


hi everyone, i just want to ask you if Long-distance relationship lasts?? i need your comments/suggestions.. thank you^_^

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideHow to find an expat job?Public Universities in Portugal Without an Application Fee?Request on learning how to YouTube my work and art (Latvia)Quiet place but not isolated

No way... :(


hi welcome! it was once a topic, maybe this will help

Suzie Que

hi karenlinaja,
i would say they can indeed last and mature into lifelong relationships/marriages
i know people who married after starting in long distance relationships (she was from the UK; he was in Cda), another couple (Cda/Us); and yet another (Deutschland/Cda)
perhaps it’s more a question of mobility (economics, relocation etc.) that facilitates the success (outside of love)
i live in a city where +50% of the citizens (not visitors, but citizens) are not cdn born so maybe my view of the world being "smaller" is tainted.


depends how deep your love and trust to your partner, also ones faithfulness is a big factor. :)

Khan Musti

My reply is the famous song which says............we may be oceans away, you feel my love I hear what you say!!!!!!!!!


Hi Karen,

I guess that it really depends on how long it remains a long distance relationship.

Ideally, it should be a period long enough to converse a great deal, real dialogue, and get to know eachother inside and out. Then when you finally do get together you hopefully won't be in for any unpleasant surprises. (Provided that the other person is being completely honest)

It should not be so long a period as to become a substitute for the real world and a real world relationship. We as human beings need physical proximity, intimacy and good old fashioned COMPANY. Also if it drags out too long before any actual real world contact it can either grow old and boring for one or both; or it can simply develop into a fantasy that will never be realized.

Can it work out? Yes, it certainly can and I speak from personal experience. I am married to a wonderful, young Brazilian woman who I met online. I lived in São Paulo and she lived in Macaé in the state of Rio de Janeiro. While it didn't remain a long distance relationship for too long before I asked her to come and join me in São Paulo we spent so much time talking about everything imaginable that we knew everything about eachother, even how we thought about things. In all the time we've been together we have never had any kind of arguement. We don't agree on everything, but that's life and we both make compromises. We have a beautiful five year old son and all three of us couldn't be happier.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog


I think that this is quite complicated.
I used to live in such a relationship and it was horrible...
And in the end, he cheated!

Khan Musti

Hi alex5,
Very well said, it depends on trust and love I agree.No matter how far you are, if trust is beyond breach and your love is deep then you can also sing the song...We may be oceans away, you feel my love I hear what you say.


Suzie, I think you're spot-on!


hi everyone!!!
Thank you so much for all the comments, advice, and suggestions.. it helped a lot!!!
thank you^^

Khan Musti

Ok and Happy New Year !

Khan Musti

Not only heeez......always cheat!

Khan Musti

Happy New Year every one !

Khan Musti

Happy New Year !


Khan Musti wrote:

Happy New Year !

why don't you just kick someone in the knee. That will earn you a ban faster than all this.