
Relocating to Dubai, Restaurant Waiters/Bartenders, Benefits

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Wondering if anyone has experience with being recruited to Dubai as a restaurant professional from abroad (USA), or knows about the Benefit packages one can be offered for educated and experienced restaurant workers?

Lots of questions...

About us: We are a husband and wife team, both with Bachelor's degrees and over ten years of restaurant/catering experience. Both with years of experience as Servers (Waiter/Waitress), and and as Managers, each with 1 year of bartending experience.

I also have a Sommelier certification, and would love to get hired for that position, but it looks like the certification they look for in Dubai is the WSET... Anyone know about this? I am certified by the Court of Master Sommeliers... 

We are both qualified to hold Entry-level management positions, i.e. Assistant Manager, or my hubby has 1 year of Bar Management experience and could go for that (or Head bartender)... But we are thinking to just apply for Waiter/Waitress or Bartender positions to have less commitment and responsibility since we'd be adjusting to being in Dubai. (Haven't even been there yet!)

But who, knows, maybe we should just go for the higher salary....

Looks like with basic salary, tips, and service charge (don't know why tips and service charge are considered separate there, does anyone know?), we could each shoot for making 4,500 - 5,000 AED per month. Does that sound reasonable?

Any ideas on what benefits we can expect to be included? And we are basically seeing from jobs posted online that we can expect to make about $1,000 USD per month. Doesn't seem like much, but if you get an apartment (or apartment allowance), meals on the job (and perhaps additional food allowance), transportation to and from work thrown in (perhaps laundry too), we could make out ok.

But we'd like to be able to SAVE while in Dubai too. At least $1,000 USD per month. Anyone know if this sounds possible?

Packages offered also include the plane ticket to Dubai, 1 every year or 2 home... 30 days of more of vacation time (are you free to take it whenever you want?)

Are you likely to get Medical & Dental Insurance Coverage? Is it required for employers to provide at this point?

Does anyone know about the typical accommodations offered to restaurant workers? If they are legit?

And how many hours a week is considered full or part time? I've read up to 54 hours/week! Yikes! In the Us you can be considered full-time, and get away with only 30...

Also, we are concerned about these labor laws. On the "Unlimited" contract, which we would go for, can you really walk out free and clear with 30 days notice (like in the US), and get your NOC no problem more than likely? And do you HAVE to work an entire year first to make sure you don't get banned? Wondering what the assurances are if we get hired abroad and sponsored by an employer, but for some reason would like to change employment.

Lastly, can anyone recommend good places for US expats to work? Companies that take care of you well and are flexible?   

Thanks so much for your help!

See also

Job offers in DubaiFinding a job in DubaiThe work culture in DubaiLabor market in DubaiSetting up a business in Dubai

Hello aha007.

Welcome to! :)

Hope other members will be able to help you soon.

Thank you,


Hi im new to these forums so a big hello to you.

I have been offered this package as a Bar Tender Dubai
flight Out (return after 2 years)
Accom (shared room).
1 Meal at work.
Transport to work.
Health care.
30 days holiday.
3000 AED a month.
working 48 hours per week.

I feel the wages could be a little low. The tips/service charge might make up for it. But I have heard some places keep a % of service charge and tips to pay for accom. I really want to go but I feel I will be skint all the time over there and not be able to have fun. So I pretty much have the same concerns as you.


hey deano138, thanks for your reply. i am new to the forum too ;)

sounds like a pretty good package you were offered. from what i understand, the contracts are negotiable to some degree and you can make sure certain things are written in, but i don't know which things are not up for negotiation - like the number of hours worked per week. 48 is a lot! does that mean they expect you to work 6 days a week - all 8 hour days? i don't know how it is in London, but here in the US, it's one of the perks of the business (outside of management of course) that you can work 5-6 hour shifts, make your money and go. and that is nice.

i wonder if they would offer these recruitment packages for part-time work.

well, i have an interview coming up this week, so i will ask about that.

and if you are still considering that package, i would see if i could just get an "accommodation allowance" which some places offer, instead of the shared accommodation if i were you. then you can get your own place. i've heard they can pack in 4-6 people sometimes - in a 4 x 4 meter space! yikes! another benefit of getting the allowance is you'll have a set amount for rent written into your contract, and they wouldn't be able to take it out of your tips/service charge, which wouldn't be ethical anyway.

bottom line, you must negotiate a good contract, like asking 20% higher than you'd hope to get, so you don't end up getting less for all expenses, and make sure it works for you. after all, it has to be really worth it for you to relocate and it is up to the employer to make it worth your while. and the bigger the company, the less a few more Dirhams for you should matter to them anyway.

i hope someone else who has experience with this in dubai weighs in to help us both!

can you get a good package, have a good quality of life (i.e. enjoy yourself in Dubai), and be able to save some money?

and by the way, does anyone have any info on working for Hilton in dubai? Conrad group?



