
How do i Post my CV for Jobs in Saudi Aramco??

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can anyone assist with this, there is currently no jobs for my experience.... or my hubby for that matter and i have no idea how to go abt adding our CV's on so that we could be contacted should anything come up! have been trying to do this since this morning and its been half the day with no luck..... please assist me if you have any info as to how i can sort this out.
thanks guys!!:)

See also

Job offers in Saudi ArabiaStarting a business in Saudi ArabiaWorking in Saudi ArabiaWorking in JubailWorking in Riyadh

Hello theresan and welcome to, you cannot upload any documents yet, such as cv...etc...

What you need to do, is to write your advert in the space provided in the classifieds section.

Hope that I've been useful.;)



hullo Harmonie, thanks so much for the assistance, i will surely
try this!!  i really appreciate you help !!
thanks a mill!!
kind regards


I don't think companies like ARAMCO hire anyone directly. They rather use recruitment agencies., just to name a big one.



I have seen a job advert in for a shift supervisor. Your ad says that applicants should download an application form from your website, fill it and email it with all supporting documents. I have searched on your website, but could not find and download the application form. Can you please tell me exactly where this application form can be found



Sajidamo wrote:


I have seen a job advert in for a shift supervisor. Your ad says that applicants should download an application form from your website, fill it and email it with all supporting documents. I have searched on your website, but could not find and download the application form. Can you please tell me exactly where this application form can be found


Go to the link below, register, and then fill out the application form.  Good luck. … eajax.html

ahmed dandash

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : post your resume in the designated section Jobs pls pls

adil sagheer wrote:

Hi dear how are you you can go lost i me need this sudi jobs

This is a very old post. And also your message is not clear.

ahmed dandash

how do i post my cv in saudi aramco


Hi ahmed dandash,

If you want to post your cv for a certain company, google the company's name, find it's official website and drop your resume there. There must be a 'careers' section on the website.

Best of luck,
Bhavna  :)

rick schultz

Rick Schultz
                                                       Cell xxx


Supply completion and work over supervision to an active oil company.


22 years service rig experience.
16 years experience as a well site supervisor, involved in oil and gas well work over, completion and abandonment operations as well as remote location operations.
Professional attitude, well established people skills.
Maxwell / Dims / Wellview computer program experience.
G.S.T. ------------------.
W.C.B. # -----------------. A member in good standing.

Work history

Well Site Supervisor : GNPOC Petroleum / Africa- Sudan, served 3 stint’s

Well Site Supervisor.  Husky Oil  April, 2000 to present.
Supervised Completion, work over and abandonment operations in central and eastern Alberta, including many rig less completions and coiled tubing completions in shallow gas. Also Coordinated 3 winter project’s in this time.

Supervised the following operations:
Electric wire line operations including casing inspection logging bond logging, radial bond logging and general correlation logging, wire line perforating TCP operations and extreme overbalanced perforating. Packer and plug setting for multi zone completions.
Slick line operations including braided line fishing, lubricating long assemblies, sleeve and plug work.
Stimulation treatments such as hydraulic fracture treatments down tubing, coiled tubing and casing with both stable fluid and fluid energized with C02 and N2 as large as 100 ton, occasionally carrying radioactive tracer. Selective acid stimulation and bull head acid work.
Cement jobs through retainer and braden head squeeze treatments.
Snubbing, snubbing clean out and live clean out operations. Fishing while snubbing. Hot tap and freeze operations.
All aspects of production testing and formation evaluation.
Coiled tubing fishing, clean out and completion operations.
Production work including pump changes, tubing repairs, electric submersible pumps, hot oil treatments, chemical treatments, abandonment operations including cut and cap procedures of the well bore.

General Manager, Frontier Well Service – Nov 96-2000
Responsible for the fiscal and personnel use of a 21 rig operation, including 1 re-entry rig.  Day to day management of +200 employees, as well as providing appropriate guidance to 2 field supervisors and 1 personnel manager.

Field Supervisor, Frontier Well Service – July 93- Oct 96
Supervising of 11 rig operation, and 75 employees.  Responsible for the building of 7 complete rigs, as well, equipment maintenance and repair.  Daily rig inspections and safety meetings.

Rig Manager, Frontier Well Service – Oct 89 – July 93

Rig Manager, Brandette Well Service – 1979- 1989

Interests and Activities
I am family orientated and enjoy camping, quading, fishing with my family.  I also enjoy snowmobiling, motorcycling and antique car restoration.


Well Service B.O.P. Expires
Standard First Aid and CPR `C’ Expires
H2S Alive Expires
Confined Space Entry Expires
Ground Disturbance supervisors level II Expires
WHMIS Issue Date
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Expires
Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Well Site Supervision.

Reference’s furnished upon request :

Thanks / Rick Schultz

Moderated by Bhavna 9 years ago
Reason : Please avoid posting your contact details on the forum.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello everyone,

@ rick schultz, welcome on board  :)  Please do not post your cv on the forum. The appropriate section to do so is here : Jobs in Saudi Arabia

All the best,

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