
New Member from Italy

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Hello Everyone,

  My name is Gia. I am an American living in Italy with my new Italian husband.  Originally I am from Guam but moved to Seattle, WA 13 years ago for college.  I loved the NorthWest and decided to stay.  I've been in Italy for 6 months now and am adjusting to living across the Atlantic "pond."

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideAny Deaf American Expats in Europe??Getting Along OnlineAre you in a country practising job nationalization?A call to expat moms: what have been your greatest challenges?

Hi Gia,

welcome on the forum :)

Did you meet your husband in Italy or in the US? Do you speak Italian?

You should add your blog address in profile > personal, this way we'll see your address in all your posts ;)

All the best,



Thanks Julien for the advice, I did as you said and placed my blog address in my signature.  I met my hubby in the US and am currently improving my Italian.


Hi Gia,
Welcome aboard. I'm new here too. (Well, newly active at least.) I look forward to checking out your blog. I'm moving tomorrow, across the country from Berlin to Trier, so it'll have to wait a few days, but I'll get there eventually.


Hi Berlin,
  I just found your site and I will check it out too.  To hear you are a New Zealander is great.  I grew up on Guam not so close to you but still in the same part of the world.  Have a safe move.


I just found this site today!  very cool.  hi Gia.


Hi Italian Meat,
You have not been to active on your blog, how are things?


Good to see you back Gia ;)

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