Here in the U.K. 48 hours is probbly the max you would do full time. The avaerage is 40 hours. working 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Im pretty sure the 48 hours in Dubai is over 6 days. So i think its pretty full on.

I really would rather have a housing allowence rather that be put in a room with other people, but the problem here is that i would have to find somewhere to live before i arrive in Dubai. And not knowing people over there could make it harder to do. then would i have to put a deposit on the said accom?

When the contract arrives I will defo negotiate with them.
Its like you say it has to be worth my while going over there.
If not I have New Zealand as my Plan B haha.

Thanks for your input btw.


You're welcome. Hmm, deposit I don't know... Maybe there are hostels you could stay in in the meantime before finding a place, but I don't know, maybe Dubai's too fancy for that... haha. Well good luck with your decision ;) I'll let u know if I find anything out. Cheers


Somone on another forum says I should be asking for double or treble what they have offered me as a salary so as I thought it was a very low offer. As for hostels Yeah im not sure they would have them over there haha. If they did could you imagine the cost. I dont like the thought of sharing a bed space with someone for all my time in Dubai. Can you imagine of they snore!!


deano138, that is a terrible package, and usually offered for lower level jobs.  Are you seriously considering moving from UK for this?  Looks like you have been informed wrong ideas about the country, costs and the currency.


Having spoke to a few people I really dont think its a good deal. I'm a lot better off stayin where I am. I mean what they offer as a salary a month i can earm it little over a week here with tips, so I will more thank likely decline the offer.


hi mjrv,

do you have experience working in bars or restaurants in dubai? what would you say is a good offer? a realistically sufficient salary for dubai?   

and with salary and tips, what do you think is a good living wage that would allow one to enjoy the lifestyle and save a bit every month? could you give some constructive feedback please?
if that's what they offer for lower level jobs, what's the average? and what would be high? why don't you help clarify instead of just saying people are misinformed. that is the point of this forum, and this post to gain clarity on dubai from afar...

@deano: have you been able to negotiate at all? or was it a standard package and they weren't willing to budge? i'm going to private message you...

and i hear you about the snoring. that would be awful! there's no way i would accept shared accommodations, and if they wouldn't go for the allowance, i will just ask for my own apartment.


Hey guys! I've just been offered a job working as a mixologist/bartender for the Conrad group out in Dubai starting end of May. My package is pretty similar; 2 year contract, 48 hours a week, 6 days off per month, 3000 dirhams (about 550 pounds),shared accommodation, 24 days annual leave, travel and food paid for, medical insurance, return flight paid for after two years to visit country of origin. I think this is pretty standard with any service job at this level. Something to bear in mind is tips are ridiculous if your working in a nice hotel apparently you can easily make 400-500 pounds a month in tips, therefore your bringing in £1000 TAX FREE money each month. You don't have to pay for accommodation or travel and you will get free food most of the time. Your in shared accommodation but I think what they do is have team accommodation so you will be living in a block of flats with the people you work with, my friend you works out there already says these are usually to a very high standard as well! Yeah the hours are long but that is what you would expect working in the service sector my current manager works 70 hours a week! I don't want to offend anyone but surely the experience of working in a new and exciting country is worth it and you would be foolish to turn it down! At the end of the day the job market in England/USA isn't that great right now is it?!?!?


hey bambi, thanks for replying, sounds like a good deal indeed. is your friend already working with that company too? that would cool if you get to work together.

i've just gotten an offer too, at a place opening soon - 3,000 salary AED, 3,000 AED estimated service charge, and estimated 2,000 on average. 2 bedroom furnished apt, shared with 1 other person. utilities paid "unless excessive", meals on shift, transport to and fro work, flight in - and home after one year - medical, but no dental. forgot to ask how many hours, but it seems like 48 is standard. good to hear 6 days off a month and 21 days vacation too, i mean it might be a different for me, but at least i have another idea of what might be expected. i thought they might consider having if work 335 days a year with these packages ;) haha

i'm waiting for the letter, but it's already been one week, and they're slated to open in first week of april! 1 month, and no idea about a airline ticket date, and my husband might work for a different company, but of course we'd like to book tickets on the same flight! how long have you all waited before receiving your letters of intent/contract?

i agree on on the potential savings amount too. can save even more if on a disciplined budget.

yeah, i won't be saying 'no' that. i too am looking forward to meeting more folks from all over the world!

