
Marriage in Morocco - Administrative process mixed marriage

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Hi everybody,

In the near future me and my partner would like to get married.
Can anybody tell us what kind of administrative steps have to be taken before you can get married in Morocco as a mixed couple?

He is Moroccan, with also the French nationality and he lives in Morocco. I am Dutch, living in the Netherlands, and planning to emigrate and live and work in Morocco.

All advice is welcome and we hope you can explain us the formal steps we will have to take to get married.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards,


See also

Getting married in MoroccoPrenuptial AgreementMarriage Process - UK/MoroccanId card morocco (baby)Documents that require an apostilled stamp

hey dear, here some information you might help :

Step One: Before leaving your home country you should sort these papers

1. No Impediment to Marriage certificate
2. Updated Birth Certificate
3. Criminal records from Home country
4. Certificate of Previous employment stating dates worked and annual salary
5. Certificate of Nationality (If your country does not have this then your birth certificate and passport will be fine)
6. Certificate of Religion

After you have all these papers you should take them to a notary public or a government official to state that the documents are true and accurate.
They need to put there signature and stamp on your papers.
After this you then need them to be translated to ARABIC. DO NOT TRANSLATE TO FRENCH IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

After the translation you then need to send all the papers to the moroccoan embassy designated for your country. You need to include in the package a cash cheque for them to put the special stamps on the papers and a prepaid courier bag to send the papers back to you.
(For information on how much you need to send for the cash cheque you should contact the moroccan embassy for your country)

Once all of this is done you are good to go to Morocco.
Once you are in Morocco you need to go to the MINISTRY DE LA JUSTICE , RABAT. Its a day trip and you need to get your criminal records from there. Get them done up in arabic. Cost is 30dh.

Once you have this paper you and your partner need to go see a doctor in Morocco and get a general test done on both of you. This includes general check up, xray and blood tests. cost is 200dh each.

After this your partner needs his or her moroccan national identidy card (THE NEW ONE), crimianl records from his or her city of residence, no impediment to marriage certificate and an updated birth certificate.

Once he has these you can both take all your papers to an adoul. He is the one that will help you to marry in court. Depeding on your country it will range between 2000 to 3000 dh.

Then your done...fianlly!!!!

Its the most time gruely process and expensive i migth add but worth it in the end.

Give your self plenty of time. Theres always something or someone to sting you money wise around each corner so be prepared for a few shocks.

If u have any girl want marry me  i'm ready lol i'm kidding bye


ah forget 2 pictures for each person,
give all papers  in the court, and then they will call you from the police station for an interview .. it's nothing than a chat to present yourselves
after the police interview, you will be called from the court to take the paper " permission for a mixed marriage" .
when you get this permission, then you can go to the office "Adoul" in arabic where you can sign the marriage certificate which will cost you around 700dhs, and you wait some days to get your marriage documents


Hi there!

Thank you very much for your reply, it's really helpful to get some more insight in the whole process of getting married in Morocco.

I have an extra question:

Would the next 2 hypothetical things change the situation/process?

1. I (the Dutch one) will have a job in Morocco (CDI/CDD)
2. We would get married in The Netherlands first, before getting married in Morocco

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Kind regards,



hey again !! how are u !! hope u are fine !! no need to thanx me :) welcome any time !!
u'r first Question u have to contact  Mrs Arabische!! She is from Netherland too and she 'll help you more than me !! she can help you with finding a job in Casablanca in a multinational company. Sales, Customer service, Finance, etc.
for more details see this topic and contact her send her a private msg
about u'r second question i really don't know if u can do that !!! cuz i never see  like this situation !!! cuzz all girl come and marry in morocco :) but u can ask someone about that in neatherland

see u later :)


I will check it out here then! And, by the way, I already sent a message to Mrs Arabische, waiting for an answer :)


sure she 'll answer u when she check the website :) good luck and hope u find job and see u with u'r partner :)


You may also check with the Moroccan Embassy in The Neatherlands as maybe all you need to do is validate your Dutch marriage with them.  It would require some paperwork but might be less hectic than having it done here in Morocco.  At least that's what's done in the US


hello every one i am a muslim american who would like to get married in morocco to my moroccan fiance i hve all my papers i belive and would like to get more details about the police investigation and the steps to follow afterward mainly the police investigation how it goes what type of questions they ask and how long the process will take any info is greatly appriciated thank you very much ...



I have all the documents that you say I need.

US does not have a Certificate of freedom to marriage.  I also have a question about getting the Birth Certificate and other documents translated to Arabic. Every translator is asking for a email format of my documents to translate,means they will not be authentic in Arabic when I present them. Do I need to get my birth documents stamped as well. Can the consulate in Casablanca take care of all the notary and proving documents are authentic?

