
Confessions of a love-aholic. When is" enough"?

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Since this is a forum and what happened was I almost wrote a blog about my lovelife, I would then simplify this and ask this question;

Have you experienced a successful interracial relationship that survived cultural differences?

If so, what is the most challenging problem you have encountered as a couple?

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What do you want to know everybody's opinion about?


If you put your question in simple terms, would be more than happy to share with you my view ;)



When is enough?? How much can you give? How do you measure your self worth?

Too much love will kill you...
As we know,too much of everything is not good...:)
If you're not happy anymore,thats the time.,
Get a LIFE...
Love Yourself,Girl..!


thats not too much duhh.... dont hate! lol i love myself haha


cool,,Don't get me wrong,,
Now,you edited it...
Sorry, good to read your confession and for sharing it to us'

for ur question,
"I haven't experience an interracial relationship."
so,no comment.


i see... well this whole site talks about diversity. There are many expats from different walks of life who has a story to share. Im looking forward to those who has the same experience and love story like mine. Thanks for replying edvilyn. Maldives is a nice place.. i havent been there though i want to visit someday. :)


Well I would say about love that; its chemistry and how you find yourselves with each other ... How do you care and respect each others ... how you both be honest and sincere with each others ... and on top of all, how you stand beside each others in the bad times as well as in the good times.

The most challenging problem I would say its "The Daily life Routine" or "The Rhythm of life" ... Life is going very fast nowadays, people are working more than normal working hours to survive and secure job so that they can look after their families. during these difficult times, person needs someone by his/her side to support and encouagre which comes out of common understanding between both parties.

This Daily Life Routine is killing a lot of relationships and we have got to pay attention to it so that we don't fall in its trap.

Best of luck :)


Open communication is a must from the outset, from the very start of any potential relationship. Do not become blinded by "the infatuation period", when you can see no wrong in the person you are interested in. When you are first able to share more openly about yourself and your partner / potential partner, ask the very basic questions such as religious views or lack thereof, family relationships (whether good, bad or strained), whether he / she is interested in starting a family, values, the past in his or her life without getting detailed. A person who is worth his or her salt, will not hold the past against the person he or she purports to love as long as the past is in the past and does not continue. In other words, total commitment. But do not hide what is in your past, that which you know might very well become known one day to the person you are with / interested in. Relationships can handle honesty, even in the difficult areas, however, they seldom can withstand dishonesty because once the trust is lost, there is usually no recovery. Then there is patience, understanding and giving without expecting anything in return while at the same time, maintaining who you are, your individuality (what makes you, you), inner strength and not someone who always agrees or gives in. He / she must after all, respect you as an individual, the person you are. A lot of words and personal thoughts, opinions from me, but I am old enough to know that what I have written of in the above, is important in any interracial / cross cultural relationship. There is more, but what I have written is more than enough to begin with :).


interracial relationships do not work(well) in the long term but they are very exciting in the short term.


in interracial relationships you discover three things at the same time: a different culture,a different menthality and a different person.It makes these relationships triple more exciting. So go for it.


I think race only makes a difference when you make it make a difference.


HaileyinHongKong wrote:

I think race only makes a difference when you make it make a difference.


At the core, people are the same, regardless of race.

Culture differences can make things interesting.

It is a personal choice.


I think that in the western world the general population is conditioned to think that accepting interracial relationships is something good. IMO anyone with experience knows that long-term they usually work out disastrous.


People are the same wherever you go
There is good and bad in everyone
We learn to live when we learn to give each other
What we need to survive together alive


I was Christian american white blond fair, he is Egyptian Muslim man, we met in NY and have been married 15 years. It has been a battle mainly I converted to Islam to raise our 7 and 8 year old sons as such. I have had to pretty much give up my culture to embrace his, yesterday we met these Saudi women, he sits on the other side of the park with men, and I sit with the women. It can work but if one of you had sex before marriage and one is from a religious family islamic it can be difficult to say the least.



Well better to love and loose than never experience love. Or other lame words to that effect..;)

El_Jost wrote:

I think that in the western world the general population is conditioned to think that accepting interracial relationships is something good. IMO anyone with experience knows that long-term they usually work out disastrous.


Tis better to have loved and lost then to sit in the closet and hate the world.


Been there, done that.

Cleaned the closet, got bored with hating the world.

It is much better outside. :)

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Tis better to have loved and lost then to sit in the closet and hate the world.


At least the closet got cleaned.  That's something we need around here.


I was happily married for many years to A Brazilian/Swedish woman.The cutural difference were the hardest to deal The Swedish female likes to wear the pants....We had 20 years of good life, two remarkable lids, who are trilingual.It was true love, everyday.Then I lost her, to the Big C..... Miss her everyday but I have moved on now, living in Cambodia, another cultural shock but loving it...

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