Brian Flanagan

Hi guys!

Just read some of the posts on this topic. As I'm currently starting the process to look for a job in Dubai as a waiter/bartender I will keep you posted on what type of jobs I'm getting, pay, hours, contract requirements, etc.

I'm currently working in London in a really nice place, making about £1600/month. I'm hearing from former colleagues that Dubai is twice as much if you work in a nice place.   

Best of luck to everyone!


Hi iam a young professional waiter/bartender and iam curently employed by The Blue Train and im looking forward to expand my food and beverage knowledge and skills,so im looking for a job in Dubai or Mauritius.anyoneinterested in discussing


This is like an assay..:)
Maybe your best chance is to work for an American least same brand and maybe work ethics. Good luck


Dear Sir

          Most Respectfully I beg to say that I want to work in UAE Dobai. I am Educated, Experienced and hardworking. Kindly give me a chance to prove my capability.

Thank you

Sharifud Din




Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum & thanks for all the great tips some of you have shared! I am curious to find out information about the night life scene or VIP scene in Dubai. I have many friends living in Dubai and they all keep encouraging me to relocate to develop both personally and professionally, I will say I am super nervous!

I have been in contact with a few friends in regards to a job in the VIP service industry such as for a night club or a VIP concierge services. I have over 6 years experience in both VIP Waitress and VIP services and a few years in basic Bartending in Miami(South Beach).

It's my understanding that with Ramadan being over, many places will be re-opening and offering employment opportunities. I've been lucky to know a few people who are well connected but I must admit the fear or not knowing or uncertainty still exists.

Does anyone here have any feedback or recommendations they would like to share? I would really appreciate it!

Here's a couple questions going through my mind:
1)How is the night club scene? Do VIP waitresses exists?

2)Do they make a fair amount of money? I make about 3,000$ a month sometimes more based on tips and gratuities; is it any different in Dubai?

3)What are the most popular venues? How late are they usually open? Is anyone familiar with high season-or low-season?

4)What are typical relocation package offers I should pay attention to?

5)Are VIP Concierge services as popular?

Are any of you currently living a similar experience? or know anyone that is? Any feedback would be veryyyy appreciated and thank you for those of you taking the time to read this long post!

Well wishes to all and good luck to those making the moves!


Hello AMari21,

I am a Recruitment Executive specializing in Hospitality and believe it or not, I actually have a client looking for VIP Hostesses right now. Sounds like you could be a great match. It is a high end nightclub, an internationally recognized brand. The salary and expat package is competitive, good salary plus tips and service charge, accommodation, transportation, medical insurance, joining airline ticket, visa costs, etc. all included. If you send me your CV we can discuss in more detail and set up a Skype chat. Please send your resume in Word format with a good photo or two to Feel free to email any questions as well.

Good luck!


Hi aha007,

Great noting your progress from the initial post about looking for a job to currently being a Recruiter. Congratulations!  I hope you are enjoying your experience.

I'm looking for a position in the Hospitality and Travel industry.  My background is in Communications, PR and client service. I believe I can do well in a guest relations, front office, reservations, customer service position etc.  I have great people skills and have worked in PR for nearly 2 years and a half, and as a journalist for a combined  2years. I also had a short stint working as a waitress in South Africa before I left to complete my degree.

If any of your clients has such an opening, I'd love to speak to you about it. I wouldn't mind a great package for a receptionist or telephone operator or a position that involves taking care of people.

I'm currently in Nairobi and planning to visit a friend in Dubai in September. Let me know of any leads.

Kind regards,


[Modéré: Hors sujet.]


Is flair bartending is compulsory or not? I want to start a bartending career and soon gonna start vocational course but the juggling act seems tough and needs lot of practice. Can you provide me some tips from your past experience.


decent offer


I owned and operated 6 restaurant full service and fast food.Due recession I just let it go and sold,Just want to change the life style.I have been in business for 25 years.Speak 3 languages.English,Hindi & German.Leaved in Europe for 9 years and traveled all over the world. Looking for QSR or Hotel full service with good package.Have an experience in building and opening new location from scratch and training front of the house and back of the house also. US citizen.Thanks.


