
Five Top Blog Tips

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Fish Feet

Blogging Tips
I have recently started a blog and have quickly learnt that the blogosphere is not small space and it is difficult to get noticed. So here are five easy tips to get you started and to help you get more traffic to your site:

1.    Comment on other people’s blogs.
Comments are read frequently by visitors and the blog owner, all of who may come visit your site. You may even develop regular communications with other bloggers who share your interests!

2. Join a community
The fact that you are reading this at is a great start! Joining a community will help you find other like-minded bloggers.

3. Claim your blog at Technorati
Once you claim a blog at Technorati (, you will be put in their directory and your site will be ranked site right away. Don’t be dejected if your ranking starts low, I started off at 2,842,273 but one link sent me up a million spots!

4. Sign up for a stats counter.
Good options include the Stat Counter at and Google Analytics found at

5. Post regularly.
There is no substitute for good, regular content. Most of all, enjoy blogging!


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Thanks for the tips:-)
great help. i am new to bloging :-)


Thanks for all the great tips. I will be sure to check out Technorati and look into getting a stats counter.



Very Useful. thank a lot


Thanks for the tips ill try the technorati and stat counter...


Thanks a lot for the blogging advice. I just registered my own domain name with 1&1 and I'm gonna create a blog about Berlin, which has been my new home for the past for months. Which CMS would you guys recommend apart from WordPress (cause pretty much everytbody is using WP)? At the moment I'm looking into CMS made simple ( Has anyone used CMS made simple before and if so, would you recommend it?

Best regards,

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