Dubai disaster......

I will be moving to Dubai in Feb... and only found out after i got the job, and made all the arrangements, that being gay is illegal....

That, to me, is a problem...  Im panicked!!!  Im a gay female, and slightly freaked out...

Does anyone know where i can meet people "like" me...

Im not just looking for a good time, i am just more comfortable around gay people...

And dont worry, im not the whole out and about type either...

ANY help would be very much appreciated!!

You may want to remove your picture and any other information that might help identify you from your profile then.

Topic moved on Dubai forum. Good luck! :)

Oh shoot!  Good point..  hanx.. I was having one of thoooose blonde moments....

It's one of those tricky situations. I'm not sure it's strictly correct to say "being" gay is illegal. It's illegal to have sex outside marriage, gay or not.

There are plenty of gay people here just like anywhere else but they keep a low profile and, just like hetero couples, don't display affection in public because that's what causes trouble.

Don't do anything in public and you'll be fine but i think you should wait till you see the guys might wanna go back to being straight! lolz