Hello sir,
              Im James Camil Fernandes.


ok this is a good package, as you are new to Dubai. Gain experience and get high salary. For any discussion mail me on


I am a Ghanaian with seven years experience as a bartender am ready to relocate to the UAE if given the opportunity to keep start my career . can some please help me look for a job tnx
my email is


Iwill like to recocate to Dubai or Qatary, I have extensive experience in bartending having worked in Dubai for 5yrs and now in Kenya.I hope. To get help from you guys thank you.


Hello everyone,

for those who are looking for work, you should try to post an advert in the jobs in Dubai section or have a look at the work guide. If you have specific question, it would be appreciated if you start your own topic with your questions on the Dubai forum.

Thank you,


I am graduate of Food Technology with more than five years work experience from Nigeria. I have a passion to work in the UAE and Dubai preferably. Can anybody help me here?
Feel free to mail me (


if you feel 3000 AED is too little. here, most agencies on average gives from 1100 AED to 1500 AED only. aside from the identical benefits it also comes along yours. so if that seems punitive, then this is way more than that : )

After all, cost cutting is why they take foreigners to save profit seriously


aha007 wrote:


Wondering if anyone has experience with being recruited to Dubai as a restaurant professional from abroad (USA), or knows about the Benefit packages one can be offered for educated and experienced restaurant workers?

Lots of questions...

About us: We are a husband and wife team, both with Bachelor's degrees and over ten years of restaurant/catering experience. Both with years of experience as Servers (Waiter/Waitress), and and as Managers, each with 1 year of bartending experience.

I also have a Sommelier certification, and would love to get hired for that position, but it looks like the certification they look for in Dubai is the WSET... Anyone know about this? I am certified by the Court of Master Sommeliers... 

We are both qualified to hold Entry-level management positions, i.e. Assistant Manager, or my hubby has 1 year of Bar Management experience and could go for that (or Head bartender)... But we are thinking to just apply for Waiter/Waitress or Bartender positions to have less commitment and responsibility since we'd be adjusting to being in Dubai. (Haven't even been there yet!)

But who, knows, maybe we should just go for the higher salary....

Looks like with basic salary, tips, and service charge (don't know why tips and service charge are considered separate there, does anyone know?), we could each shoot for making 4,500 - 5,000 AED per month. Does that sound reasonable?

Any ideas on what benefits we can expect to be included? And we are basically seeing from jobs posted online that we can expect to make about $1,000 USD per month. Doesn't seem like much, but if you get an apartment (or apartment allowance), meals on the job (and perhaps additional food allowance), transportation to and from work thrown in (perhaps laundry too), we could make out ok.

But we'd like to be able to SAVE while in Dubai too. At least $1,000 USD per month. Anyone know if this sounds possible?

Packages offered also include the plane ticket to Dubai, 1 every year or 2 home... 30 days of more of vacation time (are you free to take it whenever you want?)

Are you likely to get Medical & Dental Insurance Coverage? Is it required for employers to provide at this point?

Does anyone know about the typical accommodations offered to restaurant workers? If they are legit?

And how many hours a week is considered full or part time? I've read up to 54 hours/week! Yikes! In the Us you can be considered full-time, and get away with only 30...

Also, we are concerned about these labor laws. On the "Unlimited" contract, which we would go for, can you really walk out free and clear with 30 days notice (like in the US), and get your NOC no problem more than likely? And do you HAVE to work an entire year first to make sure you don't get banned? Wondering what the assurances are if we get hired abroad and sponsored by an employer, but for some reason would like to change employment.

Lastly, can anyone recommend good places for US expats to work? Companies that take care of you well and are flexible?   

Thanks so much for your help!

My friend is in now Dubai working as a bartender. He was previously working with a Arizona based bartending company coupleofbartenders. Last month is moved to Dubai..I will ask him and let you know..


lm working hard to relocate myself to Dubai coz I would like to get experience and also experience the great service of my waitering experience together with new things  I have  no Idea with.Im lookin forward to be part of any team in Dubai


Hey there your package doesnt seem soo bad compared to what i heard can u tell me how u applyied for it o a site thanks.


Yes am here by 24th November I will be there can I get this offer have been working in an international night club for the past 5 years am interested.


@deano138 hi am there ur heart is telling you the truth  stay where you are

If you have money come as a tourist  view then you will find out the truth




Please note that you are responding to an old thread.



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