
Moving to Bratislava (from TX, US) in the fall, lots of ?'s!

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Hello Everyone (or shall I say "howdy" :),

My fiancé and I will be moving to Bratislava come this fall. He has accepted a teaching position at BISLA while I will be wrapping up my MBA(I have been granted approvel to do so online) for the first month or two after my arrival. I have read of a growing business community in Bratislava and do hope to find a job in the consulting/HR track.

Any tips on Visa's (specifically moving here with your significant other), health insurance, pets (we have a cat we truly hope we do not have to part with), cost of living, renting, etc. etc. would be much appreciated!

I have read a few discussions already and am quite impressed with Expatblog.

I also understand that Bratislava is far from short in pubs and do hope to encounter some members and toast to an exciting life abroad!



See also

Living in Slovakia: the expat guideinternational relocationMoving as a foreign studentCustom orthotics in Bratislava?Opening a business in Slovakia

Welcome on Expat-blog allively! Topic moved on the Bratislava forum. I hope another member will be able to help you.

I wish you good luck


Hello Allively,

my name is Veronika and I am living in Bratislava. I am not an expatriate (yet:), but helping expatriates to settle in Bratislava as easiest and stressless as possible.
(moderated: no ads)

As for the night life in Bratislava, don't be afraid, it's veeery lively here;-). You walk out of the bar, walk 3-4m and you are in another bar. And with the artificial beach, summer fiestas, concerts and exhibitions, summers are pretty 'hot' here ;-)

We have also InterNations comunity meeting quite often here and many foreigners working for IBM, Dell, Lenovo and other big companies.

If you need more info, don't hesitate to contact me.


Hi there!
My man and I are also moving to Devin/Bratislava in early August. I have accepted a deputy principal position there and am also a teacher.

This woman has been an AMAZING support to me. She also has written a book for Americans moving to Slovakia. I have ordered it and it should be here this week.

But her website is the best. I have spent hours on it already!

Veronika... Gary will be looking for work (although he also will do graphic work and art from home). What is the job situation like there? He is in the EU so he's able to work without a visa.

Let's all keep in touch as it would be great to have some contacts there :)

Jess & Gary


hey! i actually got that book in the mail a couple weeks ago. it is a MASSIVE help. things that everyone should know.. but is just so hard to track down in light of the constant regime change for the slovak.

well, until august, dobrey den and all that jazz - al and matthew


Al & Matthew...

Well I look forward to reading it and we'll see. Can't really experience the culture until we are there!

I have been asking a lot of questions to people so, if you have any, just let me know as I might have the answer. I have a wonderful woman at my school who has been a big help.

I suppose we'll all learn together!
smiles, Jess


allively wrote:

Hello Everyone (or shall I say "howdy" :),

My fiancé and I will be moving to Bratislava come this fall. He has accepted a teaching position at BISLA while I will be wrapping up my MBA(I have been granted approvel to do so online) for the first month or two after my arrival. I have read of a growing business community in Bratislava and do hope to find a job in the consulting/HR track.

Any tips on Visa's (specifically moving here with your significant other), health insurance, pets (we have a cat we truly hope we do not have to part with), cost of living, renting, etc. etc. would be much appreciated!

I have read a few discussions already and am quite impressed with Expatblog.

I also understand that Bratislava is far from short in pubs and do hope to encounter some members and toast to an exciting life abroad!



Hi guys,

for visa it could be pretty fine, if you wife is working in slovakia. for Health insurance, it is mandatory for all Slovak resident. costs around 50e a month if you pay by yourself.

for costs of living check

Renting is best option for young people, usually you would have to share, at least for beginning. If you aer stockpiled with money, no problem to find a place on your own. But if you arrive, stay in hostel first and after visit some places by feet, it is worth it, there is usually some catch. Beware that no gypsies are living near by, because you will get robbed/raped frequently.

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