
Expat forum or trivial pursuit forum?

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jimbream is a great international forum where expatriates from all over the  world can discuss views and enquire about issues of the country they are currently living in at this time.
The keywords are "Expat" and "Forum".
I have noticed recently a great surge of new members and new posts that relate to  neither expats nor topics related to living in another country.
The forums have quite a few sub headings,such as Housing,classifieds,Visas etc.
The topics I am starting to see more frequently are posted by nationals of the country I live in,concerning topics that do not have an effect or impact on expat life.
In this day and age of Google,people are joining to ask questions of triviality.Even former expats who no longer or never have lived in the destination country,but insist in asking inane questions which are easily answered by a simple Google search or by reading earlier posts.
Sure,I have asked a couple of silly questions myself.However,I do live in that country and have been unable to source the information without other expatriate knowledge.Here are some true examples with my suggestions in brackets -
how to get from one city to another(Lonely Planet online,earlier posts),
where to get a regional map for touring(Google Maps then print map),
ingredients for a common foreign recipe(wikihow),
tips on where to live and where to find work(teaching websites,walking around the city)
I'm happy and I want to tell you(try a different forum),how to make my phonecard work(go to the shop),
does any one live in this area(go for a walk).

All I am asking is that the Moderators and Administrators take a bit more notice of what the topic is and take a bit less time on reading/editing all the posts.

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideRequest on learning how to YouTube my work and art (Latvia)Quiet place but not isolatedanyone tried deepseek?How Is This Possible?

Hello Jim,

I understand your frustration, however with so very few moderators for the over 861,000 members and forums for every nation it is almost impossible to weed out all the off topic, repetitive questions, nonsensical postings. I'm sure that if you take the time to look at several of the different national forums you'd agree that for the most part moderators are doing an excellent job given the magnitude of the workload.

Sometimes people are just that way, they can have a hundred topic posting dealing with the subject they want information about sitting right in front of them, but they'll post a new one just to ask anyway. For some it's because they see THEIR question or problem unique from everybody else's and for others it seems to be just a case that they need somebody to confirm the obvious. No matter how much moderating gets done on any international forum like Expat-blog we're not going to change people's nature.

As the 'go-to guy' on two of the most active forums in the Americas (Brazil and Canada) you have absolutely no idea how many times I've answered the same question or have answered some question that most would consider silly or unnecessary. I get tons of them both on the forums and PMs. I just chalk it up to human nature and answer with a smile. If a posting gets no responses it eventually drifts toward the back pages anyway, so you won't see it for long.  Cheers,
  William James Woodward,  Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team


Thanks William,
I appreciate your time to answer my query.
I see now it must be a pretty tough gig to do,as well as your other tasks in life.
Once again thanks.


And what's more, I'm just a volunteer, but I'd still do the job even if it weren't for the 'big bucks'. hahahah



I'm pretty good at Trivial Pursuit.  Unfortunately, most of what I know is trivial.


Don't feel bad Hailey, I was banned from playing Trivial Pursuit by my whole family because of my advanced age even the History category was "Current Events" for me. LOL

Everybody said that I must have memorized all the cards because I hardly ever missed an answer.


I thought I saw your name in the Jurassic Park credits as an advisor.


Actually I had a cameo role in the film too. If you look verrrrryyyyy closely I'm one of the old guys getting eaten by a dinosaur. LOL

And yes, you're right my name did appear in the credits.... William James (Woody) Woodward - Historical Advisor


Hi Dave,

Like they say, "The only SANE people in the world are the ones who are CRAZY and KNOW IT!"

So, don't worry about Hailey and I, we're both perfectly sane! LOL  Cheers,
  William James Woodward, Brazil & Canada Expert - Expat-blog Team

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