
Wat shall you do on Birthday when you were alone oversea?

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Hey, gonna having my birthday on this week Sunday, count down 3 days. I've been staying Vietnam for 9 months, not much friends here... Feeling so lonely when going abroad, any idea or suggestion what shall I do during weekend of my Birthday? It would helpful to cure my home sick! Thanks! ^^

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Having passed a few birthdays alone in my host country I will pass along my tip.

Go out and find a good Malaysian restaurant and have one of your favorite dishes from home. Chances are that the place will have other Malaysians dining there too so try to strike up a conversation with a few of them, maybe you will even make some new friends who are in the same situation as you and looking for a friend too.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog


Happy early birthday....mine is this month too! I know it might be hard because it takes a while to meet true friends. Yet...I think you should go have a few beers:) That is definately my plan! Keep your chin up, it can be a bit difficult. I moved from the U.S. to Jakarta about two months ago. About a month ago found out my mom had brain cancer. I seriously do not like the school I work at. Maybe though try to focus on the little things like the kindness that a stranger exhibits. Eventhough I do not feel like smiling in this situation, if I smile I find kindness exhibited from people I don't even does help me feel not so alone! I really do hope you have a nice birthday!

Anda Z

Happy early Bday from me to :P my advice, don't do nothing that can remind you of home, like eating a favorite dish from home...maybe it will just bring back memories but you'll be alone and start feeling worse..Mine was on the 28, last week..I spent the day just as any other day, but that's me. I didn't even tell anyone. I felt alone but it passed. Or else, have a chat with your family, dear and close ones, a video chat, maybe that will make you feel better.
Anda :)


Thank you guys... Feel really terrible that the time when having birthday at home town is different when I was abroad here. Totally different. I always tell people that, how many ppls celebrate your birthday meant how wealth you are. I guess this Sunday weekend birthday might be a lonely birthday for me. Anyway, I try find activity to keep my mind away. Thanks, guys! ^^


Happy Birthday to you~!!! Wish you have a blast birthday though you're overseas~ A call to your family or friends might help you to get through with it ^^~!

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