
Living in Buenos Aires

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After 50 years I moved back to Buenos Aires.  Since I retired in USA our existence is wonderful as far as our financial life is concern.  Banking in this country is HORRENDOUS!.  The laws are made as you go along, rules are to be broken at a moment notice!  I do not have an answer to this problem, the best advice is keep the money in USA and travel every year or year and a half to obtain your money, it is economically sound. 
I am originally from Argentina and I have sent 10 boxes which I thought there were things I could not live without...Big Error...I had to pay $ USA's replacement here would have been $200...Again I do not have advice for moving because in USA they gave erroneous information about this charges!
After adjusting to these expensive errors life here is wonderful.
Don and I are having a duplex apartment build in Punta Mogotes, facing the ocean, if any expat is coming to live in the Mar del Plata area we will love to have new friends there!

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Welcome on board Heidi!


Hi Heidi, If you still have your DNI, you could have changed your address to Argentina and avoided paying those charges as a Citizen and resident - Hindsight is a wonderful thing! - Welcome Home!

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