I just want to be prepared, I have 10 days to get this process finished in Morocco. I want to be 100% planned to have it finished. My Fiance is getting her paperwork finished, and has been in contact with the Abdoul.

Thanks for your list, and advice.


Will be difficult to get done in 10 days.

Translating to Arabic before hand will save a little time but you still require documents from your embassy and the ministry of justice ( Moroccan criminal record). Which could take 2-3 weeks alone...


Police is just asking your faith.
How you met the woman your marrying.
How long you have known each other.
And have you had sexual relations.


You can barter the price of marriage. I got mine down from 2500 to 1000dh in Marrakech. We also got a very nice Imams clerk who helped us through every step even helping us speed up the process. In Marrakech go to district Bab Doukala our office was on the main road


I was never asked once about sex by the police and I was asked to prove how many visits I have made to morocco the sex question isn't always asked


I had my documents translated in 2 days!! My birth certificate my mo impediment and BOTH my uk and morocco criminal record and cost me 300dh


And I got my ministry of justice certificate in 5 hours in Rabat I also managed to get all documents legalised in a day in Rabat and in Marrakech


Great price,

They didn't require any documents i had in french to be translated in Agadir... :


Each city is different in Marrakech I didn't have to translate my ministry of justice I did it anyways I didn't have to prove I was employed but in fez you have to everything's different everywhere and the requirements change weekly go to the local court and ask for a list and the clerk will tell you what they need that week


LondonJess wrote:

And I got my ministry of justice certificate in 5 hours in Rabat I also managed to get all documents legalised in a day in Rabat and in Marrakech

When did you get this,
i was there in late january and there was a huge backlog - they were dealing with so many people from other african countries that the ministry had a waiting a time of 2 weeks...

I don't know if it was just at the time and if it quietended down now..

But i also recieved mine same day after pestering them -
first one i filled in the morning, they said be ready in afternoon.
in the afternoon i arrived, they said sorry must wait 2 weeks. So i spoke to another chap, he said fill another one and i will fast track it. After a couple of hours nothing, it was now near to the closing time so i approached another clerk on the help desk. He said fill it and i will do it immediately just for pleasure. Normally i dont do it immediately.


Thats true -

They look at the person/history and make up any rules on the spot.

It is MUCH MUCH easier for a foreign woman to marry a Moroccan guy, then for a foreign guy to marry a Moroccan woman.


You find if its a foreign man marrying a Moroccan woman the Imam will charge 1500-3000dh for the union and he has to pay it


Yeah proper crooks they are.
They just love to fleece the foreign party.

Its ridiculous, prices and rules are made up on the spot.

I paid 1000 DH and another 200 DH for apparently fast tracking the certificate from the Court.

In total the cost for everything including papers/translations/adoul/backhanders/UK embassy fees/Photocopying everything about 10 times lol. It was around 4000 DHS

Stamps 100 DHS
Adoul 1200 DHS
Translator in court and for papers 1200 DHS (This including attending court for when the family judge asked both parties questions on the marriage approval day, translating Birth certificate, UK Police record and also translating the Marriage certificate to English once i recieved that)
UK embassy 1400 DHS


We did it! On September 20th 2013 we were married in Casablanca...after two weeks of torture, police interrogation--I mean, interview; loads of paperwork, translations, and certifications! If anyone is from the US getting married to a Moroccan man, just ask and I'll tell you what we know...although it is still a quite confusing process! Now, for immigration, aww the joys of falling in love ;o)


Congratulations.. I will most certainly need your help although im from across the other side of the pacific I hope you wouldn't mind.. im coming to casablanca in 10 days!!!

khadija ben

hi i want to know  what the documents  need  my future  husband to marry me he is from uk please tell me he will  come after 4 month  we need  everything  done

khadija ben

asalamoalikom brother  tell me please what papers  u needed  to marry a moroccan  girl


Congrats for the marriage ,
My fiance and i are planning to get married next april inchallah
He is australian and only Will have a week off so my questions are:
What are the papers we Will need, hé can arrange the no impediment paper from his country!! Is it ok knowing that There is no australian embassy in morocco?
- can i get his criminal record by my self or hé have to be There ?
- after getting all the papers should we go to the court and take an apointment! If it so how long it Will take?!
-and when we Will have the police investigation !!

Thanks in advance for your reply


Oh my gosh! I JUST got this!! Thank you and good luck and let me know if I can help! Send me a private message and I will get back to you quicker...again, so sorry for the late reply!


