I knew in the past here in the island and everytime i used to curse them.  I never talked to them again since then.
If I need MLM, I know where to get it myself, and I need no desperado to offer it to me.

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John C.

And one more thing.

I assure forummers here that I have enough major responsibilities in my work and more things to do which fill up my time than posting warning comments here for free, but I simply cannot let bad guys go unexposed.

There are lots of people looking for opportunities who become desperate for not going anywhere and who may easily fall prey to parasites like these.

If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.  The exception to this rule goes only to bankers, financiers, venture capitalists and wealthy investors who are professionals who cannot be found on every street.

If something sounds too good to be true, just ask yourself or the bad guy: “why did I suddenly become in high demand? Do I look like a financier?”  :/

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