I don't know how these responses work, if each person that I respond to sees them? If you have specific questions, please send me a private message so that I know you get the response you are looking for. THANKS  :D


I do not know if a week will be enough time :/ I posted all the information that is required on this forum, if you scroll up I believe it will show? He needs to get the criminal record check from HIS country and it will need to be translated into Arabic. You should definitely go to the court, they are helpful with mixed marriages and can tell you what you need. I recommend you go there before he comes, to talk with someone and see if they can tell you what to do since there is no Australian Embassy there. I hope this helps! Thanks for the well wishes!! Message me if I can help further and good luck to you both ;)

Faih5 wrote:

Congrats for the marriage ,
My fiance and i are planning to get married next april inchallah
He is australian and only Will have a week off so my questions are:
What are the papers we Will need, hé can arrange the no impediment paper from his country!! Is it ok knowing that There is no australian embassy in morocco?
- can i get his criminal record by my self or hé have to be There ?
- after getting all the papers should we go to the court and take an apointment! If it so how long it Will take?!
-and when we Will have the police investigation !!

Thanks in advance for your reply


Slmk wr wb
can U plz send me ur Facebook, I think we can help each other
plz coz I really need ur help sister
Best regards.


Salam sente urs and ill friend u :)


To the original poster. There have been many posts about the disastrous consequences of marrying a Moroccan. Most of these have involved foreign men marrying Moroccan women. If you are not yet married, then I have good news for you! According to all the advice foreign men have got from their Moroccan fiancées, the man is OBLIGED to pay huge sums of money for a trousseau and dowry, including about £2000 of gold jewellery. The overall sum should be anything up to or over £7000. If you are married already, then I hope you got all this wealth. If you didn't, I would be asking your partner some very serious questions.


Faih5 wrote:

Congrats for the marriage ,
My fiance and i are planning to get married next april inchallah
He is australian and only Will have a week off so my questions are:
What are the papers we Will need, hé can arrange the no impediment paper from his country!! Is it ok knowing that There is no australian embassy in morocco?
- can i get his criminal record by my self or hé have to be There ?
- after getting all the papers should we go to the court and take an apointment! If it so how long it Will take?!
-and when we Will have the police investigation !!

Thanks in advance for your reply

April has been and gone.. Did you get married somewhere/somehow? If he is not a Muslim, you will already have found out that you cannot marry him in Morocco.


I think he has Moroccan nationality too.

So, exactly, the marriage would seem not to be motivated by a visa. However, as a Moroccan, he is still obliged to cough up the loot!


nice....this is my story from my marriage in morocco, thanks for copy and paste this to other people.


Moroccan1 wrote:

hey dear, here some information you might help :

Step One: Before leaving your home country you should sort these papers

1. No Impediment to Marriage certificate
2. Updated Birth Certificate
3. Criminal records from Home country
4. Certificate of Previous employment stating dates worked and annual salary
5. Certificate of Nationality (If your country does not have this then your birth certificate and passport will be fine)
6. Certificate of Religion

After you have all these papers you should take them to a notary public or a government official to state that the documents are true and accurate.
They need to put there signature and stamp on your papers.
After this you then need them to be translated to ARABIC. DO NOT TRANSLATE TO FRENCH IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

After the translation you then need to send all the papers to the moroccoan embassy designated for your country. You need to include in the package a cash cheque for them to put the special stamps on the papers and a prepaid courier bag to send the papers back to you.
(For information on how much you need to send for the cash cheque you should contact the moroccan embassy for your country)

Once all of this is done you are good to go to Morocco.
Once you are in Morocco you need to go to the MINISTRY DE LA JUSTICE , RABAT. Its a day trip and you need to get your criminal records from there. Get them done up in arabic. Cost is 30dh.

Once you have this paper you and your partner need to go see a doctor in Morocco and get a general test done on both of you. This includes general check up, xray and blood tests. cost is 200dh each.

After this your partner needs his or her moroccan national identidy card (THE NEW ONE), crimianl records from his or her city of residence, no impediment to marriage certificate and an updated birth certificate.

Once he has these you can both take all your papers to an adoul. He is the one that will help you to marry in court. Depeding on your country it will range between 2000 to 3000 dh.

Then your done...fianlly!!!!

Its the most time gruely process and expensive i migth add but worth it in the end.

Give your self plenty of time. Theres always something or someone to sting you money wise around each corner so be prepared for a few shocks.

If u have any girl want marry me  i'm ready lol i'm kidding bye

@moroccan1 thanks for copy and pasting this from another website. my name is summer and this was my experience and my story, so if anyone has any questions then feel free to ask me. i don't mind my story being forwarded on but it should be said this was from my experience to create a better understanding.


Thanks every one for this post .do we need two police certificates


hiya. you will only need a police certificate no more then 3 months old from your country. :)


Thanks for reply .can you tell me what is recidency certificate .i am pakistani living in ireland have pakistani passport .where am i supposed to get this certificate and certificate of single marital status.

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